Thursday, December 20, 2007

Romney dealing with China...

Sixty thousand companies used to make toys in America now there are only about 9 thousands toy makers in America. Most toys are made in China where there are no safety or quality standards that are met. As a result dangerous toys are being shipped to this country where there are no inspections. Toys are tested by children I guess.. in real life.

And Bush allows this...and never expresses any concern. The man is oil crazed and we do not need this. Under his "rule" we are falling further and further behind economically, socially and technically. We sell our secrets to China where certain parts of commercial planes are being built and China does our maintenance on our commercial planes.

Bush is about as evil as they get.. he is so worried about us being attacked yet he allows illegal immigrants to slip in openly through our southern borders. He allows China to make poison toys without meeting USA quality standards. Well, I guess this country no longer has quality standards since only a few companies here in this country still make toys.

Bush has sold us down a bankrupt river to China. What is to keep China from taking over this land...oh without attack...they are creeping into businesses with investment companies now. American can no long afford homes as jobs are being out sourced to foreign countries and with people not making money in this country.....where is the tax base coming from?

Hello. I'm not an economist and I can figure that out. If people are not making money how can they buy anything. And without a tax base (I'm speaking of income tax from salaries and spending tax when buying products) in this country how in the hell can Bush afford to attack any more countries. Iraq never attached us!

And where is the back bone of the American people...where is our Charlie Wilson? For almost eight years we allows Bush and cronies who came in with a distinct plan of "attack" so they could go after the oil in Iraq and elsewhere in the middle east. Old man Bush and cronies had a plan from the very beginning to get into the middle east and get that oil. These people are crazy.

We can make plastics from soy oil or corn oil. We can create electricity from solar, wind, river and ocean currents. We need an educated person in Washington who sees the whole picture who has a plan to save this country.

Mitt Romney founder of Bane is in cahoots with a defense contractor. Bane is partly in China I believe. By the way, China has a huge army. 3com, Hauwei (close ties to China military) Duncan Hunter has blasted Mitt Romney co founder of Bane who is in cahoots with Hauwei.

Romney is co-founder of Bane Capital that is hooking up Hauwei with 3Com (a Pentagon security company). House Resolution 730 should not be approved by Congress.

I repeat: House Resolution 730 should not be approved by congress. China is on a buying spree.. I guess so they have all the money. In the 80's Japan bought up land. But China is investing in Morgan Stanley, Bear Stern, Iomega, and now 3Com a security company. 3com who has security contracts at the Pentagon. Chinese hackers are trying to crack Oakland Securities in Tennessee. Secretary Robert Gates of the Pentagon has had his computers hit.

Earlier this year China has launched an anti satellite test mission..... which means they could knock out our satellites. China is doing this!!! China seeks electromagnetic dominance in order to win in first strikes over any enemy networks. Is there a red storm rising? Does Bush know? And yet Bush keeps borrowing more money from them and putting us over the beholding barrel even further and further. Is this man a danger? And the Democrat merely complain and yet do nothing about this.

Bush wake are a fool... hey are you a communist? A Christian, my!

Oh and get a load of this...just how dependable are our voting machines. Colorado is having trouble which the company says will have fix by November? Yea right...just program them to vote Republican. Now you know Repubicans work for big business and only one or two companies make all of our voting machines...yes I am fearful that Romney just may get elected. Oh he speaks religion, and morals and anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage...but he sure doesn't speak about Bane.. A security company he co-founded and is in cahoots with China. I need to look further into this and I'll report the interim... don't vote for him...not unless you want China to take over this country....probably by 2020 when we run out of oil and Bush finally demands 35 MPH cars from cheap American car companies. Have you noticed that American autos are selling their cars via "sync" a cool radio system... a great sales pitch to the youth of this country....and Onstar too... I think "Onstar" is cool. I would love to work for Onstar..

Anyway let me get on investing Bane.. now.. I'll rewatch the CNN piece I just saw...

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