Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Teenage age mothers

usually end up living a life of poverty. According to the Young Mother's Club in CA, about 75% of the boyfriends bail sometime during the pregnancy or after she delivers when responsibilities begin to become monetary. A teenage mother's mother usually has the greatest hand in helping with the new grand baby and from there on..

Most young girls get wrapped up in the natural coercions of sexual approaches and responses and in the heat of the moment forget about using protection.. not only to prevent pregnancy but also diseases including AID because the guy made be living the down low unprotected.
Seems like it never occurs to women that men could be switch hitters.

I think the choice of having an abortion or bringing a baby into the world should be up to the mother.

Girls and BOYS should be taught in school about birth control. It should be pushed more into action. Oh but Christians are so afraid that it will promote sexual activity. Hormones promote sexual activity. If more adults who are married were having more sex themselves..they would realize this.

It's all politics anyway. I think if Mitt Romney wants to reverse Roe vs Wade he should raise every unwanted baby himself personally. He should adopt every unwanted baby. Personally, I don't think men should choose if a woman should go through childbirth. Oh easy for him to say and feed his ego. Women at every age believe it's a woman's choice.

It just upsets up that politicians such as Romney and Huckabee think they can "speak for the American people". They don't speak for me and neither does Obama.

I'm not a fan of Obama either. He doesn't speak well, neither does Edwards. Don't know if I could listen to them for four years. Hillary on the other hand speak very well and directly to the point and answers questions directly. She has the most experience and besides you get two for the price of one. It's a no brain er where I am concerned. Besides the other guys didn't talk about correcting the health care problems in this country, not before Hillary brought it up. And she has a plan which she tried to get accomplished back in '93. Republicans are only for big business and the ripping off of every cent of the American people.. I've seen it for eight years and I'm sick of it quit frankly. Every last tax dollar has gone into a needless war for profit for big corporations. Bush has turned a blind eye to every crooked trick pulled by politicians and businessman's. This is a war for greedy oil mongers and I'm tired of it. This country could have been oil free since the 70's oil crunch like Brazil did.. but no a few already skull and bones Bush cronies were buried deep into oil profits. What a bunch of crooked old fools who think the American public is blind to their unethical, unhonorable tactics. Look at Enron! That's just one example. This country is trillions of dollars in debt over oil..does that make sense? Talk about stubborn old men!

Talking about holding back progress we could have been using electric or alternative fuels back in the 70 or before. In 1904 there were electric and gas driven cars... and that is when this whole sick all started with the oil.. old man bush was an old man...and his father before him and bankers.

It's all business..government is... it's all for making money for a few and that few as the middle class shrinks into poverty.

We have to kiss Chia, Mexico and India's butts because we are beholdened to them.. they carry our extremely huge debt.

See what greed gets you? So politicans.. don't speak for me because you have no intentions of helping the average American person from getting ripped off by government and big businesses who ship good paying jobs overseas and sold us down the poverty destined river. Government should be stepping in to save jobs, insist upon decent honest affordable health care. Those in Washington don't give a shit they are getting kick backs from the 33,000 lobbyist who are camped out there in Washington. In other words politicans are being bought to cut taxes repeated for big business and allow big business to rip off Americans.

Nice going Washington.. you should feel very proud.

The only one who makes sense to me is Hillary. She's the only one who has a plan. She's not there for the glory. I remember when I finally got a "man's job" at the phone company thanks to union and Johnson's Affirmation Action plan. I took advantage of getting a better job because I saw the idots who were working these craft/technical jobs and I knew I could do just as good if not better...besides I had good work ethics. Then the men would sabatoges ladies work...the men were idiots and did not take kindly to women getting their jobs... now you know why so men rape and disrespect women when a women is in this good paying job to feed her kids after she has been abandoned by the father. Men are ego idiots.

According to a recent article .... The government is upping cost for birth control at colleges and preaching absintence to younger people and the teen birth rate is increasing after slowing for many year. In other words the govenment (christian fools) need to mind their own business. What are they sick demented people? I think they are against homosexuals too because they are preverted.. I guess they like sneaking around rather than being open about sex. Weirdos! Here's the article:

"With its useless and medically inaccurate abstinence programs, the federal government already shortchanges high-school students when it comes to contraception. Now it's adding to the burdens of college women, who need more access to the pill, not less. It's up to Congress to get it together this week and make it easier for college students to protect themselves. The necessary language would fit on a Post-It note. Let's just hope it sticks to something—anything—that makes it into law this year."


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