Thursday, January 22, 2009

Pro-Choice Anniversary of Roe Vs Wade

On this anniversary of Roe vs. Wade.. in the 21st century.. with a brand new "for the people" president. A liberal president we still have narrow minded Repubicans. I guessed I had hoped they would all settle in the sunset with Bush! You know.. just go away! I just can't believe that Christians are still out there pushing their beliefs. They only alienate more and more trying to push their beliefs on others.. I mean demanding their beliefs onto others.. as if they were god themselves. God gave us each a conscious to make up our own minds.. and usually by adulthood or even our teenage years our minds are already made up to issues such as abortion.

If you don't believe in abortions I suggest you don't have one.. Mr. Preacher man! Other than that keep your own mouth shut!

Personally I think a woman should be the only one in charge of her own body.. not some he's going to carry, deliver and pay for raising the child. Bottom line: The only person a woman can count on to do that - right.. is herself! Only a woman knows if she is capable.. would you rather have your wife or your teenage daughter be denied an abortion and then sneak off to have a back alley abortion by some quack? Well, that is exactly what will happen if doctors can no longer preform abortion. It happened in the past before Roe vs Wade and it will happen again.

Are we going backwards as a society? How scary is that? Just because some conservative idiots think their way is the only way! I'm appalled of how backwards our society is in 21st century.

As it is now.. because of horrible Bush.. pharmatist and doctors can refuse to discuss, fill prescriptions,give out medicine, or perform services according to their own personal religious beliefs ( I say then get out of the medical profession if you are not going to treat everyone and then not even tell them other words deliberately hold back information because of your beliefs) So what we have is a monarchy.. once again.. like the witch hunt holy men back in the 1700's.

I guess Christians want everyone to be like Buggens who have seventeen kids and still thinking of having more... they want more! I don't get it? It's almost a sin! Anything to the point of abscess is a sin. Will what's worse is celebrating and praising these people. It seems rather incestuous and sinful to me...Now there's a sin for you. But then again.. I'm sounding like the preacher who protests against abortion.... I should mind my own business like he should! To each their own.. but.. like I said.. let's not celebrate it. Gees!

What I think is wrong with Christians preaching anti-abortion only puts young women at risk for searching and finding back alley abortions and dying from infections or bleeding. So the more Christians preach for life and won't quite until the laws are changed.. puts more young women at risk.. but I guess the likes of gods with the big mouths just don't get it! I'm sure the ones who preach the loudest are probably the worse offenders and are somehow trying to resolve their painful soul experiences.. maybe even from a past life.

Too bad people don't really think about the consequences of their preachings and how harmful they are to kids and people. The brainwashing.. for control and most of all monetary purposes.. if we weren't "sinners" I guess they wouldn't have any business...we they make the rules that make us sinners.. and there you are.. the almighty church. Heaven and hell.. into eternal damnation. No one can even prove there is a god much less a heaven or hell. It's a joke! Human creatures.. called men....created the bible.. and it's stories. What a forest!

Well, here is hoping most people are in their right senses and use birth control if they do not want to get pregnant and how about teaching males to be a little more accountable too.. you know it does take two! But, like I said women are ultimately in control.. maybe that's what men, these preacher men, don't like.. a woman in control! Well, be in control.. look out for yourself... so you never have to make that "abortion" decision.

And then we have schools not wanting to teach birth control and STD education to students.

What mess these Christians create. Again I suggest you mind your own business. And Bush had no business allowing the dealings of doctors and pharmacists up to their own digressions. Unbelievable!
Or they just don't care..

Just it make sense? If they are so pro life why didn't they protest the Iraq war? Why not protest drunk driving...guns? Oh guns..they like guns! See what a bunch of hypocrites they are? Picking and choosing the battles.

I say think what you want.. but keep it to yourself.. don't protest, riot or peach it from the pulpit. My consciousness.. my soul is none of your businesses.

Christians are nothing but womanizers, male authoritarian controllers and manipulators of others. Mine your own business. Do not make that young woman who gets into trouble risk her life because you forced Washington to change laws to satisfy your consciousness. Pro-life is a personal choice. My body is my body.. mine to do with as only I see fit.. but some stupid ass money grubbing control freak who has a big mouth!

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