Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bush, Bush, Bush

People over 50 with cancer are more likely to die if they have no insurance and use medicaid. We need comprehensive health reform in this country. You will never get that if you elect a Republican. Keep that in mind when you vote!

Even people who have health insurance cannot trust that their insurance will cover all of the physicians' prescribes treatments. Doctors' hands are tied. Our health system in this country is dictated by insurance companies. And once more, you will never know how good your insurance plan is until you have to use it. More people without insurance, with some insurances and patients using Medicaid need to insist our government helps us.

Oh forget it! Look at the people in New Orleans they are still struggling to find a place to live even after two years. FEMA is failing in that area. Bush doesn't care.

I'm beginning to think that Bush is working for the Chinese. It seems they are the ones coming out ahead of all this money we are spending to capture and protect oil. And today Bush signed a bill saying all American auto makers had to produce higher standards on gas mileage. But Bush is giving them until 2020 to do this. 2020? See he keeps pushing it out...because he is still making gallons of money on oil as well are the oil and auto people. They don't want to give up oil or make cars with more mileage per gallon. Amazing. You know I often wondered why American cars leak oil on to the parking spot.. now I know why. It's so you have to add a quart between oil changes. Get it? More money for them! My college text book called it built in maintenance. In other words they build it to fall apart... so you spend money on extended warranties and service. Get it? Yes, things you won't learn in high school. That's why everyone should go to college. Yes, the American auto makers aren't into quality or honesty for that matter. Ethics? What the hell is that?

Vote for Hillary we need the experience and she has a health care plan for affordable health insurance for everyone in America. Obama is very inexperienced and lately hasn't been around to cast votes. Personally, I think he just blows hot air. He speaks but yet says nothing. He doesn't even speak that well. Hillary is votes on issues, writes bills and speaks very intelligently forced Edwards and Obama to talk about health care in this country otherwise, I'm sure they would not have.

For eight years Bush has concentrated on Iraq and the oil ....all that oil....must be driving crazy. And he talks too about coal. Peabody loves that I'm sure. China is burning coal like no body's business, their air is thick with soot. I feel so sorry for the Athletics heading there in the Spring of 08. What a mess. Of course you know why they got the bid. Hello, they hold our trillion dollar debt. If they default we are down the tubes. Now on CNN I see where China is investing more not only in American soil but in American investment companies. Read Tom Dodd's "The Exporting of America". In the back of the book he lists about 200 companies including Fidelity that out source to China. China and India already handles credit card information and reads x rays.

In my opinion this administration is doing nothing to help young people get greatly needed
educations so they have a decent future. Parents need to educate their children and encourage them to get an education. In m opinion our society is digressing instead of progressing. Teen births are up by three percent. More grandparents will be postponing retirement dream in lieu of raising grand babies.

Congress voted for a spending bill with unconditional spending for Bush's war in Iraq. Another topic of today: The states are taking it upon themselves to curtail illegal immigrants arrivals in their states by going after businesses who hire illegal immigrants. California and Missouri's Republican governors are among the ever growing number of governors who are taking matters into their own hands since Bush has failed them.

Bush as opened the door for fair trade with foreign countries and their products that are being shipped into this country are not inspected to see if they meet our standards. I believe our standards have gone to the's all about quantity not quality. Add another word that is not used around Washington any longer: quality!

Health care is very important to New Englanders...yeah Hillary. It takes a Clinton to clean up after a Bush.

Oh here comes the Catholic church promoting illegal amnesty...please go away..I'm sick of the church. I'm sick of any church telling me homosexuality is a sin when the church is filled with gay men. There is nothing wrong with being gay...yet they declare it a sin. God created who I am..and god doesn't make mistakes only narrow minded old white men who dreamt up this fictional bible. Oh and they all had to have their own version. Money grubbers! If there weren't any sinners (sins that they create) they would be out of business. Bunch of hypocrites...wish we could vote them out of office...thinking their holier than's discussing!

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