Sunday, May 20, 2007

FDA doesn't care?

Red Alert! Don't eat the fish! The Southern States are taking matters into their own hands because the unspoken words says "Eat at your own risk".

Imported fish from Communist China is not being inspected by the FDA as it enters this country so states are taking it upon themselves to test the fish and are finding it to be contaminated and in fact, deadly. The contaminated fish is causing cancer, liver, and kidney disease.

The FDA claims they are understaffed. Personally, I think we are so indebted to Communist China that they have us over a (war for oil debt) barrel. Communist China probably suggests strongly (cause we are so in debt to them) buy our fish and we have to because Communist China holds our trillion dollar debt. Do they hold our economy in their hands.

This country is importing more and more manufactured items and foods from Communist China. Items and foods that could be produced here in this country.

So lots of luck!

No wonder I don't have an appetite!

Oh people it's not only the food that is coming into this country's the illegal aliens too. They are not tested for disease because they are slipping into this country undetected. Or let's face it, our government (both sides of the isle) does not care. In fact I believe that our government wants them here. Don't ask me why? But, does Mexico have us over a barrel too. We are in debt to Mexico .

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