Monday, December 31, 2007

spreading hate..through religion

The more I think about Romney and Huckabee the more upset I become. Hate the sinner was the message from Huckabee regarding gays. When Russert pushed him about it, Huckabee back stepped. "Oh we're all sinners!"

Religion breeds hate because of their sin vs. no sin mentality. They set the pace and everyone should follow their words. So being gay is a choice; or rather we choose how we behave. Religion is so sick that it makes me pain with illness. They are so wrong, not me. The church, any church is so wrong in their preachings.

Do you know that in the spiritual world (I mean on the other side) there is no gender, no race, and months pass in the blink of an eye. Well, according to Ezekiel, a channeled spirit, I talk with at least once or twice a year through a woman who channels him. He is all wise and very helpful. He doesn't say I'm going to hell because I love a woman. Love is love. Yet the church, any church, likes to pick and choose who we can or cannot love. I hate the church.

As a child the church made my life miserable; as an adult too! Now everybody hates gays because of church teachings. If the church wouldn't push "hate" and "sin" then there would be no problem with being gay. We would be more accepted as we are in other countries.

Personally, I can't believe because of their so called righteousness and self proclaimed holiness that Huckabee and Romney would would exclude millions of possible voters.

And shouldn't religion teach that we should love each other and one another. Although I think straight people look rather odd together I don't dislike them. I prefer my own community however. I feel most comfortable in my own element. I just wonder why religious fanatics think they have to tell me who I can love or not love or be with.

Remember years back when Catholics couldn't love outside their faith or race. Oh give them another hundred years and low membership and they'll rethink their ways again. Another thing that disturbs me is religion mixed with politics. It seems to me Republicans want to keep us distracted just enough to avoid the real issues that are plaguing people today such as out sourced jobs, lack of jobs, the low value of the dollar, needless war for profit of a few already rich, war for oil, we hanging on to oil when we could be making materials and fuel from renewable resources. It can be done yet they, Bush and company, keep pushing out the due date. We could be building and selling electric cars but then the oil men wouldn't be making a killing (in more ways than one).

The republicans want to snatch up that religion vote and so they tell tax exempted preachers to push their candidates. It's all for votes and money. I firmly believe that religion doesn't really care whose gay or not otherwise Haggart and other gays in the religious arena wouldn't be there in the first place.

My beef, I guess is, how dare one group of human beings tell another group of human beings that they are right and I am wrong. How can religious fanatics declare they are more god like than me? I got news for them, I was born this way and it's is not a choice and I'll be damned if I will live a lie any longer because of some fanatic religious groups who do not know what they are talking about and set up rules to self serve their own interest. In my opinion I am more loving and god like than they are because I am not spreading prejudice and hate like they are. I don't care if they are straight just leave me alone and stop spreading hate regarding gay people's lives!

Oh yes traditional marry really seems to be working doesn't it when over half of all marriages end in divorce. You know if gay people could get married right up front, I believe that there would be a lot less divorce.

Have you every heard of the "down low". Well, mostly men live this way. And that is they are married with children yet sneak out to have sex with men. Sometimes they know the men and sometimes they don't. Sometimes men on the down low have numerous sexual partners through out their life time. These men are gay! Fundamentalist Christian, Ted Haggart and Senator, Larry Craig are examples of men on the down low. Now, if they didn't preach hate of gay people and vote against gay marriage bills I wouldn't have anything to say about them here. But since they are true hypocrites and outed I feel they are fair game.

How dare Christians make my life and all gay people's lives miserable. It's love not hate or war like Republicans and Christians feel so readily to engage in. It's love! Preaching and spreading hate certainly isn't spiritual. Personally I'm spiritual. I believe we all have the power to create our own realities. The power lies within each and everyone one of us but the church certainly wouldn't want you to know that because they want your money. If you are not a sinner they would have nothing to fix. A few years back in my area the Christians came through and for a hefty fee offered to correct homosexuality. Oh please! So instead of killing themselves gay youths try to be fixed! This is a scam. We are born gay and our sexual orientation cannot be changed. Oh but they don't care about that just as long as you "act" straight and appear straight. Hey, I pretended to be straight for the first forty years of my life and that is not how I should have had to live my life. It was unfair to me and to the guys I dated. It's what is in your heart...I needed women. I actually had somewhat satisfactory sex with some guys I dated...but something was missing.. I could not connect on an emotional level with a man. I am so at home with loving a woman. I will not ever to back to dating men. So I see how some gay people stay in straight marriages when they are good friends but we must live our hearts. Being with a woman is warm and wonderful and I'm at home now in my heart. Religion as done us gay people a huge injustice! Why should be have to live a lie, or live in secret because of the church? It doesn't make sense to me. And politicans are so afraid on stepping on voters toes so they too do us wrong. It's not right. All of my friends, men and women, are gay...they are my family. Some live in secret because of worrying about losing their jobs or to protect their's not right. Trust me, I think that there are many more gay people in this world then the church or politicans care to admit and I reset their shameful attitudes that are messing with my happiness and safety. Young so called straight males who are confused about their own sexuality confront and even kill gay guys..when all they would have to do is say "no thank you". But, they become enraged at what possibly lives deep down within them...their true feelings that they strike out and kill another because of the self fear that lies deep within themselves. Because the church has taught us to hate! In other words, those people, usually men, who speak out loudless against gays are probably gay themselves. Women don't need to strike out against others like males do..hello..war! It's why we have war. Men strike out against what they fear or do not understand.

My question is - why do people even think they need religion? I'm beginning to even doubt this so called god they talk about. Oh please! The power lies within each and every one of us. If we believe in ourselves we can change the course of events. We are all energy sources and we are all connected with one another. Our thoughts can change behaviors of ourselves and others. Oh try it! Be grateful for all of your many positive attributes and plan your day; request that it be magical and it will be. Watch the DVD's "The secret" and "What the Bleep Do we Know?"

Also to see just what we are up against watch "Who Killed the Electric Car?" and what "Iraq for sale: War for Profiteering".

More good reading: "Day of Reckoning" by Patrick J. Buckanan...yes a Republican. And read "The Billion new Capitalists" by Clyde Prestowitz.. He talks about the great shift of wealth and power to the East.

Oh another tidbit... Toyota promises to continue to build the best cars available. Just keep that in mind. I love my 1998 Toyota and it is as good as the day I bought it brand new. Yes with regular dealer maintenace and dealer oil changes. Don't go to these fast lube places where they kids are untrained and work for less than minimum wage. Besides oil and filter changes are the same price but at the dealer they check your car all over to prevent programs and stop and fix them before they become more serious. The fast lube places may check over some things in your car but why should they find problems that require services that they do not offer? Get my drift? Why neglect your car in the first place? Don't you want your car to last. I can't believe some people would rather go out to dinner or buy shoes rather than keep their cars maintained. Set your priorities where they will serve you's common sense after all.

The same with your body. Treat it right and it will be there for you and serve you just fine for a very long time. You do know that positive thoughts are very important don't you because your body hears every word that you say.

Stop living in a dream world and get real. You know that you have to get off of your butt and exercise to keep healthy. And walk fast, don't just stroll along.. pick up the pace. Walk like you mean it. Walk with authority.

You know you have to eat right. So honor yourself by being the best you can be and it doesn't mean you have to join a gym. Just walk or jog or get workout DVD's from Ebay where they are very cheap. Also if you pay attention and don't eat all the time you'll see your grocery bill getting cheaper. Take a walk. Move close to work and walk to work if possible. Walk your errands on weekends when you have time. I find that I save at the store because I can only buy what I can carry.

Spend within your means; besdies money can't buy you love, but using common sense can get you lots of admiration and love.

Okay I'm going to stop preaching. I hate it when I preach. But I don't do it in my everyday life so I need to let off steam here in my blog and isn't that just what it is for anyway?

No smoking Law enforced (?) in Illinois

Oh, all the drinkers and gamblers are so upset! The news featured a popular Irish bar in Belleville (across the river from St. Louis) and a fifty, fat smoking man says. "Hey if you don't like smoke then don't come in here". I bet the owner appreciated that? Hope the owner smokes, I'm sure he does. Hey, I won't go into a local lesbian coffee cafe because the owners smoke. Smoking is a sign of lack of intelligence and weakness as far as I'm concerned. Hey, I smoked at one time.. but I learned!

Personally I think smoking is disgusting (being an ex-smoker I'm the worst critic). And it seems to me that the people who are the unhealthiest smoke. Well, I guess that just makes sense. Smoking goes with booze and a sedentary bar fly life style.

