Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I'm Over It!

Yes, it's done! I guess my run today did me good; that and I'm getting back to my idea weight and feeling good about myself.

I can't afford to date because it involves eating dinners all the time. The last afair I had, we were always eating late in the evening and I had an upset stomach all night and couldn't sleep!

We did everything her way. Thinking back it's not worth it! Next time, I'm leading the way..

I think some people like to pick people up so they can toss them around and then when they are through just drop them on there heads; just kicking them to the side.

In this world, you have to love in order to get love; so don't expect anything if you don't put it out there. Most people just feel sorry for their self-centered selves and expect other people to pick up the slack for them. Or, they just want meaningless sex. Actually, they pretend they have feeings for people when they really don't. They pretend! My problem is that I can not pretend; what you see is what you get!

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