Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Backing HIllary

A former governor of Iowa is backing Hillary. He feels health insurance should be mandated...so do I...like car insurance. Makes sense to me! Oh, she'll make it affordable....probably geared to your income.

The announcer on MSNBC said. "A young person told me they don't want to be forced to get health insurance. They would rather spend their money on something else". I ask what....a pair of shoes? It's time to be responsible! Yes, young people think nothing will ever happen to them. Hello! Accidents! God forbid..cancer! Any number of things can happen to them. Does this young person want to spend the better part of her remaining post accident life..paying off hospital and doctors bills? You know "young person" mommy and daddy are not going to be around forever...it's time you get responsible! Mommy and daddy pay your car insurance too? Your car payment? Get real! It's time to be an adult and take responsibility. And she/he probably smokes too! Or is over weight and sedentary. You might get away with it for a while but by your 40's it's all going to catch up with you.

And I guessing it's just not just young people thinking like this...and that is why there are millions of people in this country without health insurance.

Hillary wants to make health insurance affordable and mandate that every one must have health insurance..just like you have to have car insurance. Paying a premium is like paying taxes....we all do it. England, France, and Canada have socialized medicine where the government picks the insurance (or has it's own insurance plan) and that might not be a bad idea...at least they are over seeing what is going on.

Where as here in the USA (Bush turns a blind eye..he's all for companies...making the bucks and ripping off the people) we have no one watching to make sure insurance companies are not ripping us off. So here in this country insurance companies do rip us off and Bush is well aware....well maybe...he's probably out riding his bicycle and just waits for someone to have him a speak to read. On 9 11 after he learned they went through with it...he sat there in front of the kids dumbfounded....the look remains.

Today, we pay the premiums yet health insurance companies do not want to deliver up front or bail out during treatment. And patients in their worse hour of need or having to beg or go bankrupt or sell their homes to pay their health care debts. Our government sucks!

The president government is only out to help big companies..the hell with the tax payers. And Bush and cronies had already gone through tax revenues for the next ten years..and stuffing the money in their own greedy pockets. You know Venezuela's president Chavez may have nailed Bush when he referred to hi as the devil. Sonny and old man Bush want to make every last cent they can from OIL. The good old boys forced out the electric car makers in 1902 when both gas and electric were available. The gas car polluted the air something terrible but there was money for Standard Oil and the good old boys..so the hell with what you breath. The hell with the planet! They want their money!! Just how much money do they need is my question? Greed.... and they call themselves religious!

No one looks out for the average guy...the tax base in this country. It's about time we have some one looking out for us. Stop allowing big companies to our source good paying jobs. Stop shipping manufacturing jobs to third world countries for cheap slave labor. Close the Southern borders. My question is...if good jobs go away where will the money to buy goods and pay taxes come from? Has no one thought this through? Do Republicans just hand out tax breaks and cuts to businesses and give them the green light so they can save a buck....and the hell with the average person.

One problem with this administration is that no one thinks ahead. Bush certainly doesn't. Well, Bush doesn't have a clue. Daddy probably running the show...the oil bank...the banker.

Little mom and pop businesses are failing to Walgreen's and banks on every corner.

You now your economy is in trouble and in deep debt when finance offices need to come up with creative financing so the average Joe can "think" he can afford to buy a house....only to have the interest rate balloon in a couple years and the buyer's who hasn't gotten a raise in a while...defaults. Banks do not lose..they already got their fees and using nothing but interest is paid up front in the beginning of the loan. So, come on, banks do alright.

Builders may be in trouble because the market is saturated with newly built homes that people cannot afford. People making $10.00 an hour cannot affordable the average home cost of today. And I believe the banks knew this so they ethically stretched the moral line until they got caught. And now the dollar is weak and the economy in a slump while gas prices rise and the Bush's and good old oil boys are making a killing..here and in Iraq. What the DVD "Iraq for Sale: War for Profiteering".

And you think I'm blowing hot air....watch "Who Killed the Electric Car?"

Those good old boys don't give a shit about saving this planet and are driving their big ass gas guzzling people killing pick up trucks. It amazes me....no passengers ...just the driver...driver a big ass pick up or SUV and hauling six thousand pounds and shit load of gas around....for what? So people think they are successful? That's a laugh! A truly successful person conserves and doesn't feel the need to "shout out" their successes.

Me? I love my modest paid for older Toyota that runs as perfect and looks as good as the day I bought it in 1998. With 107,000 miles and regular oil changes and maintenance at the DEALER, I haven't had to replace a single bulb. I can remember when I owned a 1986 Ford Escort. The only thing good about it was the front wheel drive. But true to American car form, it blew a head gasket at 26,000 miles and I was always replacing head lights and tail lights and the battery died the day after the warranty was up. They sure know how to time it.

So, okay I got side tracked again....I feel we do need mandated health insurance plans in this country. I vote for Hillary to straighten this mess out. She at lease has a plan...have you ever noticed how Obams does not speak in specifics. And what does that tell you when he has to get Oprah up there on stage with him to draw the people to listen to him. It tells me that he doesn't have the huge following....that Oprah does. Whose running anyway? Oprah or Obama?

I feel we need people with specific ideas for me to hear NOW. Hillary tells me what she plans on doing to HELP the American people.

And all Obams say is "The American people want this and that...." First of all I do not care for any one speaking for me. And over and over Obams tell us what we want....but he fails to come across and tell us just HOW he plans are doing these changes that will "benefit" us.

I want experience in the white house. What better way to go...then to get two for the price of one. It's a no brainer to me!

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