Any more, in this day and age, to me, smoking is a sign of weakness, self-pity, and poor judgement. And it seems to me that the people who smoke are the poor ones without health insurance. Just think of all the charitable funds non-smoking laws could save Medicaid and the federal government so the money could be put to good use to a well deserving cause. See, sorry, but I have no pity for smokers who actually KNOW better but feel they are somehow above it all. If you live an unhealthy life style then don't come crying when you get sick because you did it to yourself. Amen. End of story!

No will power! But, I guess many do not want to quit and think they have to die from something. Wow! I've known people like this...but why pick such a painful and slow death? What amazes me is how shocked they are when they do get sick from living an unhealthy life style. Hello? Like you didn't help it along!

I guess ignorance and abstinence is bliss! The lack of respect for their bodies is mind boggling to me. How can you not respect the gift of health and just trash yourself? These offenders act as if their bodies are separate from them. It totally amazes me. I don't know about you but I'm a total unit - mind, body and spirit. I respect my body and my good health. I try to maintain my weight, eat right and above all, exercise. Exercise is key. We should be only too happy to get out and walk a brisk clip or run a few miles. Most people probably take better care of their pets or their car.

I do both. I've always have taken good car of my car with proper, by the dealer, maintenance. I know if I respect my car it will respect me. Besides I have a respect for well engineered items. Look how wonderful our bodies are heal themselves .. to push to the limits... but only if we respect them. Just like my car. I take care of my body and it takes care of me.

So all you bar flies wake up and begin to take better care of yourself. The poor people of Belleville balked and moaned and groaned about seat belt laws too when they came about in the late 80's or early 90's. I think it's admirable that the state wants to help you save your thick stubborn head. And don't ask me why? Probably to protect the innocent like drunk driving laws. Gosh, Belleville is full of drunks... two judges last year got DWI's and many judges in the past there have gotten caught driving drunk. It's a joke but they always manage to get off Scott free; I guess until one day they actually kill someone.. but then it's too late and it's not cute anymore and looks just plain stupid. Judges with addictions and poor judgement you should be so proud!

Personally, I think every state should be smoke free. Any one with any amount of intelligence does not smoke. Man if someone held these people down and made them smoke, they'll be crying and complaining and ready to sue to high heaven. But that's the mentally of the locals, big ass, noisy, blue smoking gas guzzling pick-ups, beer guts and cigarettes. Makes me want to cry.. I'm so not proud. It's a shame man is so weak, pitiful, and so needy.... and they call themselves "men".

I can sound off because I smoked from age 18 to 38, but I quit because I wanted to be the best I could be at forty. So I ditched my straight, bar clinging friends and began hanging with bicyclist and runners. I can dish the dirt on men too because I was raised Catholic and learned at a very early age that men were superior to females and worth a whole lot more than me, a stupid girl. I was taught that I had to marry, I was taught that women should take the backseat and step back and allow men to win at all times. She should make him look good! Women should be cheer leaders for their men and sit on the side lines and honor and cheer him on. I hated it! Couples wanted the first child to be a boy to carry on the family name! Boys were allowed and encouraged to explore the world and get a good education. Boys were bragged about!

Women were told to be wives and mothers and honor and obey their husbands and put him first at all cost. She should suffer and do without and put him first. Men always drove and made all the major decisions. I hated it. I was drilled with that message from the time I was very small. My dad and brother (and mother - because she never took my side -ever) were ass holes who tormented and abused me and then laughed at me.. and until they had me in tears and then laughed even more. My dad beat my dog to death.. my mother did nothing. I thought I was next in line for the sledge hammer! But that was okay, men were manly and killing and beating others weaker than you is okay. Ass holes! Men got away with anything and everything and mothers kept quiet about it..for sake of losing their meal tickets. Life stank.

One day I said. "I'm never getting married". I think I was about 14 or 15 at the time...there was no way I was going to live like my mother who commanded .. I was supposed to get married.. yeah and live as miserable as she! Not! Yeah, I was the docile female to any man.. be it priest, father or brother or boyfriend... yeah make them look good! God they were ass holes! High and mighty and god like. No wonder I hate men! And they're always teaching and preaching like they know everything and they'll as stupid as the day is long. The ultimate scam as far as I'm concerned. What a joke.

Now to me this is just an example of the reasoning behind the bible and this stupid Christian mentally these Republicans espouse. Oh so god like. Hello! They wrote this crap to fit their sick needs and people are stupid enough to fall for this dumb stuff and vote accordingly. Who cares if American cars are junk, the war is for oil and big corporation profits, the health industry rips you off along with all the other companies that try to rip you off on a daily basis. Aren't you ditto heads tired of being made a fool of? Have you ever had a single thought of your own?

"We ain't voting for no woman or black man". Hey that's the you think we'll ever progress as a society.. it sure doesn't look like it. You are playing right into the "rights" hand. They want stupid puppets to vote for them and keep them in power. Their goal is to rule the world as they leave us poor and penniless in their wake... and they talk about Kim, the emperor of North Korea, being an evil person. Hey look in your own back yard and you'll see lots of evil!

Now go out and have a beer, smoke a cigarette and beat the little women in your life.. like a good ole self righteous Christian!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Did you watch "Meet the Press"?

I am not considering "no experience" Obama. I am not considering China connected Mitt Romney who co-founded Bane Capital which is getting together Communist China to run the security for 3Com at the Pentagon. It's bad enough Mr. Bush contacted American ports security to a Middle Eastern company in Dubai.

And Mr Huckabee just plain thinks he is Jesus Christ ( so does Mit Romney) and that is scary! He doesn't care if gays are born gay or not..."they can choose how they act". This makes my stomach hurt! I would rather be dead than act straight again. I acted and soulfully suffered acting straight for the first forty years of my life.. and I should not have had to do this in the first place. There was no reason that I be ashamed of who I am to please others and make others feel more comfortable. That is bullshit people! I am a tax paying productive citizen. You don't see me starting wars for mere corporate profit do you Mr. Righteous Pure Boy Huckabee (and Bush). Why are the righteous, the worse sinners and Haggart, Farewell, Craig. Please give me a break

Obama has no experience and he doesn't call for a mandate in his health care program like Hilary does. Obama had one year experience in the Senate when he began to run. Obama says no one has to have health care before they get sick. Now he is saying his program is like Edwards and Clinton's. This man is naive'!

I believe in the right to choose because I believe no one, I mean no one, has the right to make that decision for another person. I can't stand these religious fanatic hypocrites who hide the real issues of selling out America by espousing the "man written fictional bible".

Wouldn't these religious "men" love to control every woman on earth! These men that hang together and start wars and imprison women in long drab rags are likely to be GAY! They basically hate women...or they would prefer to watch women's sports. Hello? It's not rocket science. I'm a lesbian and I prefer to watch women's sports! It's a fact most men prefer to sneak ....that called "the down low". You know like Larry Craig they act religiously and righteous and then they sneak behind their wives backs (women are mere trophy social pleasing fronts anyway. See I do my social and religious duty .. I got married and had kids! Please!) and have sex with men and then have the audacity to say they are not gay....please? If a man has sex with another man...he is GAY!

Politicians hide behind religion to avoid looking at the real a weaken dollar, poor economical status, illegal immigrants, war for profit, and poor health care coverage to name a few of the major issues facing this downward spiraling out of control nation.

This government counts on war for industry profits and tax money waste as the middle class slides into despair. Tim Russert did not ask Huckabee good questions and Huckabee just kept talking religion, anti-gay and anti-abortion. He was allowed to avoid the pertinent obvious, well to me, questions.

on being grateful...

Well, it's the end of the year. I will be spending it with friends at a house party and we'll all spend the night... a slumber party, if you will. What a way to end the year.

So, I'm taking a moment to reflect upon the past year. I had the most wonderful year of my life I think! I am very grateful! And I had the very best Christmas...spent with friends. It was wonderful. I never realized before that so many of my friends have no family here and do not go out of town. Some have family but choose not to spend the holiday with them. I had a wonderful time with friends. Can you tell I'm not a family person!

I have many wonderful friends. I know I am very fortunate..period! I thank and pray for protection for me, my friends, my condo, my car...I just need everything to "last" and stay status quo for a long is a little tight right now which it is for everyone so just spending time together is very important.

The high price of oil is driving all other prices up..from delivery services to merchandise. We can all feel the squeeze.

I have cut back considerably..the easiest way for me is to not go shopping.. period. I don't even look for bargains after the holidays. It's best to stay out of the stores.. and resist buying anything on line. I'm really trying to cut back on food too.

