Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just one thing..

I'm waiting for Oprah's web cast to begin with Dr. Oz... so I'll take this moment to comment on what I learned while watching 60 Minutes. And what I suspected is that oil prices rose because of Wall Street traders at the Mercantile trading oil futures at Goldman Sachs, AIG, Morgan Stanley and once more.. they are in the oil business with huge oil preserves. Sounds like insider trading to me.. well Bush lifted all regulations for Enron, the 7th largest corporation in the country, who bought up all electric grids and bought and sold, and traded, futures. Bush and Cheney opened the door for "anything" goes.

United Health Group manipulated out of network charges.. to avoid accusations of conflict of interest.. you know like finance and oil companies are doing.. manipulating prices.. bidding on futures up and down the trading scale.. making money both ways while prices rise and fall.

Appears they are all doing this.. well, your good old lame duck president.. open the door for them to perform shading business and they did.

We need social programs to benefit the people and not concentrate on big shot CEO making huge bonuses, retirements, umbrella packages... and basically sticking bail-outs and profits into their pockets and allows the economy to sink!

Our president needs to enforce the regulations that were once in place to protect the American people...we need jobs, health care, affordable education and more. All the republicans ever do is make money more available for big shot corporate cronies and the hell with the average tax payer. Goldman Sachs only pays 1% in taxes versus our 28% or more.. well they have moved mainly off shore..

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