Rick Davis was lobbyiest for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and is now McCain's election man! Phil Gramm wrote the "Deregulation BilL" with John McCain! McCain had twenty votes out there in recent months for "deregulation". It seems he does not understand the consequences of his voting. He is very naive' this WAR man.
No wonder old man McCain acted like he was part of the Henry Paulson Ben Berneke 700 billion bail out plan - which is only to put more money into banking and mortage companies greedy little hands!
These idiots mentioned above are enough to ruin the whole economy! They got us into this mess and now the good old tax payer (the peasants who are only good enough to bail out their greedy mistakes) should bail them out! I'm not going for it!
Yay! Nancy Peloski! I am so glad that she stood up to these Republicans and told him, rather reminded them, that they are the reason why our economcy is coming down. Deregulation did not help the greedy, rich, crooked men on Wall Street.
Personally, I think when Obama is elected president to clear all 34,000 lobbyist out of Washington we don't need them to buy politicans and presuade them to lean their greedy ways and deregulate!
We need regulations it is why the laws were put in place during the last Great Depresion in the 1930's!! Hello! McCain should have known the results if they took these laws away! I do not feel sorry for any of them because they didn't get the 700 billion to bail them out like spoiled kids! I say - put the money in the people and give us some spending power so we can pay our bills that will add fuel to the economy - not reward fraudulent, crooked bankers!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Yay for Nancy Peloski!
She so right and the Republican voted 128 no and only 61 yes for the 700 billion bail out for the spoiled brats in banking! Bush did it to himself - by deregulating banks and mortage companies and allowing a free for all - so they ripped off the American people. Of course we are not going to bail them out!
According to MSNBC Republicans were over loaded with objections from their home town constitutents! Good for them! Tax payers have been drained until we cannot hardly make ends meet and yet we are supposed to bail out greedy crooks! I don't think so!
Nancy Peloski told it like it was that the Republicans brought it on themselves. She said Republicans were the ones who let it all happen. And 25 to 1 oppositions from tax payers said "NO" to the bail out that really wasn't guaranteed to work.
And just how many times do these idiots in Washington think we can bail out rich people. We don't receive any breaks from Washington - we are only used. All our social beneifts are at risk from conservative greedy Republicans. Only pro-life Christians are too stupid to even know.
Oh yeah the Republicans are blaming Peloski - who told it like it was - good for it!
They say Nancy Peloski hurt the feelings of Republicans so they voted against it. Twelve people got their feelings hurt and voted against the people!
Personally I am very glad it didn't pass! The Republicans were only trying to drain more from us right before they leave the White House! Bush and Cheney are crooks and want nothing more than to drain every last drop of oil and put profits in their pockets and every last cent from tax payers to go into their lobbyist loving pockets! They knew if they deregulated and didn't watch over greedy Wall Street that bankers etc., would rip us off - only they didn't care or are getting kick backs!
Follow the money and learn the truth behind it all! Bush does not care about you Christians - he only wants your votes .. to get your money .. to give it to the rich. You are nothing more than a peasant! This administration cares nothing for you!
Frankly right about now - socilism doesn't seem all that bad... wow! Free medical, dental, education. Lots of time off after babies are born while your jobs waits for you and you get paid. Decent wages! Doctors are "rewarded" by government for keeping and getting people well. Not like in this country where drug companies reward and give kick backs to doctors for pushing their poision pills.
Read the book "Poision Pills"!
According to MSNBC Republicans were over loaded with objections from their home town constitutents! Good for them! Tax payers have been drained until we cannot hardly make ends meet and yet we are supposed to bail out greedy crooks! I don't think so!
Nancy Peloski told it like it was that the Republicans brought it on themselves. She said Republicans were the ones who let it all happen. And 25 to 1 oppositions from tax payers said "NO" to the bail out that really wasn't guaranteed to work.
And just how many times do these idiots in Washington think we can bail out rich people. We don't receive any breaks from Washington - we are only used. All our social beneifts are at risk from conservative greedy Republicans. Only pro-life Christians are too stupid to even know.
Oh yeah the Republicans are blaming Peloski - who told it like it was - good for it!
They say Nancy Peloski hurt the feelings of Republicans so they voted against it. Twelve people got their feelings hurt and voted against the people!
Personally I am very glad it didn't pass! The Republicans were only trying to drain more from us right before they leave the White House! Bush and Cheney are crooks and want nothing more than to drain every last drop of oil and put profits in their pockets and every last cent from tax payers to go into their lobbyist loving pockets! They knew if they deregulated and didn't watch over greedy Wall Street that bankers etc., would rip us off - only they didn't care or are getting kick backs!
Follow the money and learn the truth behind it all! Bush does not care about you Christians - he only wants your votes .. to get your money .. to give it to the rich. You are nothing more than a peasant! This administration cares nothing for you!
