Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inclusiveness spoken by Rick Warren needs to include gays or just maybe he and religious sects WILL be ostracized! Maybe America is tired of bigots! Gays are not pedifiles as Rick Warren tried to preach!! Is that why he is a preacher? You know the ones who usually scream the loudest are usually the worse offenders! I mean look at airport stall Larry Craig! I'm too reminded of a certain large mouth preacher named Ted Haggard. See the DVD "Jesus Camp" it's a real eye opener.

So today it's okay to be gay! Atlas! This is America! Love is in, religion is out! You know how many women have had awful or non-existent sex lives because of stupid ass religious and other feeble male attitudes! Shame and guilt religiously preached! How sick is that! Men were strict and stern and any emotion but anger is not acceptable! Cold! No wonder the world was sick with wars of profit and greed! Hate is not an indication of strength but of ignorance and self-centerness! Harshness is dying in the world along with oil use and filthy rich greed!

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