Monday, January 05, 2009

before I complain

I wish to thank the universe for my many blessings.. of common sense, intelligence, my ability to love and be loved. My pain free days and activities. My youthfulness, my wellness, my good health, my excellent memory. My ability to to it all!

You put it out there; you get it back! You ask for it - you get it so be specific! Very specific!

This holiday season may have been my best yet.. I just got a little hung up before Thanksgiving.. with that family crap.. but I got myself through it!

So, I have nothing to complain about.. I'm happy. I just like to type! I am glad however that this self-serving lobbyist leader Bush/Cheney administration has come to an end.. what a bunch of assholes! Oh yeah, another slap in the face, credit card companies can't rise interest rates on you at just any time.. and yeah that law goes into effect in 18 months. Is that is not another slap in the face to the American people?

Everything this administration has done for the past 8 eights has NOT been for the American Tax payers. Read "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein and see what you think.. see if you don't think.. "they" knew about 9/11 (just happened to be the same date US sponsored coup took over Chili in 1973). See if you don't think the Iraq war was for corporate profit along...we don't give a shit about those people and democracy..we only care about greed, power and takeover for greedy corporate power this administration was involved in. We were had..well after a while, what do they care, what we think..they are above the law and do as they wish to fill their own greedy pockets.. what a bunch of crooks.. and justice will never be served. Goldman Sach only has to pay 1% income tax.. while most of their stuff was moved off shore. Bush is in cahoots with all banks and oil.. and of course lifted safety regulations.

I think Bush has been the worse president ever. Well, he's just plain stupid.. Cheney and daddy Bush ran the show. Two million house.. that ass hole should live in a tent somewhere and see how it feels to be poor. Read "American Dynasty" by Kevin Pillips. Daddy has been bailing out junior all his life! Oh and remember the savings and loan scandals a few years back in the late 80's.. oh another Bush son got bailed out by daddy. And of course.. they'll rich while you struggle to even make ends meet... but you know they like it that way..because then they feel even more empowered and they don't see your failures as a failure to themselves.. hey, you are mere collateral damage while they grow ever more rich!

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