Sunday, November 20, 2005

What in the World is Bush Doing?

I heard on CNN today that Bush has borrowed more money, foreign money, since he has been in office than any other president in history!

All it would take is for these countries is for them to put the screws to us and we are in deep trouble!

They already have our jobs, now we use their workers either here or in their countries. When was the last time you bought anything, made in the United States? Pick up anything and you'll see "made in China" labeled or stamped on the bottom. Even your American made (my ass) car that you are taking into the service department again, because they just can't figure out the problem (oh, and it's not covered under warranty, how unusual?)

And the policitians say "the American people" wouldn't want this or wouldn't want that. Please! It doesn't look like they represent the American people to me? They represent their own pockets!

Cheney, former CEO of Haliburton, now where do you think his interest really lies. Did you know Haliburton runs all the supplies and food items in Iraq. Gee, and you never hear mention of those oil fields, I believe we are, (I mean Haliburton is) controlling.

Yes, Bush and his daddy and daddy's cronies were in the "oil" business for years. Makes you wonder doesn't it?

Personally, I think that the corporations are running the show, because they helped get Bush'y boy elected and now favors are to be repaid by having laws written and passed that will help the corporations with turning a profit. And unfortunately that means going where the labor or products to be made or got for a bargain. "Oh, we'll pass the savings on to the consumer." Now, I ask you, how would we, you and I, know if they were passing the savings on to the consumer? When I see how many hundred of millions and billions that CEO's make; I'm thinking that much of that profit or money they save skipping out on the American people, is going stright to the big shots of the companies.

What do you think? People of wealth, born into wealth, cannot comprehend the fact that the lower class people in poverty can't make ends meet? What has your president done for you lately? Let your jobs get shipped away, perhaps? Or shipped a family member off to an oil war?

Sorry, I can't help myself!

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