The other night we had a group dinner and everyone chipped in and either bought or brought from home the ingredients to the recipe we were cooking. The dinner was a blast washed down with cheap wine.

I am so grateful for my friends, my good health, my agility, my activeness. I am grateful for my knowledge to realize that exercise is the key to good health. I am grateful that I can run 13.1 miles without pain. I ran 12 today. I ran a half marathon (13.1) in November and will run another in February and then again next April. I am so grateful to have that ability and without pain! Thank you.

I have the perfect relationship. It's a good thing I don't love her more because then I would want her around all the time. But this way, I still can enjoy my freedom. Sometimes I just prefer to go out with my friends without a date and I am free to do this. She's married.

I still think about the good doctor and miss her. She's magical, a secret place for me in my mind. I can fantasize and dream about her. I've been thinking about her for about four years now..and the feeling won't fad, I know. She's my escape. She's my "quiet" my mind and in my heart. Sometimes what seems like a short lasted experience can actually last a lifetime, maybe many lifetimes. I think dreaming is praying and I wish her only the best.

"Earth to Z"

My friends teased me one day when in my 30's they were shooting shot guns for turkeys. You know a "turkey shoot". We had them frequently in Illinois back then.

Well, one day riding with my two guy friends sitting in the back seat.. from shoot to shoot I decided I wanted to shoot too. Finally at the third for fourth stop I spoke up and used my friends shot gun and low and behold shot and won a turkey! Yes, the only one "we" got that day!

It was a time where I was trying to be straight and ladies didn't do all that stuff..anyway, my women friends didn't. Later on I went on to ride centuries on my bicycle and run a half marathon. Hell, I left them all in the dust.

But that day was magical and I guess on the way home I sat silently in the back seat enjoying my magical moment and didn't hear them in the front talking to me..I guess my friend sensed my elation and loudly say. "Earth to Z" (They called me "Z")! I had to laugh. They rubbed it in. My first turkey shoot shot and I win! Pretty cool!

My friend smoked the turkey in his Weber grill and we had a very pleasant feast and I got to tell my story over and over again!

I think after that I and my boyfriend at the time when to "Door County" Michigan and I caught a 35 pound salmon... before he did! Once again.. "Earth to Z"! We brought that home and fed a bunch of people too! Cool! It took me twenty minutes to land that thing... my boyfriend offered suggestions but didn't help. We used 2 pound test line and a treble hook.. I remember it well. It was a blast! He got one the next day.. and although it was a wee bit smaller than mine...he was happy! We did our fishing near Suregon Bay by the Coast Guard Station. Little did I realize that people were stopping their boats to watch me reel that fish in. Too cool! They clapped when I finally reeled it in after twenty minutes of struggling. It was wonderful!

A high rise condo for 759

is a little, rather very much, out of my league, our league. None of us could afford that! The condo fee along was $600. It was fun to look and see how the other one percent of the population lives.

After breakfast three of my best gay friends from my running group and I went to look at open houses and ended up at this brand new high rise in the Central West End, a classic city location near the 1300 acre city park where we run three times a week.

The condo was on the 17th floor with ceiling to floor windows all around. The condo was on the corner of the building with the master bedroom right in the West/North corner. Fabulous. God, to make love in that bed with that view! Fabulous!

The kitchen area was very open looking through the living room out to the terrace through floor to ceiling windows. Just fabulous. I had to confess that it would take me a long while to get brave enough to even step out onto the terrace of which there were too. A terrace off the living room and a terrace off the master bedroom. Too cool! Nothing else really stuck out. Features were rather common nothing outstanding; but with an extreme view like that.. do you really need more?

On the 7th floor was the clubhouse, outdoor patio and poor and a fantastic view of the Arch. There was a work out room and a small condo for use by guest.

It was fabulous to see but very unobtainable. Not sure I could really live on the 17th floor anyway, but if I live the lotto one day.. I'll let you know.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Big Mistake!

Well, I never thought it before but I'm thinking it now...shutting down 40/64 is a huge mistake. Yeah, I live in St. Louis!

When situations begin to put the safety of my friends in jeopardy you bet you'll hear from. Well, MODOT had the brilliant idea to narrow existing lanes (cutting into the shoulder..where no one wants to drive) and re strip to add an additional lane in both directions of 44 and 70.

On 44 closer to downtown the lanes narrow and new stripping was added but the old stripping remains. NOT GOOD! People do not know where to drive and narrowly escaping creating accidents.

On January 2nd, 2008 highway 40 between 170 and 270 (Well, Ballas remains open but we should leave that for emergency vehicles to get to nearby hospitals) closes for one year! Yes one year! Big mistake!

Big mistake! I say leave the lanes as they are and keep the highway open, and work around replacing one over past at a time. They already did the Tamm over past without shutting down the highway. So, we know it can be done!

I believe they are worried about highway worker safety. Their concern is appreciated I'm sure; but, what about the 6,000 motorist per hour who use highway 40? What about deliveries? What about the nuts out there? I fear for the safety of all motorist!

I wasn't worried until three of my closest friends (three different stories and events) used 44 after the re-stripping (old stripping was left behind creating a very confusing and dangerous environment) and suddenly the lane they were in just ended. It was mass confusion! My one friend had the misfortune of driving on it, in the dark and in the rain...she said. "I couldn't get off of 44 fast enough!" I better not lose any friends over this..freak of a brainstorm. In my opinion they are just creating a condition where law suits will brew havoc in the court systems.

Big mistake! MODOT needs to get out there and cover up the old stripping. Even on 170 through out all the construction with the fly over near 40/64 the lane stripping is faded.. and you know people are careless and reckless and can't slow down for anything. Most would choose crashing over caution apparently!

Who ever heard major highways with no shoulders for emergency vehicles to drive on. Oh they suggest if you have a minor accident that both cars should drive to the nearest exit and park some where there and exchange that's going to happen. What if there is a major accident on the highway and emergency vehicles cannot get to it? Well, with the losey restriping (and existing stripping) on 44..they're just asking for serious trouble to happen.

Big mistake...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Go Toyota!

Toyota plans are selling even more cars here. Go Toyota! Just don't make them here..skip them here. Well, I hate to say it. But Mazdas are junk now with transmission problems if made here in the USA. We build junk here to save money and they people are stupid enough to buy junk. Junk dealers here think patriotism will carry them through the bull shit. Patriotism my ass! All wars are for profit don't ever forget it. If they weren't we wouldn't have them. Men cause wars because they are stupid and barbaric. I say stick them all out in the desert somewhere and let them kill each other. Men kill for greed, land and fictions religious beliefs. It's all bull shit! How can people be so stupid to believe this shit?

Oh I was raised Catholic. Man, that was a forest of bull shit. Go to church or you'll go to hell. Honor thy father, mother, priest and any man of authority. Men had to run things and play preacher and boss. Can you tell I was abused and women denied and over looked what little girls accused uncles and priest of .. to protect "dad". Just bull shit! Well, a woman had no source of income outside the old man. She was trapped. She had to go along with his bull shit.

It's all bull shit! Read my previous entry. On second thought I think I'd rather have Japan take over this country rather than communist China. Japan at least has honor and builds a certain produce..something Americans and Chinese can't seem to do.

It's really a wonder Toyota is even allowed to sell cars here. Oh when Mazda got too big Ford joined their forces and invested in them and ..yes, ruined their decent products.

Why can't men here have dignity, honor, and use ethics. Ethics! That's a word you'll never hear in Washington or in a corporate board room where crooks and thugs reside.


Heroin and pain middle school and high school. Kids are starting at thirteen years of age. It's very addictive. The fad began in Dallas, TX and kids are dying from overdose.

The call it cheese because it looks like Parmesan cheese. Kids are so stupid it pathetic. I certainly knew better at that age and older. I knew I'd get my ass kicked. Well, I just wasn't that stupid and I needn't feel the need to impress anyone.

Most kids can't be that stupid. And they think they know everything. Kids are growing up faster and faster or so they think.

I think they are too young to drive at sixteen.

Testlon Motors all electric car goes 4 sec zero to 60. All electric. It's completely green. Runs on lithium batteries. Everheart is the builder. Buyer's only test drive. $5,000. to drive. It cost $95,000. An audacious new beginning. A whole new car company. Testlon will begin selling early next year. Pull in and peal out. The car is being built in California and will be ready to sell next year.

