Sunday, May 27, 2007

Hey, Door Slammer! Listen up!

Turn the knob and gently close the door behind you. Turning the knob is very important to maintain a more quiet exit!

I guess it's a male thing. I so prayed for a woman to move in below me. Women are just so much more considerate, gentler, and quieter. They make an effort to be quiet. They, think about the "other" person. I guess men can't think that far... or they are just mentally challenged because they are only using half of their brain.

Not all men, I know! Please stop reminding me. It's the ones with the most testosterone flowing in their brains. They are the destructive ones. The ones to be aware of. The ones who go flying by. The ones with just too much energy. The unpredictable ones. The downright scary ones.

Here is what Deepak Chopra has to say in his 2006 book entitled: "Power, Freedom, and Grace" living from the source of lasting happiness. Page 120 and I quote:

"In cosmic consciousness, we find that relationship is the most important thing in life; everything in life is a confluence of relationships. We begin to see that everything is balanced between feminine and masculine, the yin the yang, and anytime that there is more of one then the other, we are out of balance. Right now, we need to awaken the feminine because the dominance of masculine has led to belligerence, arrogance, and aggression, the very problems we see in the world right now."

I couldn't have said it better myself. The masculine energy in the world right now is stifling, suffocating the feelings of love out of the atmosphere. All this shooting, rage, hate, war, power struggles are contributing to the very demise of the planet. And for what? Oil, money and power. The Bush dynasty wants to rule the world or destroy it, is the way I see it.

They tell us lies, that Iraq is harboring Al Qaeda, to spread fear of terrorism. They use fear tactics to get to where the oil is so they can protect and control its sources and out puts.

If our government was so afraid of terrorist, who could easily slip through our southern borders, why not seal off the southern borders. No, because lobbyist (who voted republican in, Enron being the biggest contributor in 2000) want the cheap labor for the businesses they represent.

It makes you wonder doesn't it? National security has had nothing to do with the lack of another attack. It's just that another attack hasn't been necessary..we got into Iraq like we wanted. Cheney once said in about 2000 that we need another Pearl Harbor.

What? I'm beginning to sound like Rosie's spewing political accusations. Well Joy had her long list too of why the present administration needs to be ousted from office. But, it won't happen, because the Democrats are in it too deep with the Republicans. You think that is why the Democrats started complaining so early? A distraction, perhaps?

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