Thursday, December 20, 2007

okay that's number three

I'm beginning to get a little nervous. Now I hear on CNN where American Airlines and other US airlines are out sourcing airplane maintenance to China. They claim it's FAA approved but in China there are no alcohol or drug testing. What about security?

Homeland security is beginning to sound like a job Mr. Bush! We have a free for all coming across our Southern borders, we have a failing health care system, we have a failing mortgage lending system. Oh they work the figures to postpone the fact that housing prices far out reach today's average salaries. The short term solution - cook the books. Treat people into thinking that they can afford their dream home and after two years raise the percentage and make them cry.

Homeland security? China is investing in our financial and investment systems they already have invested in our land. Charge card companies out source and claim that's safe. Heck, incomes tax returns are out sourced. Talk about homeland security. What a joke. What a scam. I am truly wondering about 9 11 01 ...truly I am! The camera angles were just too perfect and who put them there? They were mounted. I sure would like to see those braces that held them...I bet they were old and rusted. Al Quad? I wonder? And even so...we ignored fair warnings. It got us into a seven year war for profit and oil protection.

All crimes need motives. You can tell Bush is for future oil use because each time he speaks of demanding alternative fuel plans or increasing car mileage per gallon.. he extends the date; today it was 2020. Two years ago it was 2010. My guess is that he and his auto and oil buddies to not want to move away from oil. And as oil supplies diminish the price goes up nearly $3.00 now as the the good old boys get wealthier and wealthier.

We are the only country that it is debt as deep as we are. As far as I know, we are the only country that out sources and off shores as much as we do losing good paying jobs here in this country .. and now you wonder why people cannot afford the huge homes that are being build? The last time minimum wage workers could pay the rent was in 1980. Do you see what I am saying? People are living out of their means out of necessity. They are living a thin economical line before filing bankruptcy (oh Bush fixed that..he has made it harder to file bankruptcy).

You have to vote for Hillary. In the nineties Mr Clinton got more people out of poverty than anyone. Edwards claims he can raise the minimum wage to $9.50. Oh please! That won't happen. They are blowing smoke. The only one who has any real experience is the Clinton's! At this point in the downward spiraling (even effecting the stock market now..) economy we need all the experience that we can muster! I say vote for Hillary!

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