See it can be done...stupid ass American "oil" car companies...just DON'T want to switch to electric... Bush will try to bury this new car company.. he's an ass hole. And any Republican candidate if elected president will try very hard to buy out or ruin this company.

Remember the Larelin and remember the car they made the movie about with Jeff Bridges. Yes, with sabotage or bribe OIL PEOPLE will put an end to the new electric car! They tried in the past and they'll do it again.

This Testlon (I am probably misspelling the name) company is new and I believe should make cheaper cars for the middle class...what is ever left for the middle class. George Clooney was seen looking at the car.. well he can afford $95,000. for a car. Make something for the average low paid American. You know Bush allows big corporation to skip all the good paying jobs out of the country...ass hole. Oh let's get another Republican in office and let them finish the job.

At this rate if we get another Republican in the Oval Office we will be so in debt to "Communist" China that they will be buying up land here right and left. IS our government just plain stupid?

And this war? For what? So big corporations can bleed the American tax payer dry then borrow from China and make up beholden then to China. What kind of GREED is going on here?

Just how stupid are these people?

We let good jobs get shipped off shore because they can be done CHEAPER and yet we build half a million dollar homes..I ask you.. who can buy these homes? Who can afford them? How stupid the people in state and federal government?

And then they tricked people into thinking that possibly they could afford these homes with creative (fraud actually) financing. And of course people can't afford their payment when the interest rate increase after two years and they lose their homes. Banks and lenders knew this was going to happen.

And the average credit card balance is $10,000. So what happens when the balanced gets so large and the interest so high that consumers can no longer afford even the minimum payment each month?

This present government and any Republican that gets elected will not care an ounce about the average American..they care only about filling their pockets with deal made with China and oil deals. Mitt Romney, Mr Pius (hey right!), co founded Bane Capital and is the go between Communist China and deals with 3Com, the security agency for, of all places, the Pentagon. Are we just plain stupid or are Republican in bed with Communist China? What exactly is the deal?

Our present administration does not look out for consumers or workers in this country. They allow Mexican and now Cubans via Mexico to slip through our Southern borders. They know terrorist won't slip in because we (daddy Bush and company) started the whole attack shit so we could go to war in Iraq for oil and profit for corporations. Anyone would have to be out of their minds to think otherwise..the motives are clear. The motives are in motion as I write this.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

I'm not the only one...

thinking that all the good manufacturing jobs are being shipped to Communist China or some other third world country. As a result middle class salaries have fallen 12% in the past ten years. Most restaurant service jobs only pay minimum wage. The last time minimum wage could pay the rent was in 1986. The cost of living continues to climb while salaries are actually falling because good paying jobs are being out sourced.

The best jobs may be local trade jobs. Many young people are learning a trade and becoming hairdressers, carpenters, electricians, and meat cutters, chefs and other professions.

Does anyone in Washington see what is happening in this country? Do they even care? Bush is pro corporation and into spending every tax cent for war and bullying the world. Ron Paul would remove the military personnel from the some 170 countries they are presently stationed in. Ron Paul wants to eliminate income tax. He wants the government to save money and spot the needless spending.

In my own summation of the past eight years I can see the Bush crony plans and believe that September 11th, 2001 appears very suspicious. I'm not convinced that a conspiracy was not the order of the day. After the 2000 election Cleney thought we needed another Pearl Harbor. I believe the whole ordeal may have been brilliantly orchestrated. The cameras were too strategically positioned from the exact angles without amateur hand held motion. Or was Al Qaeda kind and egotistical enough to plan and plant cameras to catch the whole ordeal. I don't think so. I think it was an inside job to get us into work in Iraq so Cheney's Halliburton and KBR could make tons of tax payer's money. Money that should go to the tax payers themselves in the form of social benefits.

The Pentagon was struck by aircraft fort-five minutes at the towers and on the newly attack resistant corner of the Pentagon where attack materials were introduced. What better way to test it's durability. It did hold up well considering the impact. Just more collateral damage.

I agree with some that it appears democracy is mutating and digressing towards fascism. Corporations run this government and Bush doesn't have a clue as to what evil doings they are up to to treat the American people and cheat them. Health insurance companies bail on patients during treatment. Preconditions were never accepted and coverage gets denied. They are in business to ensure yet they do not want to ensure.

It saddens and angers me to say what I feel is probably correct. How can people be so evil, greedy and heartless... and most of them call themselves Christians. This is appalling.

They're all a bunch of crooks...let's face it, out to fill their own greed. Christmas shopping is way down this year and two thirds of the shoppers are witing until the last minute to buy.

Teen pregnancy is up and grandparents will put off retirement to bring up grand babies.

I am a baby boomer born between 1946 and 1964. Born in 1947 I am part of the leaders of the pack. The 60's were wonderful and I'm a protestor, bra burning, tie-dye fan. We protested and made history and changed the course of action in Washington. Nixon was a crook and was outed by Washington Post private corporations, pro Bush, own both media and newspapers so they can sway and disguised the real issues.

They have forgotten one thing though and that is Americans are better educated and can see through the lines. When we lose our freedom of speech we will really be in trouble as a nation but I think by then this planet will be on the verge of destruction..because of greed. Greed kills.
Governors in various states want more freedom to clamp down on air pollution while anti-American Bush signs a bill to push out demands on higher gas mileage to 2020. He keeps pushing it out...just two years ago it was 2010 now it's 2020. In other words Bush does not want to move away from oil. He, daddy and cronies are oil men.

The American auto industry is part of the scheme to burn more oil. Oil is up to almost three dollars a gallon so the prices of everything else gets increased too. Gas deliveries cause products to increase in price. You do know that in 1904 we had both gas and electric cars! But the money powers that be were into oil. Oil and coal use created thick snog, much like China is today because they have no clean air bills.

It's a fact people have been dying because of greed and cost cutting for years. People have gotten sick because power companies and others have allowed posionous chemicals to leak into water sources. Remember the Corvair the car that split in half? Remember the Pinto that caught on fire with hit from the rear which could have been fixed with a piece that cost fifty cents. Remember cost cutting in the production of tires and they blew and people were killed. It's all mere collateral damages. Too bad, so sad.

The drug companies push drugs and can't get them out there fast enough that testing is actually done on patients. Drugs are also used for non labeled only words they are "guessing" at your expense and probably because the drug companies is offering more incentives that month on that particular drug.

You have to beware people and do your homework?

Chrysler is about to go bankrupt. Here is my suggestion. If Chrysler was smart really smart they would build an electric car and get it out there to the public. GM's EV1 in the late 1990's was very succesful in California that is until oil man Bush stopped the leasing after he was elected. See the DVD "Who Killed the Eelectric Car?".

Why doesn't Chrysler stay afloat with simple line of very well built cars. It's not the quanity people .. although bush and corporations seems to think so, it's the quality. If you build a decent produce then people will buy it. It's not rocket science! But greed and dishonesty needs to be cut out of the equation .

As a tax paying American citizen I want to see Hillary get the domocratic monination because at this point I do not think, useless words not spoken well, Obama could hold a candle to any of the Republican nominations. Hillary is well spoken and has experience. She would make a fabulous president. Obams mumbles when he speaks. I think it will be Guiliano and Hillary. I think Ron Paul would be very interesting however far out he speaks.

Ron Paul wants to eliminate taxes completely. I personally think the new president who ever it may be should curtail out-sourcing and off shoring and promote more manufacturing jobs there in this country by paying decent wages and that in order to provide decent wages for workers big companies officials should stop getting tax cuts but get salary cuts. In the 60's there were no lobbyist only a handful for government contracts now there are 33,000 lobbyist in Washington knocking on the president's door for tax cuts and favors. Those favors usually involved wasting money, cheating people, out-sourcing and off shoring and generally things to help corporations rip off the American public.

Corporation CEO need to take a wage cut right now they make over 400 times the wage of their employees while several times ago they only made about twice or three times as much. They are ruining this economy. Greed is ruining the economy. When you out source for cheap labor and manufacturer over seas to risk faulty products.

We are building planes with major compenents build in China and else where overseas. Commerical air craft are being serviced in China.

And home land security is a joke with illegals wandering easily into this country. Oh let's give them free hospital care, free schooling for their kids and a driver's license. A governor (although he changed his mind) and a judge who should be upholding the written law wants to give illegals driver licenses. In the mean time people have to worry about losing their identities to illegals. Of course the church wants them here for pure purpose of increasing membership.

The Universe

is on my side. Our energies are connected and on the same plane. I believe that I am about to embark on a life changing journey in the next couple of months.

