Monday, May 07, 2007

The Republican party has hijacked morality. For the 2008 Republican party candidates we have a group of mature, white-hair men espousing Evangelical Christian religion, war on Iran (yes, Iran is next..keep the war machine profiteering alive..) anti-pro choice (if they have their way they will have the Supreme Court reverse Roe vs Wade).

These Republicans say nothing about getting better health care in this country. Nor do they address the illegal immigrant situation that is perpetuating in this country and it blatantly being over-looked by this administration.

All of the candidates ride the fence regarding any issues, not wanting to rub anyone group or idealism the wrong way.

The Republican party is the "money" party each paying their own way and we all know money talks and gets elected. They all say that they do not take contributions from lobbyist. So, do the lobbyist contribute money to the party just across the board? There are 33,000 lobbyist in Washington D. C. on any given day. They are there to speak and give to politicians that will support their causes. Money speaks.

Personally, I wonder just what gripe do Republicans have about women and their bodies. Why do they want to control women's choices concerning their own bodies and consciousness. Frankly, it's done of their business what a woman does with their bodies.

I am so afraid that if Roe vs Wade goes away, coat hangar and back alley abortions will kill so many women. Doctors will be arrested. And the back alley doctors - are they really doctors or fakes just taking a poor desperate woman's money. I'm poor, but I just may have to contribute to NARAL Pro-Choice America. Yes, it's all about control and the diversion from the real issues that these Republican candidates should be confronting. Just wait they'll get to the homosexuals next and use them as diversions like they did in the last couple of elections.

Evangelical Christan's will offer to "fix" homosexuality by teaching them they do not have to act out their sexuality. This is just wrong! So, wrong. I hope to god any gay or lesbian never listens to this crap. Be yourself! Just promise me whoever you are....just be yourself and love each other. Be who you are! The hell with religious teachings. It's just a money maker for them anyway. They make up their impossible rules to keep, so you break them, and then they have to fix you. It's all a scam..all religions are scams. Being spiritual, is all that you need to's free. It's an innate consciousiness. We all know what it takes to be a good person and that is integrity, honesty, non-judgmental, non-racist, celebrating our differences, ethical, and loving thy neighbor . Yes, in other words just don't be a priest or an elected offical.

So, according to The Secret, like attracts like so send out love and get love in return.

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