It seems the democrats would like to get a bill signed by the house to put into effect more research on the use of ethanol and other oil alternative and also to see why the gas keeps going up. But news reporters said today that there isn't much Bush can do. No I guess not! The house is republican, the president is republican and big oil refineries corrporations are republican. But, the oil loving industry, republicans and president are fighting it and have ignored the gas crunch for years....well before the 70's actually. Instead the republicans want to dig up every reserve in every park or state that there is..just to keep the oil and petroleum industry happy. The hell with the environment; the hell with your money crunch. The hell with your children's future.
And I'm not buying this bullshit that it will cost more energy to convert a renewable resource to fuel..that is just more bullshit they want you to believe. Grain and sugar cane stalks get cooked and a computer chip in a Flex car (or probably any car could be converted..they just don't want you to think so) and adjust to the ratio of combination you happen to be burning..Brazil is doing it now. Do the research...and stop listening to republican paid Rush.
What I don't understand is the fact that Americans are still buying extra super large vehicles. Why, Ford has just made an XL (extra large) Expedition. It is available in a 15 inch longer version. Are people just down right stupid? You see one person in these supersized boxes on wheels and apparantly no cargo. So, what is the purpose? Please tell me! Don't you think you should unload this monstrous piece of shit while you can still get something for it? Trade it in and get a hybrid. Gas is up to $3.00 per gallon and it won't stop there. The men of oil want YOUR MONEY people. Hello, wake up. Or is your dick really that small that you must drive a big ass killing machine..because that is all that they are. And personally, like if you are still stupid enough to be still smoking, you look downright ignorant (and smokers never have health insurance, and they are always surprised when they get lung cancer!)
Sorry to be so crass but come on - get in touch with reality. Countries like Brazil are making us look creedy and foolish and like a country that cares nothing about environment or just plain in denial. Brazil's main income and crop is sugar cane; they waste nothing of the plant. What is not used to make sugar is cooked into ethanol. One cooker plant can make enough for 10,000 cars in one day and it's cheaper than petroleum. Do the research, watch and listen to NPR. Eightly percent of the Flex cars (meaning that they are equiped with a computer on board that can determine the ratio mix of ethanol and petroleum. Brazil predicts that by 2007 they will be completely petroleum free.
Hello republicans, big business and George (knucklehead) Bush we are not stupid like you would like us to believe. We know we are in Iraq for Haliburton (Cheney's big corporation..yeah right, former CEO...) and the big oil industries which I'm sure the Bush's are getting their fair share. The Bush dynasty has always been into "American Dynasty" by Kevin Phillip and stop listening to Rush Limbaugh's bullshit...he's a paid republican...come on ..use your head! I don't know why blue collar men, in particular, have to have a god to worship, idealize and think for them? Are you all latent gays? You would think stupid ass barely high school diploma'd Rush is a frek'n god. Drug addict besides? He just has a knack for twisting words around and you are easily fooled and want someone to do your reasoning for you. Just follow the money!
I can tell you right now that ethanol, it will never be used in full force, in this country. Not unless big corporations contract the farmers to raise corn for them. The farmers will never get rich, that priviledge is meant for big heads of corporation and farmers can never unite themselves to compete with large corporations. If I had to guess I think that big corporations will develop hydrogen; or what ever is profitable to them at the time. What ever will cost you the most money, so they can stick more money into their pockets .. They are in it for the money people, not to cut you a break. Use your heads for a change.
The middle class is shrinking for that very reason. Your government is not out to look out for your best interest so get smart. Do your home work. Just how much in debt are you? Do you live paycheck to paycheck. If you lost your job would you lose your home and be homeless within thirty to sixty days? Do you have a nest egg; a nest. A retirement plan? Do you know what a 401K plan is; does your employer offer one? Do you have health insurance? Do you have a job that offers benefits? Is your pay so low that you have to work two jobs to make ends meet? Well you can thank clueless George for all the above. The republicans really like puppets; because like George they don't use their brains but only repeat what they are told to say, well he tries anyway, I guess. You could fool me. It appears to me Bush can't put two sentences together. So much for being a rich kid. Now take Clinton, a poor boy made it to president, a Rhodes scholar. Say what you will, the man can speak!
Do you think the republicans will get voted out? I doubt it! Especially these old white male gizzers; they'll never not vote republican. And their wives are mere shadows. Talk about a generation of ditto heads.
Well, I for one, am insulted by being lied to. Bush has no more intentions of easing up on his dependency on oil. He is lying to you. Of course a lot of democrats may have alot of money invested in petproleum too. Just follow the money.....or follow your out sourced jobs to another country.....or let illegal immigrants build houses here much cheaper than any unionized person can. Those unions have kept your salaries up too...the republicans don't like unions. Need I say more! Are you catching on yet?
This country will wait until things get so bad then a democrat women will get in and clean up after the creedy white males who only think about competing amongst themselves. Just how much money do you need to feel like a big shot? Billions and billions? Just when is your ego stroked enough? Are these men thinking about future generations...hell no! Just think about how most husbands behave and then take that thought to a grander scale and now you know what I'm talking about. And doesn't the wife have to take the responsibility and clean up his mess he has left behind? Hello! Now you got the picture.
Now you know why in many countries just as Argentina, countries in Africa and many other place, even in the middle east. Women are taking charge and cleaning up the mess the men have made. Because men are competitive, like their toys, and don't think beyond the pleasure of the moment. They think win, win, win, money, money, money and they'll step on any kid or women's, or another men's toes to get it..
Okay, I'm finished ranting for's been building up I just had to let off a little steam. Okay, here's the disclaimer, we still have freedom of speak...don't tell FOX, and the above is my personal unterribly researched opinion. Right!
Rosie speaks her mind..she was recently on hardball and told Chris we are in Iraq for Haliburton. I love Rosie. I hope she does do the View and won't that be a shake up for republican Elizabeth. I can hardly wait until September. Go Meredith! Go Katy! Go Rosie! And Hillary, you better get your team united otherwise Condi will walk all over you...the Karl Roves of politics will see to it.
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