It's the favor I asked to be returned. Remember I got my friend to Ezekiel per her deceased friend Edy. My friend then helped re unit Edy with her decease partner who died a year before Edy died. I listened to the happened. We, my friend and I, played a major part in getting them reunited. First of all I think Edy encouraged me to change my life and move to a different location. Second of all, Edy had to find someone who visited a channeled spirit, me. Third, I believe that Edy had a huge part in me meeting M and we two having the same desires.

There were two occasions that stand out in my mind One where M spoke of Edy and I said "I think she watched over you" And two where I said "I think she would like to speak to you". I think I even knew ahead of time that maybe Edy's partner was staying away because M and Edy had a thing

The other side is only a breath away. They are everywhere and can go anywhere. They help us if we ask them to help us. I did Edy a favor. Actually I believe that she guided me the whole way. Funny how we are all connected by thoughts and wishes.

Today I experienced ESP with my ex. M and I were following my ex and her girlfriend and we both spotted the same restraint I guess at the same time for my cell phone ran and of all the restaurants she said you want to go here and I said I was just thinking about that. M had said she was hungry.

And now I'm going to visit a state I always wanted to visit that will enhance my artist abilities and I feel that I may be making qrequent trips in the future because I think that I will be hugely inspired and attracted to that part of the country

And now things are beginning to fall in place and make sense. I've not been forgotten in the grand scheme of things. I feel a whole new world will be opened up to me and I will begin living a wonderful new life.

I thank the universe for all of my many blessings: For keeping me safe and sound. I feel so protected. I need not worry about anything happening to me because I know they will be at my side guiding and protecting me because I asked! All we need is to believe. Ask, believe and be grateful! I certainly am grateful! Thank you for my pain free days and ability to run, swim and bike. Life is good and I am very lucky and grateful. Thanks for my good health, my friends' and for keeping my car running as good as the day I bought it. Thanks for keeping it safe and me too.

Please take care and protect my loves. Please remember the good doctor. She asked about me and I floated high on a cloud the rest of the days. I think about her often. She's a wonderful warm human being.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Romney dealing with China...

Sixty thousand companies used to make toys in America now there are only about 9 thousands toy makers in America. Most toys are made in China where there are no safety or quality standards that are met. As a result dangerous toys are being shipped to this country where there are no inspections. Toys are tested by children I guess.. in real life.

And Bush allows this...and never expresses any concern. The man is oil crazed and we do not need this. Under his "rule" we are falling further and further behind economically, socially and technically. We sell our secrets to China where certain parts of commercial planes are being built and China does our maintenance on our commercial planes.

Bush is about as evil as they get.. he is so worried about us being attacked yet he allows illegal immigrants to slip in openly through our southern borders. He allows China to make poison toys without meeting USA quality standards. Well, I guess this country no longer has quality standards since only a few companies here in this country still make toys.

Bush has sold us down a bankrupt river to China. What is to keep China from taking over this land...oh without attack...they are creeping into businesses with investment companies now. American can no long afford homes as jobs are being out sourced to foreign countries and with people not making money in this country.....where is the tax base coming from?

Hello. I'm not an economist and I can figure that out. If people are not making money how can they buy anything. And without a tax base (I'm speaking of income tax from salaries and spending tax when buying products) in this country how in the hell can Bush afford to attack any more countries. Iraq never attached us!

And where is the back bone of the American people...where is our Charlie Wilson? For almost eight years we allows Bush and cronies who came in with a distinct plan of "attack" so they could go after the oil in Iraq and elsewhere in the middle east. Old man Bush and cronies had a plan from the very beginning to get into the middle east and get that oil. These people are crazy.

We can make plastics from soy oil or corn oil. We can create electricity from solar, wind, river and ocean currents. We need an educated person in Washington who sees the whole picture who has a plan to save this country.

Mitt Romney founder of Bane is in cahoots with a defense contractor. Bane is partly in China I believe. By the way, China has a huge army. 3com, Hauwei (close ties to China military) Duncan Hunter has blasted Mitt Romney co founder of Bane who is in cahoots with Hauwei.

Romney is co-founder of Bane Capital that is hooking up Hauwei with 3Com (a Pentagon security company). House Resolution 730 should not be approved by Congress.

I repeat: House Resolution 730 should not be approved by congress. China is on a buying spree.. I guess so they have all the money. In the 80's Japan bought up land. But China is investing in Morgan Stanley, Bear Stern, Iomega, and now 3Com a security company. 3com who has security contracts at the Pentagon. Chinese hackers are trying to crack Oakland Securities in Tennessee. Secretary Robert Gates of the Pentagon has had his computers hit.

Earlier this year China has launched an anti satellite test mission..... which means they could knock out our satellites. China is doing this!!! China seeks electromagnetic dominance in order to win in first strikes over any enemy networks. Is there a red storm rising? Does Bush know? And yet Bush keeps borrowing more money from them and putting us over the beholding barrel even further and further. Is this man a danger? And the Democrat merely complain and yet do nothing about this.

Bush wake are a fool... hey are you a communist? A Christian, my!

Oh and get a load of this...just how dependable are our voting machines. Colorado is having trouble which the company says will have fix by November? Yea right...just program them to vote Republican. Now you know Repubicans work for big business and only one or two companies make all of our voting machines...yes I am fearful that Romney just may get elected. Oh he speaks religion, and morals and anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage...but he sure doesn't speak about Bane.. A security company he co-founded and is in cahoots with China. I need to look further into this and I'll report the interim... don't vote for him...not unless you want China to take over this country....probably by 2020 when we run out of oil and Bush finally demands 35 MPH cars from cheap American car companies. Have you noticed that American autos are selling their cars via "sync" a cool radio system... a great sales pitch to the youth of this country....and Onstar too... I think "Onstar" is cool. I would love to work for Onstar..

Anyway let me get on investing Bane.. now.. I'll rewatch the CNN piece I just saw...

okay that's number three

I'm beginning to get a little nervous. Now I hear on CNN where American Airlines and other US airlines are out sourcing airplane maintenance to China. They claim it's FAA approved but in China there are no alcohol or drug testing. What about security?

Homeland security is beginning to sound like a job Mr. Bush! We have a free for all coming across our Southern borders, we have a failing health care system, we have a failing mortgage lending system. Oh they work the figures to postpone the fact that housing prices far out reach today's average salaries. The short term solution - cook the books. Treat people into thinking that they can afford their dream home and after two years raise the percentage and make them cry.

Homeland security? China is investing in our financial and investment systems they already have invested in our land. Charge card companies out source and claim that's safe. Heck, incomes tax returns are out sourced. Talk about homeland security. What a joke. What a scam. I am truly wondering about 9 11 01 ...truly I am! The camera angles were just too perfect and who put them there? They were mounted. I sure would like to see those braces that held them...I bet they were old and rusted. Al Quad? I wonder? And even so...we ignored fair warnings. It got us into a seven year war for profit and oil protection.

All crimes need motives. You can tell Bush is for future oil use because each time he speaks of demanding alternative fuel plans or increasing car mileage per gallon.. he extends the date; today it was 2020. Two years ago it was 2010. My guess is that he and his auto and oil buddies to not want to move away from oil. And as oil supplies diminish the price goes up nearly $3.00 now as the the good old boys get wealthier and wealthier.

We are the only country that it is debt as deep as we are. As far as I know, we are the only country that out sources and off shores as much as we do losing good paying jobs here in this country .. and now you wonder why people cannot afford the huge homes that are being build? The last time minimum wage workers could pay the rent was in 1980. Do you see what I am saying? People are living out of their means out of necessity. They are living a thin economical line before filing bankruptcy (oh Bush fixed that..he has made it harder to file bankruptcy).

You have to vote for Hillary. In the nineties Mr Clinton got more people out of poverty than anyone. Edwards claims he can raise the minimum wage to $9.50. Oh please! That won't happen. They are blowing smoke. The only one who has any real experience is the Clinton's! At this point in the downward spiraling (even effecting the stock market now..) economy we need all the experience that we can muster! I say vote for Hillary!

Bush, Bush, Bush

People over 50 with cancer are more likely to die if they have no insurance and use medicaid. We need comprehensive health reform in this country. You will never get that if you elect a Republican. Keep that in mind when you vote!

Even people who have health insurance cannot trust that their insurance will cover all of the physicians' prescribes treatments. Doctors' hands are tied. Our health system in this country is dictated by insurance companies. And once more, you will never know how good your insurance plan is until you have to use it. More people without insurance, with some insurances and patients using Medicaid need to insist our government helps us.

