The more I think about Romney and Huckabee the more upset I become. Hate the sinner was the message from Huckabee regarding gays. When Russert pushed him about it, Huckabee back stepped. "Oh we're all sinners!"
Religion breeds hate because of their sin vs. no sin mentality. They set the pace and everyone should follow their words. So being gay is a choice; or rather we choose how we behave. Religion is so sick that it makes me pain with illness. They are so wrong, not me. The church, any church is so wrong in their preachings.
Do you know that in the spiritual world (I mean on the other side) there is no gender, no race, and months pass in the blink of an eye. Well, according to Ezekiel, a channeled spirit, I talk with at least once or twice a year through a woman who channels him. He is all wise and very helpful. He doesn't say I'm going to hell because I love a woman. Love is love. Yet the church, any church, likes to pick and choose who we can or cannot love. I hate the church.
As a child the church made my life miserable; as an adult too! Now everybody hates gays because of church teachings. If the church wouldn't push "hate" and "sin" then there would be no problem with being gay. We would be more accepted as we are in other countries.
Personally, I can't believe because of their so called righteousness and self proclaimed holiness that Huckabee and Romney would would exclude millions of possible voters.
And shouldn't religion teach that we should love each other and one another. Although I think straight people look rather odd together I don't dislike them. I prefer my own community however. I feel most comfortable in my own element. I just wonder why religious fanatics think they have to tell me who I can love or not love or be with.
Remember years back when Catholics couldn't love outside their faith or race. Oh give them another hundred years and low membership and they'll rethink their ways again. Another thing that disturbs me is religion mixed with politics. It seems to me Republicans want to keep us distracted just enough to avoid the real issues that are plaguing people today such as out sourced jobs, lack of jobs, the low value of the dollar, needless war for profit of a few already rich, war for oil, we hanging on to oil when we could be making materials and fuel from renewable resources. It can be done yet they, Bush and company, keep pushing out the due date. We could be building and selling electric cars but then the oil men wouldn't be making a killing (in more ways than one).
The republicans want to snatch up that religion vote and so they tell tax exempted preachers to push their candidates. It's all for votes and money. I firmly believe that religion doesn't really care whose gay or not otherwise Haggart and other gays in the religious arena wouldn't be there in the first place.
My beef, I guess is, how dare one group of human beings tell another group of human beings that they are right and I am wrong. How can religious fanatics declare they are more god like than me? I got news for them, I was born this way and it's is not a choice and I'll be damned if I will live a lie any longer because of some fanatic religious groups who do not know what they are talking about and set up rules to self serve their own interest. In my opinion I am more loving and god like than they are because I am not spreading prejudice and hate like they are. I don't care if they are straight just leave me alone and stop spreading hate regarding gay people's lives!
Oh yes traditional marry really seems to be working doesn't it when over half of all marriages end in divorce. You know if gay people could get married right up front, I believe that there would be a lot less divorce.
Have you every heard of the "down low". Well, mostly men live this way. And that is they are married with children yet sneak out to have sex with men. Sometimes they know the men and sometimes they don't. Sometimes men on the down low have numerous sexual partners through out their life time. These men are gay! Fundamentalist Christian, Ted Haggart and Senator, Larry Craig are examples of men on the down low. Now, if they didn't preach hate of gay people and vote against gay marriage bills I wouldn't have anything to say about them here. But since they are true hypocrites and outed I feel they are fair game.
