Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ordinary People

Are you one of them? A dolt! My horoscope for today, Thursday:

May 24: "There is some likelihood that you've been a bit of a loner lately. It's as though you decided to look at things differently from the rest of the world, rejecting the individualistic viewpoint in favor of a more global one. Today, you may achieve a new phase in this process. You may attain some summit of consciousness from which you finally have the ability... to forgive! "

I don't know about the "forgive" part? Why? It's not my fault they're ignorant! Stupid is as stupid does. Why should I give them an excuse, a break? Get a life! Be responsible for yourself - for a change! Stop whining!

You know I rode 100 miles on my bicycle in 8:20 time on Tuesday. Yesterday, Wednesday, my knees did not hurt at all. But, at yoga last night some do-nothing-at-all-for-thyself person wants poses specific for "knees". So the all session consisted of knee over-kill. Silly? Yes! The instructor should not pay any attention to these people. Well, my knees hurt now! Thanks a lot!

How many times have I told these morons to take Glucosamine Chondroitin? Double up on it! I just had to and Ibuprofen! I just don't know about "ordinary people".

Ordinary people do not put an effort into anything physically good for their well being. They want a quick fix. And they love to group together and whine and complain. Misery loves company! I have no sympathy for "quick fix mentality" of these people. They want to sit on their asses and eat everything in sight and then they complain...the doctor told me I have diabetes and they feel so betrayed, so let down by god! Oh, give me a did it to yourself! Most of the time, most illnesses and brought upon by neglect! Neglect in taking care of yourself. Oh, some people may have the subconscious propensity..the gene they say, is there. I wonder who put it there?

Besides the message is "preventative" not "quick fix". Don't let it happen in the first place! Get your large ass out there and do something good for yourself for a change. And stop whining!

So get out there and take a brisk walk, not a stroll like I see some many people do while they are talking on their cell phone. That's not good aerobic exercise. Breath! Work up a sweat! Stop feeling sorry for yourself!

So many people think they are lost; that they have no more choices left. This is not true. You can change your life in a second by changing the way you think.

Believe it or not - you are in control. And the way you are this second is the way you have allowed yourself to become. No body told you to sit on your butt all day long and evidently begin to feel sorry for yourself as you see healthy, active people walk, jog or run by. If they can do it - you can do it! You need to only change the way you think about yourself.

Why are there so many ordinary people - because it's easy? It's not easier to be lazy and sick. Because those two go together well. I should I say it this way: lazy then sick! So get your ass up, stop whining and do something....

Man, people just don't get the message! You are in control of your reality. You create your own reality! YOU! Get the message? Get the secret? You have the power built within if only you should choose to be conscious of it and bring it up to the surface and USE it!

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