Oh forget it! Look at the people in New Orleans they are still struggling to find a place to live even after two years. FEMA is failing in that area. Bush doesn't care.

I'm beginning to think that Bush is working for the Chinese. It seems they are the ones coming out ahead of all this money we are spending to capture and protect oil. And today Bush signed a bill saying all American auto makers had to produce higher standards on gas mileage. But Bush is giving them until 2020 to do this. 2020? See he keeps pushing it out...because he is still making gallons of money on oil as well are the oil and auto people. They don't want to give up oil or make cars with more mileage per gallon. Amazing. You know I often wondered why American cars leak oil on to the parking spot.. now I know why. It's so you have to add a quart between oil changes. Get it? More money for them! My college text book called it built in maintenance. In other words they build it to fall apart... so you spend money on extended warranties and service. Get it? Yes, things you won't learn in high school. That's why everyone should go to college. Yes, the American auto makers aren't into quality or honesty for that matter. Ethics? What the hell is that?

Vote for Hillary we need the experience and she has a health care plan for affordable health insurance for everyone in America. Obama is very inexperienced and lately hasn't been around to cast votes. Personally, I think he just blows hot air. He speaks but yet says nothing. He doesn't even speak that well. Hillary is votes on issues, writes bills and speaks very intelligently forced Edwards and Obama to talk about health care in this country otherwise, I'm sure they would not have.

For eight years Bush has concentrated on Iraq and the oil ....all that oil....must be driving crazy. And he talks too about coal. Peabody loves that I'm sure. China is burning coal like no body's business, their air is thick with soot. I feel so sorry for the Athletics heading there in the Spring of 08. What a mess. Of course you know why they got the bid. Hello, they hold our trillion dollar debt. If they default we are down the tubes. Now on CNN I see where China is investing more not only in American soil but in American investment companies. Read Tom Dodd's "The Exporting of America". In the back of the book he lists about 200 companies including Fidelity that out source to China. China and India already handles credit card information and reads x rays.

In my opinion this administration is doing nothing to help young people get greatly needed
educations so they have a decent future. Parents need to educate their children and encourage them to get an education. In m opinion our society is digressing instead of progressing. Teen births are up by three percent. More grandparents will be postponing retirement dream in lieu of raising grand babies.

Congress voted for a spending bill with unconditional spending for Bush's war in Iraq. Another topic of today: The states are taking it upon themselves to curtail illegal immigrants arrivals in their states by going after businesses who hire illegal immigrants. California and Missouri's Republican governors are among the ever growing number of governors who are taking matters into their own hands since Bush has failed them.

Bush as opened the door for fair trade with foreign countries and their products that are being shipped into this country are not inspected to see if they meet our standards. I believe our standards have gone to the's all about quantity not quality. Add another word that is not used around Washington any longer: quality!

Health care is very important to New Englanders...yeah Hillary. It takes a Clinton to clean up after a Bush.

Oh here comes the Catholic church promoting illegal amnesty...please go away..I'm sick of the church. I'm sick of any church telling me homosexuality is a sin when the church is filled with gay men. There is nothing wrong with being gay...yet they declare it a sin. God created who I am..and god doesn't make mistakes only narrow minded old white men who dreamt up this fictional bible. Oh and they all had to have their own version. Money grubbers! If there weren't any sinners (sins that they create) they would be out of business. Bunch of hypocrites...wish we could vote them out of office...thinking their holier than's discussing!


In the 80's Chinese were investing in private property here now they are investing in 3com (Pentagon security group) and Morgan Stanley and other investment agencies. They are doing this with the money we pay them towards our trillion dollar debt. The security and Treasury department has no concern.

Most people are worried about foreign countries invested in our technical and security. In the last few months homeland security has found Chinese has been trying to hack government and security firewalls, one in Tennessee. And China has launched an anti-satellite test...against our satellites. China achieves electromagnetic interfacing into our systems.

This gets me to thinking...while Bush is so worried about claiming and protecting all the oil in the middle east and borrowing trillions of dollars to do that.. he is unknowingly opening the doors for China to buy us up and move right in over here... they do need lots more room you know. Most colleges are offering Chines as a language course and I wonder if that is a sign of the future. I feel we are selling our home land unknowingly out of greed.

as I sit by the fire and watch it snow I think back to..

June, 2007. Here is a recap oEntry for June 18, 2007

It's a new dawn...a new beginning. Don't ever look back, only forward.

An Adventure in Bicycling and Restored Faith

It was a brainstorm. For some reason I thought I had to bicycle seventy miles from home to a little Missouri wine town along the Katy Trail called Herman. Packed up with gifts in toll from my friend, I headed out early afternoon on Friday. Traffic was a gas; and why are stop lights always at the top of steep hills? I’m out there, in the left turn lane with the rest of them, only they the drivers probably aren’t praying out loud like I am. “Hail Mary full of grace.”..and “Angel of God my guardian near..” No matter how you look at it, wrong or right, they’re just bigger than I am and unpredictable.

Finally, I made my way to the trail…on chat now, fine rock, noisy under my wheels. A little dusty too. My 25c’s with carbon streak down the center, ignoring the sharp edges of the chipped pieces of rock. I”m on my way. Backpack in toll with a few things and a three pound tent. It’s a good tent but for the life of me can’t figure out the two in the one to two man tent as labeled. I pedal greeting bicyclist coming from the opposite direction. I see an older couple they are weighted down with back packs but their bicycles has panniers too. I don’t have that option on this bike. I’m thinking, maybe I should have gotten a cross-over bicycle instead of a regular road bike. The tires are 28c and with a little tread. But, mine seem to do okay. I pray a lot. I pray that I don’t have any break down of any kind, for me or the bicycle. By the time I get to Difance, the pack is becoming quit heavy and weighting on my back and bottom. So, I’m thinking maybe I’ll leave a few things at the bike shop in Difance and pick them up on the way back. As I begin to fill the box the owner so graciously gives me, I think maybe if I could just strap the tent across my handlebars I’ll be fine. Wish I would have brought bungee cords now..but I brought my combination chain lock, wrapped in plastic…so maybe. I thank the guy anyway, he is looking all over the bungee cords…I stop him from searching as I discovered that I could wrap the chain lock around my handlebars and the tent bag and it holds. I’m thrilled to death and my back is smiling with relief. A prayer is answered.

I ride on, through the breezy warmth of the afternoon, mile after rocky, field road like, miles. For hours. I munch on Jelly Bellies candy and sip Monster energy drink from my installed bike bottle. It’s getting near dusk now. I’m should be coming upon Herman soon…it’s right along the trail..isn’t it? According to my mileage: 73 miles, I should have been there by now. I decided to pull out the map and take a look? What? I missed it. It is South of the Trail down Highway 19. What highway 19? A car turns in front of me with a little one strapped in the back seat safety seat. The guy gets out after I wave him over. He says, I need to go three miles back, over the bridge of Louve River, underneath 19 through the tunnel, climb up the hill and get onto 19 that way. He offers to strap my bike on top of his car, as he roots for bungee cords in this hatch back. I’m thinking my bike would scratch the top of his car. I said…it’s okay, I’ll just pedal fast and I’ll make it before it get dark. Cars are coming now towards us with headlights on. I’m thinking, once again, oh god, help me. I pedal like hell and pray Hail Mary…. Finally, the bridge, the tunnel, I climb up the hill cross 19 and pedal on the nice wide shoulder of the highway. Sweet! I’m thinking I’ll get there in no time now. Then the big neon traffic alert sign on my side of the road ahead of me…warning me that with new bridge construction there is no shoulder between bridges. What does that mean? Are there two bridges that I have to cross? No shoulder? Oh no!

