thinking that all the good manufacturing jobs are being shipped to Communist China or some other third world country. As a result middle class salaries have fallen 12% in the past ten years. Most restaurant service jobs only pay minimum wage. The last time minimum wage could pay the rent was in 1986. The cost of living continues to climb while salaries are actually falling because good paying jobs are being out sourced.
The best jobs may be local trade jobs. Many young people are learning a trade and becoming hairdressers, carpenters, electricians, and meat cutters, chefs and other professions.
Does anyone in Washington see what is happening in this country? Do they even care? Bush is pro corporation and into spending every tax cent for war and bullying the world. Ron Paul would remove the military personnel from the some 170 countries they are presently stationed in. Ron Paul wants to eliminate income tax. He wants the government to save money and spot the needless spending.
In my own summation of the past eight years I can see the Bush crony plans and believe that September 11th, 2001 appears very suspicious. I'm not convinced that a conspiracy was not the order of the day. After the 2000 election Cleney thought we needed another Pearl Harbor. I believe the whole ordeal may have been brilliantly orchestrated. The cameras were too strategically positioned from the exact angles without amateur hand held motion. Or was Al Qaeda kind and egotistical enough to plan and plant cameras to catch the whole ordeal. I don't think so. I think it was an inside job to get us into work in Iraq so Cheney's Halliburton and KBR could make tons of tax payer's money. Money that should go to the tax payers themselves in the form of social benefits.
The Pentagon was struck by aircraft fort-five minutes at the towers and on the newly attack resistant corner of the Pentagon where attack materials were introduced. What better way to test it's durability. It did hold up well considering the impact. Just more collateral damage.
I agree with some that it appears democracy is mutating and digressing towards fascism. Corporations run this government and Bush doesn't have a clue as to what evil doings they are up to to treat the American people and cheat them. Health insurance companies bail on patients during treatment. Preconditions were never accepted and coverage gets denied. They are in business to ensure yet they do not want to ensure.
It saddens and angers me to say what I feel is probably correct. How can people be so evil, greedy and heartless... and most of them call themselves Christians. This is appalling.
They're all a bunch of crooks...let's face it, out to fill their own greed. Christmas shopping is way down this year and two thirds of the shoppers are witing until the last minute to buy.
Teen pregnancy is up and grandparents will put off retirement to bring up grand babies.
I am a baby boomer born between 1946 and 1964. Born in 1947 I am part of the leaders of the pack. The 60's were wonderful and I'm a protestor, bra burning, tie-dye fan. We protested and made history and changed the course of action in Washington. Nixon was a crook and was outed by Washington Post private corporations, pro Bush, own both media and newspapers so they can sway and disguised the real issues.
They have forgotten one thing though and that is Americans are better educated and can see through the lines. When we lose our freedom of speech we will really be in trouble as a nation but I think by then this planet will be on the verge of destruction..because of greed. Greed kills.
Governors in various states want more freedom to clamp down on air pollution while anti-American Bush signs a bill to push out demands on higher gas mileage to 2020. He keeps pushing it out...just two years ago it was 2010 now it's 2020. In other words Bush does not want to move away from oil. He, daddy and cronies are oil men.
The American auto industry is part of the scheme to burn more oil. Oil is up to almost three dollars a gallon so the prices of everything else gets increased too. Gas deliveries cause products to increase in price. You do know that in 1904 we had both gas and electric cars! But the money powers that be were into oil. Oil and coal use created thick snog, much like China is today because they have no clean air bills.
It's a fact people have been dying because of greed and cost cutting for years. People have gotten sick because power companies and others have allowed posionous chemicals to leak into water sources. Remember the Corvair the car that split in half? Remember the Pinto that caught on fire with hit from the rear which could have been fixed with a piece that cost fifty cents. Remember cost cutting in the production of tires and they blew and people were killed. It's all mere collateral damages. Too bad, so sad.
The drug companies push drugs and can't get them out there fast enough that testing is actually done on patients. Drugs are also used for non labeled only words they are "guessing" at your expense and probably because the drug companies is offering more incentives that month on that particular drug.
You have to beware people and do your homework?
Chrysler is about to go bankrupt. Here is my suggestion. If Chrysler was smart really smart they would build an electric car and get it out there to the public. GM's EV1 in the late 1990's was very succesful in California that is until oil man Bush stopped the leasing after he was elected. See the DVD "Who Killed the Eelectric Car?".
Why doesn't Chrysler stay afloat with simple line of very well built cars. It's not the quanity people .. although bush and corporations seems to think so, it's the quality. If you build a decent produce then people will buy it. It's not rocket science! But greed and dishonesty needs to be cut out of the equation .
As a tax paying American citizen I want to see Hillary get the domocratic monination because at this point I do not think, useless words not spoken well, Obama could hold a candle to any of the Republican nominations. Hillary is well spoken and has experience. She would make a fabulous president. Obams mumbles when he speaks. I think it will be Guiliano and Hillary. I think Ron Paul would be very interesting however far out he speaks.
Ron Paul wants to eliminate taxes completely. I personally think the new president who ever it may be should curtail out-sourcing and off shoring and promote more manufacturing jobs there in this country by paying decent wages and that in order to provide decent wages for workers big companies officials should stop getting tax cuts but get salary cuts. In the 60's there were no lobbyist only a handful for government contracts now there are 33,000 lobbyist in Washington knocking on the president's door for tax cuts and favors. Those favors usually involved wasting money, cheating people, out-sourcing and off shoring and generally things to help corporations rip off the American public.
Corporation CEO need to take a wage cut right now they make over 400 times the wage of their employees while several times ago they only made about twice or three times as much. They are ruining this economy. Greed is ruining the economy. When you out source for cheap labor and manufacturer over seas to risk faulty products.
We are building planes with major compenents build in China and else where overseas. Commerical air craft are being serviced in China.
And home land security is a joke with illegals wandering easily into this country. Oh let's give them free hospital care, free schooling for their kids and a driver's license. A governor (although he changed his mind) and a judge who should be upholding the written law wants to give illegals driver licenses. In the mean time people have to worry about losing their identities to illegals. Of course the church wants them here for pure purpose of increasing membership.
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