Saturday, November 12, 2005

Think I'm staying home this evening

I don't know! I think I just talked myself out of going to the pasta dinner this evening! Because, everyone will be eating quickly and then going to the dance. It's big band and I think I won't have someone to dance with anyway. So, I'm bailing! Emma and I will watch movies instead, at home.

I guess I should let someone know that I'm not going! I'll email Sandra and Martha. I'll tell'em I changed my mind.

Yeah, I think I'll pass!

Funny, I just spent over an hour trying on every bit of nice clothing that I own. I did settle on one outfit, then I got out of the mood. I guess that is farily typical for me!

Hey! Out my patio window, I see two gay guys (I'm assuming, of course) walking a little dog! Cool! I always see two women walking a dog too around here. I know they are gay! Well, they spoke to me, their gaydar must have gone off. They have a Wheaten Terrier like the one I see at Mokabe's all the time.

Okay, I guess I'll eat something now. Life is a little strange, when you are single again; actually, I like it. I don't do relationships very good.

It use to be that the mystery of it all got me to venture out and join in social events. Now, I pretty much know what to expect anyway. So, what the heck. I'll pass!

Frontrunners was good this morning! We talked about the up and coming Progressive Dinner. John is heading it up; and passed out maps and locations and phone numbers. I wonder what ever happened to that one person that used to always come to Frontrunners? Hmm!

Yeah, I've decided, I'm passing on this evening.

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