Oh God! It’s dark now as I approach the bridge riding along side safety barrels now that are squeezing me out into the middle of the lane. I see a man walking a dog in the new construction zone. It is all rock. I cut in and get off my bicycle. I want to ask him if there is another way around all this to get into Herman, just right on the other side of the river. I see town lights on the hill sides but I also notice there are no lights on the old bridge. Then I see a pick up way ahead of the new construction. It appears to be a worker inspecting the progress of the new bridge. I see back up lights as he turns around to head out, my way. I wave. He stops. I immediately relax as I see he has a woman with him, probably his wife. They are both Hispanic. I ask him if I can get across the new bridge into Herman. He said that it was all open yet that there was no way across that way that I would have to use the old bridge. I told him I was trying to get across to Herman. At that point I’m thinking that I am totalling lost. What will I do? Pitch my tent on the rocks and spend the night there. I see he has a pick up. I could offer him ten bucks to throw my bike in the back and me too. Then he says. “I can follow you across the bridge.” Bingo! I said. “Oh wow. You would do that? With your emergency lights flashing?” He nods. “Oh thank you!” And off we go. I swore to ride as fast as I could. I pedals like hell up the entrance of the bridge. He stays a comfortable distance behind me. This is so cool, I’m thinking and I cry because the man was so nice…and the other man before him who wanted to me help me. I cry, because I know they are guardian angels sent to help me. My faith is renewed. My love for man is restored. This is truly a magical moment and a life changing experience I will never forget this and how it made me feel one with the universe. We are all indeed connected. I pedal like hell. My aching back and bottom forgotten totally now. I turn to cross bridge drains at an angle. I made it without my tires getting stuck. Thank god! I dodge bumps and cracks and holes and finally I”m across. He slowly drives by me with his window down. I happily yell thank you.. and I truly mean it from the bottom of my heart. He is god to me. He slows to nod and six cars and trucks wait even longer to get going impatiently wanting to speed through town. But they know why now; the reason for the hold up…the slow going. There she is standing over her bicycle and they understand.

Okay, it’s time to find the park now.. I stop near a lighted sign honoring the gifted people of the community. It’s bright. I can see my notes written on my map. A couple walks up. They seem alright, safe. He points in the direction of the park and says I can’t miss it. She digs. “You’re traveling along?” as if to say…look at me.. I have a man! You have to travel along, not me. I let that go by and concentrate on what I have to do next. I thank them and ride on. I see the sign that there me the park is this way. I guess I should have turned further down where he told me; as it was I passed two ball diamonds riding against blinding lights. The lights must have blinded the guy headed towards me in the Camaro, because he about side swiped me; he was so busy watching the girls play ball he about killed me. To think I made it across the bridge for this….there was no way I was taking the ditch. He got within two feet and I think when and only when I came into his line of vision did he pull the wheel the other way. Finally! I was so tired I didn’t even get shuck up or mad, surprisingly enough. I think by then I knew my guardian angels were truly with me on this trip.

I asked two couples talking near the pool where the tent camping grounds where. God, how I wanted to jump in the pool and rinse the dust off. She directed me easily enough and was very friendly. I saw the RV’s then and the single tent. I see it’s a young family of four. Perfect. I camp near them, my adopted family for the night. It was then I heard the loud “rib-it” of the must have been huge bull frog. Little did I know he would keep his song up all night. My tent went up easily. I’m tired. I took a shower in the shower house and I”m ready to rest now. I figure the traffic across the creek will die down soon, it’s ten at night..oh but it’s Friday night. Oh well! It’s noisy on the street, kids across the way are bouncing a basketball, the little kids are crying now, the traffic is zooming by and the bull frog croaks his merry greetings but I don’t care. I lay there crying as I think of the two guys who helped me. I’m safe and my faith in mankind is restored. I wonder was this the purpose of the whole trip. Was this the reason I had such a strong undeniable urge to take this trip.. on my own? My life is changed .. for the better…forever. I envy people who can just sleep anywhere, through anything; I’m not one of them, of course, I knew that ahead of time. I’ve been like this all of my life. My heart doesn’t slow worrying about crossing back over the bridge in the morning. I figure I’ll get up early before everyone else is up and about and the traffic will be light. I munch a little on the huge pretzel I bought after the brewery in Augusta stopped selling food today. I’m not hungry. I’m too tired to be hungry, and anxious. I’m feeling grateful and anxious. Why? I wonder, the universe is clearing on my side. Yet my humanness keeps me concerned.

I power my cell phone on to check the time…it’s 12:30 now. Then 2:30. At 3:30 I think I”ll probably doze now…as I still hear some traffic, but it’s lighter now…the kids are sleeping, basketball is done…but the bull frog croaks on. It’s okay though, I’ve grown accustomed to the sound..and can almost tune it out. I do think I doze off then..for awhile. It’s amazing to me and I think it must be the yoga for the ground doesn’t seem all that uncomfortable to me. It’s getting chilly though and I pull clothes out of my backpack to cover with. I knew I should have dried off with the hand towel and left the bath towel dry for covering…but I’m okay. I love these towels, they are small and compact and fold to a small size, perfect for travel or the health club pool, that doesn’t provide towels. What a find I think…as I doze off. The birds begin to sing so I know it won’t be long before day break. I’m wide awake and begin to put my stuff away and take down and fold my expensive but handy dandy tent I have become fond of. It set up in a snap..and packs away small..and weights 3.5 pounds. I’m still not really hungry but snack on a Nature Valley health bar and drink some water. As I did during the night I pee in a cup in the tent and empty it by sling it's contents far out onto the grass. Sometimes it just nice to travel along and you can do such things in your tent. I think I would be more shy and polite if someone was there with me. Anyway, I’m off and ready to go. My back aches a bit when I sling the pack on. My bottom feels sore when I straddle the seat but I”m off.

I cross the bridge without any problems as only two cars get into the other lane to go around me. I’m thinking, if anyone even slightly bumps me it’s in the river I’ll go..there are only two widely spaced horizontal bars separately me from the mighty Missouri rapidly flowing below me. I’m glad to get across it. The shoulder rides nice away from the speed bumps.. I stop at a service station quick stop and fill up on SoBe Energy drink. I love the stuff. I put one in my bike bottle and the other in the backpack with the orange juice I bought and more Nature Valley health bars. I begin to ride. Oops slight mistake what was I thinking, now my backpack is heavy again, even more so. I try to drink the energy drink and orange juice fast as I pedal back east now…back on the bumpy, noisy, rocky, field road of a trail. Gee, this section only has a few big tractor tire marks to bump over…not bad.

I see rabbits galore dashing about in the early morning sun and mist as I pedal on. Now I’m looking for a trash can. It amazes me how people respect the trail; there is not one piece of paper or empty bottle of any kind in sight. Now the whole seventy plus miles that I have ridden…and that alone makes me want to cry, besides my burning bottom. But then I think, unlike the house that has barb wire around their front and side yards, that it’s the type of people who are interested in using the trails like this…usually health minded, environmentally minded, all around nice people who care about the trail. The trails are great to see and greet like minded friendly people. As I sat on my backpack many times taking a breather, many who pedaled by, mostly men, would ask if I was okay. But, in general men and women are very nice on the trails and always ready to help one another. I wonder, is it the sheer might of the nature of the big vehicle that makes driver more aggressive and litterers? The safety of the enclosed capsule? I think people who walk and ride are more apt to greed one another…and it gives me a hometown feeling. Can’t say though that I would cherish living away from the city, even though it is a lot cooler away from auto heat and rising street heat. It’s nice and quiet on the trail, away from speedy traffic, that park is nice. When I think of all the horrible places to have a flat tire or break down along that trail I shake inside. I know that I was darn lucky. Because when you get further out…there are very few people around…no help. I prayed my thankfulness. I know that I am fortunate and very blessed. There is a whole lot of time to think about things out there alone on the trail. I know that I am very grateful.

Soon I finally come upon Augusta and it’s getting hot. But, I don’t want to stop at the brewery on the hill again so I pedal seven more miles to Difance where I get a hot dog and engage in much appreciated lively conversation with a couple of women who were out riding on the trail and now having lunch. I offered the one more talkative woman fifty bucks to take me to St. Louis…and she laughs. I’m thinking that I will leave my stuff at the lake house and it will be easier to pedal the last six miles through traffic…then I then I’ll have to drive back and get my stuff… I’ll just call a cab….then I think that I’ll check in with my friend.. I thought she might be busy but she offers to come get me.

I can barely pedal the rest of the way, I am so in pain with my bottom burning… I try like hell and in vain to find a comfortable spot….the backpack gets heavier and heavier. A few times I throw the thing on the ground and sat on it..taking my helmet off, drinking water. I inch my way onward..finally, I’m back on pavement, as I climb the big hit and cross the river. Back to civilization here I come! I know within four short miles I can sit on my butt and rest and get a much appreciated ride back home. Funny as soon as it’s over… I feel better already.

When I got up Saturday morning in Herman I had 80 miles exacting on my trip odometer, and when I arrived at the Lake House I had 146 miles total and a sore bottom, but that was it. I praised the lord and thanked the universe for my safe trip and lack of joint or muscle pain. I know that I am very gifted and blessed. Life is good! Good Samaritans and friends - priceless! What a trip and what a lesson in the gifts of mankind. I feel raised to a higher spiritual level now… I am connected with the universe and the spirit world. What a loving, learning experience. Thank you

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

How can people stand...

to listen to Russ L. What a freak to go around insulting people. Of course he has his like minded followers of little ditto dicks with rusted
out pick up trucks with no respect for human kind at all.

