Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The next 18 months

will be used by the Bush bunch to get us deep into Iran for oil protection and more war for profiteering. Watch the DVD "The Selling of Iraq: War for Profiteering".

I think a few rich want to get richer and join the wealthy people of Dubai and live happily ever after when their regime comes to an end January 20th 2009. I think a few powerful men in this country want to be as wealthy as the oil people in the Middle East. In the mean time this country is trillions of dollars in debt and China holds are debt. If they should default...this country will be in big trouble. Read December 07 Vanity Fair "The Consequences of Mr. Bush Economics". You can read it on line at www.vanityfair.com look at the lower left hand column and double click on the blue letters.

Yes on 18 months left so let's suck the American tax payer dry between now and then. In my opinion, it's all planned out to suit their greedy needs while American people continue to get ripped off and go bankrupt! The middle class is depleting and joining the lower class. The middle class is living on false credit hopes just a month away from homelessness if jobs are lost.

And isn't it confidence how Iraqi to Syrian refugees speak perfect English for news reports?

Remember the perfect camera positions when the planes hit the towers?

Just what the hell IS going on? Murdock owns all the media stations so they can tell us what they want us to hear. Is CNN true to the point.. I hope so. Because they report the other side and probably the true side of things.

Get a load of this...Bush says the banks shouldn't use tax payers money to bail out people in bad debt. Yet he funnels every last cent of tax money to Haliburton and other large corporations who want to keep war going in the Middle East.

For re-election purposes we'll get out of Iraq.....but only to move into Iran. These large companies want to continue making big bucks. Oil is about $100. a barrel and oil men are making a killing (in more ways than one).

Remember Enron? Do you really think Ken Lay had a heart attack and died? That was convenient wasn't it? Right before he was to go to trial and probably take down Cheney, Rove and Bush with him.


Makes you wonder doesn't it?

Yeah Bush will miss the noise and the big crowd and feeling oh so powerful as he knows he is fooling everyone.

Remember the 2000 election....just how planned out was that? Jeb in Florida. A convenient Republican state. Tab counting. People who should have been able to vote (Democrats) not getting to vote...anyone they thought was liberal.

The whole time Bill Clinton was in office for 8 years Republican sling-ed mud; just anything to discredit him. Old man Bush was pissed that Bill Clinton beat him. Old man Bush wanted to get to the oil and the banks....they are all in cahoots. The Auto industry builds bigger and bigger oil dripping gas guzzles to use up (sell) every fucking last drop of oil in the sand.

The war effort is not working... Bush just said that it was. They are so full of shit it's unbelievable.

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