How dare Christians make my life and all gay people's lives miserable. It's love not hate or war like Republicans and Christians feel so readily to engage in. It's love! Preaching and spreading hate certainly isn't spiritual. Personally I'm spiritual. I believe we all have the power to create our own realities. The power lies within each and everyone one of us but the church certainly wouldn't want you to know that because they want your money. If you are not a sinner they would have nothing to fix. A few years back in my area the Christians came through and for a hefty fee offered to correct homosexuality. Oh please! So instead of killing themselves gay youths try to be fixed! This is a scam. We are born gay and our sexual orientation cannot be changed. Oh but they don't care about that just as long as you "act" straight and appear straight. Hey, I pretended to be straight for the first forty years of my life and that is not how I should have had to live my life. It was unfair to me and to the guys I dated. It's what is in your heart...I needed women. I actually had somewhat satisfactory sex with some guys I dated...but something was missing.. I could not connect on an emotional level with a man. I am so at home with loving a woman. I will not ever to back to dating men. So I see how some gay people stay in straight marriages when they are good friends but we must live our hearts. Being with a woman is warm and wonderful and I'm at home now in my heart. Religion as done us gay people a huge injustice! Why should be have to live a lie, or live in secret because of the church? It doesn't make sense to me. And politicans are so afraid on stepping on voters toes so they too do us wrong. It's not right. All of my friends, men and women, are gay...they are my family. Some live in secret because of worrying about losing their jobs or to protect their's not right. Trust me, I think that there are many more gay people in this world then the church or politicans care to admit and I reset their shameful attitudes that are messing with my happiness and safety. Young so called straight males who are confused about their own sexuality confront and even kill gay guys..when all they would have to do is say "no thank you". But, they become enraged at what possibly lives deep down within them...their true feelings that they strike out and kill another because of the self fear that lies deep within themselves. Because the church has taught us to hate! In other words, those people, usually men, who speak out loudless against gays are probably gay themselves. Women don't need to strike out against others like males do..hello..war! It's why we have war. Men strike out against what they fear or do not understand.
My question is - why do people even think they need religion? I'm beginning to even doubt this so called god they talk about. Oh please! The power lies within each and every one of us. If we believe in ourselves we can change the course of events. We are all energy sources and we are all connected with one another. Our thoughts can change behaviors of ourselves and others. Oh try it! Be grateful for all of your many positive attributes and plan your day; request that it be magical and it will be. Watch the DVD's "The secret" and "What the Bleep Do we Know?"
Also to see just what we are up against watch "Who Killed the Electric Car?" and what "Iraq for sale: War for Profiteering".
More good reading: "Day of Reckoning" by Patrick J. Buckanan...yes a Republican. And read "The Billion new Capitalists" by Clyde Prestowitz.. He talks about the great shift of wealth and power to the East.
Oh another tidbit... Toyota promises to continue to build the best cars available. Just keep that in mind. I love my 1998 Toyota and it is as good as the day I bought it brand new. Yes with regular dealer maintenace and dealer oil changes. Don't go to these fast lube places where they kids are untrained and work for less than minimum wage. Besides oil and filter changes are the same price but at the dealer they check your car all over to prevent programs and stop and fix them before they become more serious. The fast lube places may check over some things in your car but why should they find problems that require services that they do not offer? Get my drift? Why neglect your car in the first place? Don't you want your car to last. I can't believe some people would rather go out to dinner or buy shoes rather than keep their cars maintained. Set your priorities where they will serve you's common sense after all.
The same with your body. Treat it right and it will be there for you and serve you just fine for a very long time. You do know that positive thoughts are very important don't you because your body hears every word that you say.
Stop living in a dream world and get real. You know that you have to get off of your butt and exercise to keep healthy. And walk fast, don't just stroll along.. pick up the pace. Walk like you mean it. Walk with authority.
You know you have to eat right. So honor yourself by being the best you can be and it doesn't mean you have to join a gym. Just walk or jog or get workout DVD's from Ebay where they are very cheap. Also if you pay attention and don't eat all the time you'll see your grocery bill getting cheaper. Take a walk. Move close to work and walk to work if possible. Walk your errands on weekends when you have time. I find that I save at the store because I can only buy what I can carry.
Spend within your means; besdies money can't buy you love, but using common sense can get you lots of admiration and love.
Okay I'm going to stop preaching. I hate it when I preach. But I don't do it in my everyday life so I need to let off steam here in my blog and isn't that just what it is for anyway?
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