Friday, November 11, 2005

Things that get under my skin

Why, oh tell me why some commericals on cable get blasted? It's rude! It makes me want to email the cable company and tell them that I will never buy anything from that company because of the rude blaring sounds of the audio-up commericals.

It doesn't make sense that I have to constantly be adjusting the volume, so as not to disturb my neighbors. It's just blame rude to think that the cable company is trying to jam this products down my throat. Personally, I take offense and I know others who do to.

It funny how sounds affect me! The music is so good at Sports Authority that I buy and buy and buy. I also think that they use slimming mirrors in the dressing rooms too, but that another entry on another day.

Anyway, the other day, I was grooving to the music and took my arm load to the register and put 294.00 on my credit card. I then spent the rest of the day and next trying to justify my purchases. $70. for a sweat suit jacket; yes, just the jacket alone. I think the pants were $40. I had grabbed a cool orange nylon air vents wick away material jacket complete with reflecting ribbing and lots of little zippered departments. I bought the orange cap too. So cool! I looked so cool in it and the sweatsuit. Maybe I'm just build a way that expensive things just looks better on me. I had thrown some cool long black silky like material sweat pants on my arm too. I looked good in them too! I was jiving to the music and grabbing one article of clothing after another. I felt so cool after my yoga class. I was ready for the big run!

Well, today, after angonizing about it all evening and morning I put the stuff back in the bag and promptly took it all back. Every last piece of it. I feel so good now! I figure I'll just treat myself next week to another pair of the good running shoes I have. I have a coupon too and will save $10.

So, I think I did good; I almost had that cigarette lite and smoked but I put it back in the pack! Yeah, I did good!

Okay! Question: Why do some men stomp up steps? Just wondering? Funny how you don't hear gentle loving women climb stairs? Am I prejudice? I think so! Or are some men just plain anoying?

In another time, I had "Blaming Door Bob" to listen too and watch as my pictures got crooked on the wall, then eventually fall off!

Got to go walk Emma now. Yesterday I took her for a ride in the car; she did good like she always does. Today, I was just going to drive up to the store and return my stuff and be right back. I left in a hurry before I changed my mind about returning the stuff. When I got back all of within twenty minutes. I heard her still crying. When I got inside I found that she must have tripped on my printer cord for that was on the floor and I notice some trash on the kitchen floor; yes, all within twenty minutes. Bad Girl! I let her get away with a lot because she is sweet and she is old. I didn't even get madd when she left me a huge messy, and I mean messy, pile on my livingroom carpet a couple of weeks. I just cleaned, cleaned and cleaned until I was afraid there wouldn't be any fabric left to the carpet.

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