Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunny days, sliver moon and Venus?

Did you see that? A Sliver moon and is that the planet Venus? or Mars? Guy or Girl? And when will that take place again. Unbelievably beautiful! The night was crystal clear.

We stepped outside of a concert hall for the finale' oh so grand.

What an exciting weekend. Hope the ride goes well today. What am I do up so early. But pretty par for the course for me - to wait up after a couple of hours of sleep when there is an up and coming big event, or when I have had Accel Gel with caffeine and coke with caffeine.

To say nothing of buying a new bicycle after riding a too large of one for six years. And my new one is much lighter I think. Of course going from 54cm to 50cm would knock off some weight by clear reduction of size.

I took my vitamins while I was up and tried to look up some competitive information on a new friend but didn't find anything. I so like meeting new people.

My new bike is all ready to go and hopefully I have room in the car for everything plus a passenger and I know she'll fit. I just want to be able to keep my new bicycle inside the car until the newness wears off...which just may take awhile. I'll lock her's on the bike frame. She was okay with that. And it's off to the strawberry fields for us. The day promises to be picture picture...and just absolutely gorgeous. I should take my camera...

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