Monday, November 14, 2005

I have several runs planned

What a beautiful rainy day! I can't believe I was out there running in this and loving it! It's 45 degrees. See, I want to remember all of this, in case it is raining April 9th when I run the half marathon; and if it is cool and raining, I can say to myself: "This is nothing, I've done it before!"

Well, I didn't set out to do it today again; but, I did anyway! I ran 13.1 miles in 2:18. After the sixth mile when I was leaving the park it began to rain; my feet were in water by the time I got home. It wasn't bad though; however, I was getting a little cool around the edges, but not bad! I had my cap on to keep the rain off my glasses; it works great!

Before I forget these our my planned runs: 11/24/2005 Three Mile (3 MILE) Turkey day run in Kirkwood; I think I'll do the Clayton Half Marathon, I think it's March 25 or 26th,(?) 2006; I am already signed up for the April 9th, Half Marathon (without the pasta dinner the night before). I think that's it for now.

I'm sitting in front of a fire now, burning incense and sipping hot green tea; getting all cozy. I think about her at times at this; actually I think about her a little every day. I would prefer special moments over a relationship! I like my own time and space, too!

Okay, back to the running. I did the same run today as I did last Monday in the exact same time, either that's weird or my GPS is a little off! Maybe I'm a little off? I wasn't planning on running that far today either, but I get out there and just keep going, I guess. I had to sit a little and eat yogurt in the park. So, I guess you could say I had at least a 9 minutes break (I need to stop this, break stuff). I took a restroom and yogurt break last week too; mainly, because I forgot to take my Accel Gel (chocolate caffeine protein/carbohydrate) packs with me. I was afraid I would run out of steam on the return trip and I think that I would have; as it was, I was just getting tired after 12.50 miles. It's that last half mile that is the toughest. I guess that's good in itself!

Next time, no matter how many miles I set out to run, I'm going to make sure I have at least two packs of my Accel Gel (protein (5 g) powered sports energy) along. The chocolate flavor is the only one with the caffeine. This stuff kicks ass! I buy my stash from it's a bicycle supply store and it's is the only place I have found where I can buy it. The fact that it contains protein attracted my attention;I like the 4:1 protein carb ratio. I think muscles need protein to recover during a run. Accel Gel is also a good source of potassium (50 mg). I couldn't run that far with out it!

Oh, another thing I couldn't run that much without my, extremely light, Nike 5.0 Free Barefoot running shoes. I get on line at and print out the coupon ($10. off) and then go to the store at Crestwood Plaza to buy them. Normally, they are $80. without the coupon. I have a coupon already printed out that is good to the end of the month. I'm going to get a second pair tomorrow, I think.

Things that I like to have when I run in cool weather and rain are gloves and long close fitting pants. I think wearing close fitting pants (rather than nlyon sweats) may be better than loose; that way you don't have the cool pants legs flapping against your legs. Now, I really shouldn't say this, since I have not run in the rain in nylon sweat pants. I'm only imagining that loose fitting would feel cooler because they don't stay close to your legs, and cool air can get in between. But on the other hand, having compressed material around my knees does make my knees ache just a little, where they don't if I run in shorts. Well, after thirteen miles I think my knees ache just a little anyway.

I really truly dislike cotton; when it gets wet it gets heavy, hangs, and no air can circulate and it doesn't wick away moisture like the wick away/dry-fit materials. I did not feel wet out there today!

That is so important to me that I will repeat it! I did not feel wet out there today. I had on a double later (short & long) dry-fit top and long tights running/bicycling pants over my triathlon compression fit shorts and gloves and I was comfortable. I wrote all this down so I know what to wear at 7:00 Am on April 9th when it might be 45 degrees and raining. I want to be warm!

Speaking of warm; this laptop on my lap is feeling like a furnace and keeping me toasting warm. Between the laptop on my lap and this lite pole lamp over my head; I'm about to perspire profusely! I need to shed some clothes.I'm warm now, but, I guess one of these days, I'm gonna to have to turn my furnace on (it's been 70's in here so far). I hope my furnace works okay when I do. Well, it was checked out in June when I bought this place, but you know how that goes. It's electric, everything is electric. My electric bill has been very low! My place is small.

But, you know it's all personal preferrence. Personally, I'd rather live simple, cheap and cozy. Besides, I have already lived in a house with four bathrooms and that is entirely too many to clean. And they need to be cleaned if you use them or not.

See what running does to me: I can't shut up! I am experiencing a runner's high, I always do when I run this much! I only had 3 packs of that protein caffeine stuff. Oh, maybe that's it, rather than the run; I'd like to think the combination of both! And the pure fact that I can run that far, should be enough to get myself high!

That's another thing I need to mark down and that is what I ate before I ran 13.1 miles. Before I left home, I have one Quaker oatmeal square and two Accel Gel packs; that was good for 6 miles into the park, then I had the yogurt and had enough energy to run another 6.5 home. I had to run around my home up and down the street, by then in a hard rain, to make it 13.1 miles; I was at 12.5.

I took my Glucosamine Chrondroitin, Calcium, MSM, L-lysine when I got home too. I take all I can find at Sam's that is good for bone and connective tissue. Every little bit helps. I would like to lose a little weight too; we'll see! Maybe my pace would increase a little.

Well, I had my exercise for the day - it's the couch for me now. I am going to read "God's Politics" by Jim Wallis. A friend of my read it and said it was good. The moral of the story: The Democrats need to be organized!

Let's see what else can I go on about before I close. Oh I know, safety on the streets. I almost got hit today! It scared the shit out of me for a second! I had no idea the car was even running! I did not hear it because of the rain on the leaves and a truck passing by; but then the car began to back up. I did not see brake lights are white reverse lights! I was near the end of the car and there was about a foot between me and it, when it began to move. One big step and I was out of the way! I don't think the driver saw me (aren't you supposed to have your arm on the back of the front seat and turning your head around so as to see where you are backing?)

Anyway, I thanked God. If he would have hit me from the side like that my knees would have been gone. I mean gone! His bumper level was knee level to me. Thank you God! Knees gone, hell! That guys didn't see me; he probably would have ran over my head after he knocked me down as well! Anyway, I survived another day on the streets.

Which brings me onto another subject. Wait while I take off this long sleeve t-shirt I have on. It's warm in here!

Spirituality, One soul many bodies, that's a name of a book, I'm sure I have around here some where amongst the stacks. Well, I believe in reincaration as I'm sure many people do. Next time I'm coming back as a guilt free, liberal, non-catholic lesbian to the most loving and affectionate mother in the world!

Besides haveing a warm loving family to encourage and nurture me maybe I'll grow up to be a doctor. Gee, I wonder just how much money they'll be making by then after paying high insurance premiums and education bills. Oh well, it's not about the money anyway, is it? It's about life, loving, and spirituality.

For the next four Tuesday evenings, I will be attending a sprituality class; You see I'm trying to figure out my purpose in life; maybe I don't have one, this time around? I here for fun? Yes, it's that "what's my purpose" thing. Also, I'm trying to figure out why I love the way I love and why is it for keeps? I think I know the answer to that one already.

Okay, I'll tell you - I think it's because I love the heart of the person; it's all there in the eyes. The eyes are the windows to the soul.

Now ponder that though, while I stop for now and take my bodyguard for a walk!

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