Monday, January 12, 2009

One in every three are

over weight according to NBC Nightly News Brian Williams! Well, seems the food industry is succeeding in making everyone ill so health care profits can rise. Just think of all the profits there are in "fat" and "unhealthy"! Tons of money to be made from people being unhealthy and over-weight!

There is the chemical companies pushing corn fructose in everything.. from soda to cereal to just everything - there is no nutritional values to corn fructose sweeteners..just idle calories to give you a huge appetite and constant you eat, eat, eat and your body is never satisfied because you are not eating nutritionally at all! Our bodies need protein and vegetables and low-carb fruits!

Energy drinks are filled with corn fructose sweeteners.. and candy.. a big no-no! I have been on a maintenance level low-carb diet for months now and I feel wonderful. I allow myself 55 carbs per day. That's way less even than people with Type II Diabetes get!

Our diets are so wrong.. doctors push carbs and calories and very little protein.. the reverse should be promoted..low carb... should be stressed!

But as a nation, as a society, we have been super-sized into becoming huge couch potatoes who refuse to exercise!

Why do people wait until they weight over 200, or over 300, or 400 before they decide its time to do something about their health! I think it's because corn fructose is addictive.. hey, it worked well for the cigarette companies. Addiction!

There is money in illness in a capitalist society! Get'em fed, get'em sick, get'em treated and makes lots of money doing it, all the way around! Genius!

And people are at fault too! We've become a nation of fat slobs without self-respect I guess. Safety in numbers I guess! We're all in denial!

And the kids are the same way.. this is the first generation of kids not expected to out live their parents! Yeah, food industry.. you are so successful in getting people hooked on carbs, junk and sugar! Lots of soda made with corn fructose.. addictive.. gives us constant craving.

I know a slim girl in college who ate nothing but pop tarts, and drank Dr. Peppers and was thirsty all the time.. and tired.. so she'll get a shake for energy.. ..she was thirsty and peeing all the time because she had stage II Diabetes...

I know another woman in her fifties that lived on diet coke (that sweetener is dangerous and addictive) and instead of kidney stones.. she got kidney her kidneys. The doctor saved her kidney's.. she is diabetic but still drinking diet Coke thinking that.. well, it's diet.. so that's okay! People are fools buried in denial......and/or tricked by the food industry.. who got her hooked on corn fructose.

People love their sweeteners and they are even more dangerous than plain C and H Brand Hawaiian Sugar.. remember those commercials? The chemical companies are making a killing in more ways than one!

The chemical companies control the soybean and corn farmers by giving them kick backs.. vegetable farmers do not get government subsidies! Well, farmers used oil products fertilizers and herbicides on their crops. Farmers cannot hold back seed for next seasons' crops either.. they must by seed from the seed companies... it's all part of the business. The food business. We are so manipulated by the food industry.

And look how cattle are fed and fattened without grass or exercise and pumped with antibiotics.. so they don't get sick because they are living in their filth and crowded in pens. Chickens and hogs are raised the same way. Fish.. ?

Is anything safe? I eat lots of fish for Omega 3 and I wonder about it! Yes, we are a nation of glutens and excess. We are feeders pretty much like those caged animals.. eating, eating, getting fatter and fatter.. and more and more unhealthy.

There is money in fat and unhealthiness! Stronger springs, furniture to replace broken down furniture.. bigger and bigger furniture, clothes and bigger vehicles!

Yes, we are a nation in dire straits regarding our health care system..we need help! We need a prophet, a saint, like Michael Pollan, perhaps, to turn things around. I wanted him to be Secretary of Agriculture. Pollan says we do not need chemicals on fields all we need to do is rotate crops with cattle every few years and nutrients will be restored back into the soil and pests will be confused and gone according to Pollan. Ethanol or anything fermented could be used for diesel fuel to run the tractors to plant crops and till the fields.

But chemical companies are running the show.. they are the monopolies and are in control and snuff out anything else that comes along..just as the big three gas guzzler America auto companies have always done. It's their way or the highway!

And that's it! But, with our economy in the toilet and everything else ran like crap.. we are down as low as we can go.. so let's this this opportunity to turn things around and rebuild our infrastructures and go "green". Start over.. allow small businesses get into the act and bring forth their "green" talents and products. Out with the old, in with the new technologies of the 21st century! Isn't it about time?

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