Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I am so sick of BUSH

War, war, war, war, Is that all Bush knows?

World war III. Oh he is so ready. Sounds like his so called intelligence group have changed their mind since Bush blurted out those threatening words. "Be ready for World War III"

What a jerk! Evidently the Bush administration..what is left of it.. Rove is gone and it sounds like Cheney is just about gone too. Powell left a long time ago because he had integrity. I could see it was killing him to lie like that on TV holding up that killer white tank truck that was filled with WMD. Such bull! Bush was just anxious to get over there so no bid Haliburton could make billions.

Bush is quite something. He could take credit for Iran changing his mind...but he doesn't really want to....he wants to get over there and blow 'em up..and grab that oil. Big ape thinks he is king of the world. Testesterone poisoning at best! Some men just want to be god and kings and greedy murdering bastards.

Funny, when I was a kid I could see through this crap but I had to play along with the teachings and the social demands. We were taught to respect all figures of authority. The thought turned my stomach then and turns my stomach now. Kids were nothing but trouble then. Trust me we had no social services looking out for us. Yeah, respect your molestors! Obey! "Get married and live in hell, like I had to do!" Was my mother's bitter message.

Do what your are supposed to do and "What will people think?"

I have no respect for figures of authority...they are evil beings who plot, cheat and lie to get what they want. They say one thing and do another. It's a scam. A big cover up. And people are so silly and believe their hollow words. Amazing!

Just remember we have bigger fish to fry in this country then voters worrying about gays getting married, stem cell research and abortion. Oh so wrong! And Bush took us to a no good reason war and that's okay? The big three have been building gas guzzling junk for years and still are and that's okay? Insurance companies and every other company ripes you off...and that's okay! Large cororations take good jobs away from American citizens and that's okay! American companies manufacturering goods in low paying poverty ridden countries...and that's okay! War for profit that drives the nation's debt into trillions is not okay; but gives China ever so much leverage over our country I feel that is not okay! Why would a country do that to itself? Just how far down the river are we being sold?

And failed housing loans were incorporated into loan packages that investors from overseas invested in. Can you believe it? These bankers and loan officers had to know when people signed the loan papers that they would default. Hell, they encouraged them to stretch their income information. That's fraud!

I was wondering who could afford of these big homes I saw being build..turns out not too many people can. Of course not, most people are lucky if they make $13.00 an hour. Our economy is riding on stretch out credit cards that soon will catch up to them. I've noticed the higher prices everywhere and I am forced to tighten my belt while corporate heads make 600 times more than their employees. Amazing! Well then greed is amazing and oh so god like and filled with integrity...not. It's a dog eat dog male dominated world. Just amazing!

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