The ecosystem takes care of itself...there is no waste. We have disrespected this.
It's just too bad men discovered that crude oil could be refined and become explosive and burn. Too bad! We should have been using wind currents and solar for over a century now.
I think Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are a good match. Brad Pitt used five million of his own money to start building green homes in New Orleans. $150,000 will build a new house for someone. People can donate a corner of, or the whole house.
We should all be so generous..and so green. Hillary Clinton is supportive of this project. Of course Obama is too......don't like Obama. I think he'll be another Clarence Thomas if he gets elected. You would have thought Clarence Thomas would have been liberal and help his people...but he became a good old boy real fast and forgot where he came from real fast. The Anita Hill thing did it for me. Was she ever classy and respectable during her testimony when the good old boys tried to wear her down. I hope she is doing well now. And yes, I believe Clarence Thomas WAS harrassing her. He's a good old boy. Trust me I can relate! And I know men can and will harass. They have wives, they have mothers and they still treat women like receptibles and furniture. Remember, I was working when women began getting men's jobs and I saw and lived the harassment first hand. Men can be real jerks. Of course men do not see it that way.....
Through the years I have seen women begin to own their inner power. There were no women sports when I was young. You know----the period. Women were told they were helpless and should merely cheer own their wonderful, perfect, men friends. Puke!
I was told I should make a man feel better about himself. Yes, sacrifice myself. So, I let guys set all the rules and make all the plans. I let them win at bowling and pool. But then I finally realized that this was a joke for they were no brighter than myself. In fact, I had much more common sense than half of the men I knew. I was supposed to marry and have kids. Women were only supposed to be libarians, nurses, teachers, and telephone operators otherwise. And many who became professional in these field never married. They HAD their way out of the social system. Oh, they were "old maids" and were teased..the smart ones didn't care if they were teased for they were FREE to be themselves and not care givers. My mother told me I was supposed to get married.. and silently I'm sure she added...and like it!
I sworn to myself that I would never marry...if though I played the staright game and dated. I was so in love with women. I was so gay. My heart ached for half my life! I was born TOO SOON. Lesbian are so much freer now to be who they are without the gendar playing rolls. Feminine women are lesbians...most of my younger friends who are, are feminine. There is no need to roll play. Yes, there are more masculine's a spectrum of hormones without perfect measure. Not all gay men are feminine..I know many masculine gay men.
Why I was young I just knew I wasn't a lesbian because I wasn't tatooed and riding a motorcycle..those types frightened me. I had no place. I had no niche. My heart bled in pain for years. I'm good at keeping secrets because of it.
Funny, those days seem very long ago. I'm happy now. I have sex. She's wonderful, loving and nuturing. My heart still yearns ...the scares of old are deeply embedded but fading. I have been reborn. I am happy since I ditched the family! I am so free! They were reminders of everything painful and sad and selfish and lost. I was growing to hate them...their perfect sells. My roll was to be a care giver....I had nothing to give..what was left was turning into hate. It was time to leave the scene and so I did. I moved away.
I'm at peace and I thank the universe. It's not bad enough that we have to deal with our ignorant parents and siblings and relatives ...we have to listen to "don't ask, don't tell". It makes me very angry! To the point of angry where I hate the church. The church of hypocrites! I think every gay soldier in Iraq should come out...but the government would leave them there anyway.and the others would rape them. People hate people who are ...what? different?
I can't believe we live in such ignorant times. As a society we are so backward and evil. War for oil! All the greed in the war.. for what.. bigger homes, faster cars. Who are we trying to impress? Top dog! I'm better than you! Kick'em! Win! Win! Just how much ego feeding do we really need?
Get a your the gay person next door who you never even give the time of day. Everyone knows someone who is gay....they just do not know they do....because we are NOT ALLOWED by the church and state to be GAY, to be ourselves.
Maybe if we were able to be ourselves...many straight women would not be getting aids from "so called" straight men on the "down low".. Black and white men invented this term...down low. Married black men who secretly have sex (in stalls at airports) with other men say they are not gay just on the down low. That's bull shit! If a man if having sex with a man....he is GAY! So our church and state makes us ashamed and makes men sneak and spread decease back home to their wives and of course other men. Or am I all wrong....or do men just like to sneak? Maybe it's more fun to sneak?
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