First of all maybe our government could work with their government, hello Mr Fox, with improving their liftstyle, their economy, and their social benefits.
After all we are helping out Iraq, supposedly for democracy (yeah spelling...huliburton and oil), so why not help out our border neighbors...
Well, there is a reason why illegal aliens have entered this country by about six million and it's because Bush is helping out the big corporations and ruining the reasons and existence of good paying union jobs. Bush and his buddies will not be happy until the pay scale in this country is so low it will be ridiculous and one job just won't cut it. Actually, it will become impossible to make a living in this country unless you work several jobs. There will not be anything but low paying jobs in this country.
If you think Bush is concerned about you and this economy you are wrong. He hasn't a clue as to what he is actually doing to this country..he is ruining it. The good technical jobs are being out-sourced to India. Manufacturing is practically an obsolete word in this country. Most things are made off-shore where labor is extremely cheap and U. S. corporations do not have to pay taxes or employee benefits.
Bush says that illegal aliens are doing the jobs we do not want to do. Just what jobs are these, anyway? And if we do not want them today; we may just want them tomorrow when we are looking for a second job to make ends meet.
Most young people now even with considered middle class jobs cannot afford down payments on houses. Today with the higher cost of living saving is something that is impossible to do. Big corporations are trying to get away from offering employee benefits and pensions. So, in thirty years, I guess no one will be retiring. It won't be that they still want to work until they are 75, they will have to.
I can't see any way shape or form where our government has really helped us out recently can you? Border patrol - No, he's selling out on us to the middle east; he's allowing illegal aliens here to help out big corporations. Well, in a few more years the way things are going the Mexicans will probably want to go to India for Communist China to look for a job. This country will be in poverty, with nothing but poor people here and a few rich people related to government workers.
One thing the government is not, is proactive; only reactive. And that people, is just too bad. Out tax base is shrinking yet Bush will offer child welfare, free hospitization (while you work your ass off to pay your bill and your insurance premium), some state will offer college grants. All this to illegal aliens; and for citizens - nothing! Bush made it very complicated and practically impossible for seniors here to fill out and chose the correct Medicare forms. He wants them to botch it up.
It's a sad state of affairs. I'm all for helping the next guy, but it needs to be done correctly for the welfare of the people, not for a few rich already corporate heads.
Well, at least we still have freedom of speech in this country.
Oh, did you hear a CEO of Morgan-Stanley or one of a big corporation like GM will become the next U. S. Secretary-Treasurer. Of course, he will cut his tiesa nd separate his interest.....yeah, like riding a bicycle, you never forget! Even so, now, isn't the considered conflict of interest? And no-one checks the president or his cabinet of daddy's cronies on what they do.
What good thing as the government done for you lately?
I'm glad the minutemen have took it upon themselves to guard the border. Now, if the republicans get re-elected in 2008, better check the software running the voting machines. Hey, it worked in Florida, why not nationwide?
These are my own personal common sense observations and opinions.
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