Monday, January 05, 2009

Hm think I'm getting a cold..

well I made it through the holiday without one. I have a scratchy throat..since yesterday! My friend whom I spend the evening with at the movies is ill too..only worse. She sounds bad!

Should get my butt to bed and rest! Too tired! Seems I always do that wait until I get too tired, over tired!

And on top of it all..sore throat and all, a few weeks ago, I took myself off of Prempro..big mistake! Big mistake! Now I'm back on and hoping they hurry and take effort! Well, my girlfriend doesn't use hormones.. so I thought I'd try getting off of them...I've taken them for years...makes no difference, when you get off, your body reverts back to those god awful flashes. Seems my body's thermostat is out of whack!No constant temperature! Either I'm cold or hot, cold or hot - no in between comfort! And headaches too!

Anyway, doesn't matter - I'm back on. HRT is good for your bones and saving your hair too! I feel better already! Heck, I'm used to jumping up in the morning and going for a run.. I was beginning to move away from all that...well slightly! Just wasn't feeling up to par!

What did the poor women of old do? How they must have suffered! And then they had no rights, where under some man's thumb, depend on him for their very livelihood most of them! A childbirth! Don't even want to go there!

The things we take for granted! Well, I try not too!

Man, this laptop is hot! It's old.. 2003 at least! I wonder if a new Apple MacBook gets this hot!

Time to quick.. good night!

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