Monday, December 03, 2007

Without doing their on research and listening..

to both sides of the aisle. Many Christians are voting Republican because they are Christian? I guess they don't care that illegal immigrants are running amock and taking jobs away from legal citizens. Well, one day the economy here may be so poor (if another Republican gets elected in 08) that we will all be stambling for "any" type of paying job. People in this country ...true are weak and lazy and don't want hard labor produce picking jobs...where if they worked hard they could make $100. a day.

It seems unions are out and illegal immigrants are in...Mexico doesn't fix their own work and economical problems...just opens the gates and allows their people to come here.

Most growers here in America do want illegal immigrants to do the work because they will. American born people seems not to want to do these jobs. They could get $100. a day and they want to work for piece work and they work very hard. But the average citizen does not want to do the work. So produce farmers contact their Congressman and ask them to look the other way. The growers say they have no alternative.

That being said... I can understand farmer's concerns about that issue. But Christians voting Republican because they don't want gays to marry, or a woman to get an abortion (when Republican took us to war where millions are being killed the way) seems absurb to me. If you are straight..that's nice... how do we (homosexuals) bother you?

Another thing I don't understand is why Christians will vote Republican because they are afraid a Democrat (and we know it's Hillary) will introduce a national health care plan. She says....if you like that insurance you have....keep it. She is offering to the public the type of insurance coverage that Congress is getting now. She wants to give Americans a break and make insurance avoidable again and she wants to make sure that insurance companies do cover procedures that are pre-existing or those the doctor say are necessary. She wants to eliminate insurance companies "bailing" on the patient and leaving the patient stuck with the bill which amounts to thousands of dollars and puts families in jeopardy of losing their homes because of large debts that need to be paid.

So, it's amazing to me that Evangelical Christians in Iowa are gearing up the the cacus that is coming up in January. I just hope to god that they use their good senses and pick a candidate with experience and who is not a war for profiteering monger.

Can't Christians see how this administration has weakened the dollar, allowed insurance companies to over charge and rip off patients, watch as large companies are allowed to off shores jobs (for tax breaks) and out source jobs for very cheap labor while people in this country can't find a job.

Recently a Walmart opened nearby...there were 300 jobs and 2300 people applied. What does that tell you?

Here's another thing. Our national debt will only get larger and we continue to lose social benefits when our tax base gets down to next to nothing. Because if people cannot find good jobs here in this country how can they afford to buy the new homes that even now can't be sold because people cannot afford them on minimum wage jobs.

I just do not understand why people do not see this as it is happening right in front of us. We need government to help us out! We need our government to tell insurance companies to stop over charging us and to stop bailing on us when we need you most. There should be laws in place to protect us. National insurance coverage would see to this. National insurance coverage in England, France and Canada work well.

We are victims of propraganda and we are blind because we do not want to think that our government will actually lie to us. In all due respect, the Republican party is out to serve large corporation by giving them tax breaks and turning a blind eye to the unethical tactics that large corporations use to rip us off. There is nothing wrong with us demanding fairness. Our president should be looking out for us...individuals who are the backbone of our economy.

We are in war over oil and greed. With oil nearing a $100. per barrel the wealthier oil men become (did you know that the Bush's are deep into oil investments?). Read "The American Dynasty" by Kevin Phillips. You will be amazed!

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