I'm being a little mean here myself.. but not to any degree near as to
the antics of Russ and now Amos is back. What a couple of characters.
I'll be fair I'll throw in Ann C in the mix too. Republicans are evil.
And I guest Russ marches his drug induced soul to church every
Sunday like a good little flunky whose dad and brother are successful

Hillary will be the next president in spite of these evil insulting maniacs.
I hate the Republican Christian hypocrites. They preach the holier
than thou bible (made up crap to suit male egos) and have to home school brainwash their kids into their prisons of belief. They hate women and homosexuals and are espouse bias behavior. They are going to fix the world and turn the world into following their beliefs. this made me want to puke! Watch the DVD "Jesus Camp" and you'll cry at the
evil that is done to children... no wonder they become twisted and crazed minded AK47 touting teenagers. Such insanity!

There is nothing wrong with a women choosing her destiny men just want to control everything and have the last say. There is nothing wrong with being gay men just think it's more fun sneaking I guess so they become down low hypocrites like Haggard and Craig who preach one thing and do the very sin themselves.

I say watch out for the bill signing politician and preacher who need to speak out against the very thing they themselves do. I am so glad they were outed. They spread hate. They hurt law abiding decent productive citizens with their words. I wonder if Jerry Farewell is frying right now in his own hate?

May the spiritual prevail and women lead the world. I agree with Denis R I'm sick of ignorant, greedy, bias old white men running the show. We need a drastic change.. a women. You know how most mothers are the true foundation of the man and she is the run who really runs the home front. There you go! It takes a women to come in and clean up the mess that men have made. Men are just old ignorant little greedy, selfish boys with toys. It takes a woman to be responsible and take care of the needs of a woman. I know a woman can do it without the male bullshit. I saw it at work in the 70's with Affirmative Action (yes, it applied to women too). Women came in and cleaned up house. Most of the men were just goof balls then trying to jeopardized women's know like stupid little ignorant boys.

May the women in this world finally wise up and take action. We were repressed and held down when I was growing up and it is so refreshing to see women finally come into their own. More women (and minority women) are graduating from college and choosing high profile careers so it's time ladies to get a woman in the white house to clean up this irresponsible, economical and social mess.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

TV, Radio and now newspapers

Is this not scary? Manipulated news.

This is being sent to Guild activists.
Washington, D.C. -- The Communications Workers of America, its newspaper and broadcast sectors, and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists expressed disappointment over the Federal Communications Commission's revisions to the newspaper-broadcast ownership rule. The changes will allow a single corporation to own both a broadcast and newspaper operation in the 20 largest media markets.
CWA and affiliates -- The Newspaper Guild-CWA and the National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians-CWA -- along with AFTRA, expressed strong concern that the FCC did not require that any merged newspaper-broadcast operation maintain separate newsroom and editorial staff, an addition that would have helped to ensure an independent editorial voice in communities. They also stressed that ensuring a diverse media is more critical than ever in today's environment and raised concerns about the impact of consolidation on competition, diversity of opinion and quality jobs.

We're in trouble now! They'll tell us only what they want us to hear and see. Well they pretty much do that anyway. Telling us Castro is evil when his people look at us like we are nuts. They have least have decent almost free health care.

Maybe Venezuela's Charvez likes Bush after all..maybe "the devil" seen was manipulated.

Remember that movie way back when in the eighties with Brenda Vocarro (mispelled) and James Bolen (Barbara Steinstein's husband. Where the USA faked a landing on the moon. It was all staged and then the participant were murdered so the secret wouldn't leak but Bolen's character got away and walked up to his own grave site. It was fabulous!

Another good movie is with Dustin Hoffman called "Wage the Dog" showing another staged war. It is fabulous. I think this was another 80's movie or maybe early 90's.

My point being..there is probably more of this manipulating of the news going on then what we really want to know about.

Like now the elections are taking presidence over the war in Iraq and government spending.

Teenage age mothers

usually end up living a life of poverty. According to the Young Mother's Club in CA, about 75% of the boyfriends bail sometime during the pregnancy or after she delivers when responsibilities begin to become monetary. A teenage mother's mother usually has the greatest hand in helping with the new grand baby and from there on..

Most young girls get wrapped up in the natural coercions of sexual approaches and responses and in the heat of the moment forget about using protection.. not only to prevent pregnancy but also diseases including AID because the guy made be living the down low unprotected.
Seems like it never occurs to women that men could be switch hitters.

I think the choice of having an abortion or bringing a baby into the world should be up to the mother.

Girls and BOYS should be taught in school about birth control. It should be pushed more into action. Oh but Christians are so afraid that it will promote sexual activity. Hormones promote sexual activity. If more adults who are married were having more sex themselves..they would realize this.

It's all politics anyway. I think if Mitt Romney wants to reverse Roe vs Wade he should raise every unwanted baby himself personally. He should adopt every unwanted baby. Personally, I don't think men should choose if a woman should go through childbirth. Oh easy for him to say and feed his ego. Women at every age believe it's a woman's choice.

It just upsets up that politicians such as Romney and Huckabee think they can "speak for the American people". They don't speak for me and neither does Obama.

I'm not a fan of Obama either. He doesn't speak well, neither does Edwards. Don't know if I could listen to them for four years. Hillary on the other hand speak very well and directly to the point and answers questions directly. She has the most experience and besides you get two for the price of one. It's a no brain er where I am concerned. Besides the other guys didn't talk about correcting the health care problems in this country, not before Hillary brought it up. And she has a plan which she tried to get accomplished back in '93. Republicans are only for big business and the ripping off of every cent of the American people.. I've seen it for eight years and I'm sick of it quit frankly. Every last tax dollar has gone into a needless war for profit for big corporations. Bush has turned a blind eye to every crooked trick pulled by politicians and businessman's. This is a war for greedy oil mongers and I'm tired of it. This country could have been oil free since the 70's oil crunch like Brazil did.. but no a few already skull and bones Bush cronies were buried deep into oil profits. What a bunch of crooked old fools who think the American public is blind to their unethical, unhonorable tactics. Look at Enron! That's just one example. This country is trillions of dollars in debt over oil..does that make sense? Talk about stubborn old men!

Talking about holding back progress we could have been using electric or alternative fuels back in the 70 or before. In 1904 there were electric and gas driven cars... and that is when this whole sick all started with the oil.. old man bush was an old man...and his father before him and bankers.

It's all business..government is... it's all for making money for a few and that few as the middle class shrinks into poverty.

We have to kiss Chia, Mexico and India's butts because we are beholdened to them.. they carry our extremely huge debt.

See what greed gets you? So politicans.. don't speak for me because you have no intentions of helping the average American person from getting ripped off by government and big businesses who ship good paying jobs overseas and sold us down the poverty destined river. Government should be stepping in to save jobs, insist upon decent honest affordable health care. Those in Washington don't give a shit they are getting kick backs from the 33,000 lobbyist who are camped out there in Washington. In other words politicans are being bought to cut taxes repeated for big business and allow big business to rip off Americans.

Nice going Washington.. you should feel very proud.

The only one who makes sense to me is Hillary. She's the only one who has a plan. She's not there for the glory. I remember when I finally got a "man's job" at the phone company thanks to union and Johnson's Affirmation Action plan. I took advantage of getting a better job because I saw the idots who were working these craft/technical jobs and I knew I could do just as good if not better...besides I had good work ethics. Then the men would sabatoges ladies work...the men were idiots and did not take kindly to women getting their jobs... now you know why so men rape and disrespect women when a women is in this good paying job to feed her kids after she has been abandoned by the father. Men are ego idiots.

According to a recent article .... The government is upping cost for birth control at colleges and preaching absintence to younger people and the teen birth rate is increasing after slowing for many year. In other words the govenment (christian fools) need to mind their own business. What are they sick demented people? I think they are against homosexuals too because they are preverted.. I guess they like sneaking around rather than being open about sex. Weirdos! Here's the article:

"With its useless and medically inaccurate abstinence programs, the federal government already shortchanges high-school students when it comes to contraception. Now it's adding to the burdens of college women, who need more access to the pill, not less. It's up to Congress to get it together this week and make it easier for college students to protect themselves. The necessary language would fit on a Post-It note. Let's just hope it sticks to something—anything—that makes it into law this year."