Frankly right about now - socilism doesn't seem all that bad... wow! Free medical, dental, education. Lots of time off after babies are born while your jobs waits for you and you get paid. Decent wages! Doctors are "rewarded" by government for keeping and getting people well. Not like in this country where drug companies reward and give kick backs to doctors for pushing their poision pills.
Read the book "Poision Pills"!
John McCain messed up! Oh, he was going to go in there and did things
. More than two thirds of Democrats voted for bill. And on 60 Republicans voted doe the bill! It ended up just the way I wanted it too! The republicans allowed deregulation so did it to themselves! Banks ripped off the American people! Drug companies poison patients and are in cahoots with the FDA and rip people off! Health insurance companies try to rip people off! We have no one regulating big ass business and looking out for us!
Personnally I think Washingon did to clear itself of nearly 40,000 lobbyist who are there to buy politicians! Washington needs an over all!
. More than two thirds of Democrats voted for bill. And on 60 Republicans voted doe the bill! It ended up just the way I wanted it too! The republicans allowed deregulation so did it to themselves! Banks ripped off the American people! Drug companies poison patients and are in cahoots with the FDA and rip people off! Health insurance companies try to rip people off! We have no one regulating big ass business and looking out for us!
Personnally I think Washingon did to clear itself of nearly 40,000 lobbyist who are there to buy politicians! Washington needs an over all!
Hey, that's what you get when you put ex CEO's to lead the country - like Paulson! Of course he is for banks and businesses. I say get rid of all of them and impeach BUSH and CHeney who brought this economy is down with their pro-lobbyist (forget pro-life these clowns are pro-lobbyist)!
You jerks in Washington - the market has spoken! At one point it was 700 points down today - are you people crazy in WAre we crazy? People need to march on Washington and protest this "nothing but greed" plan for big business! Of course Paulson wants to bail out Wall Street - He's part of Wall Street! He doesn't know or care anything about the average Main Street American! I protest this bail out! It's wrong! Done of that money will trickle down to the average citizen - has salaries? Please. Big shot CEO's make 400 times more than their workers. Money DOES NOT TRICKLE DOWN! Reagan was for big business and he is the one who had the first trickle down idea - do you remember - daddy Bush was his VP. In my opinion the Bush dynasty has been around much too long.
Remember the 80's when Reagan was in power and VP daddy Bush had to bail out the Savings and Loan Scandals that son Neal (another loser) was involved in?
We cannot trust these people and to put our faith in them is ludicrous! Come on we know average Main Street America will never see any of that $700 billion bail out it's only intended for the rich by the rich! Paulson - please!
That $700 Billion should go to average American and get them bailed out and then find them some decent "green" jobs and get this economy back on track! In side of a $600. or $1000. give every American $10,000 - that's what this is going to cost us in the long run anyway! Let those greedy ass CEO big shots and billion dollar oil men give up some of their greedy dough.
To show you how greedy and narrow minded they are - just how many times do you think we Americans can bail you rich people out! We don't even make enough money to house and feed ourselves and we are suppose to bail out rich ass people? Are you nuts? SHOW ME THE MONEY - for a change!!!!!
Bush and company deregulated banks and mortage companies and gave them the green light to fraud and cheat people and now we who have been cheated and lied too are suppose to bail their asses out - I don't think so!
You jerks in Washington - the market has spoken! At one point it was 700 points down today - are you people crazy in WAre we crazy? People need to march on Washington and protest this "nothing but greed" plan for big business! Of course Paulson wants to bail out Wall Street - He's part of Wall Street! He doesn't know or care anything about the average Main Street American! I protest this bail out! It's wrong! Done of that money will trickle down to the average citizen - has salaries? Please. Big shot CEO's make 400 times more than their workers. Money DOES NOT TRICKLE DOWN! Reagan was for big business and he is the one who had the first trickle down idea - do you remember - daddy Bush was his VP. In my opinion the Bush dynasty has been around much too long.
Remember the 80's when Reagan was in power and VP daddy Bush had to bail out the Savings and Loan Scandals that son Neal (another loser) was involved in?
We cannot trust these people and to put our faith in them is ludicrous! Come on we know average Main Street America will never see any of that $700 billion bail out it's only intended for the rich by the rich! Paulson - please!
That $700 Billion should go to average American and get them bailed out and then find them some decent "green" jobs and get this economy back on track! In side of a $600. or $1000. give every American $10,000 - that's what this is going to cost us in the long run anyway! Let those greedy ass CEO big shots and billion dollar oil men give up some of their greedy dough.
To show you how greedy and narrow minded they are - just how many times do you think we Americans can bail you rich people out! We don't even make enough money to house and feed ourselves and we are suppose to bail out rich ass people? Are you nuts? SHOW ME THE MONEY - for a change!!!!!
Bush and company deregulated banks and mortage companies and gave them the green light to fraud and cheat people and now we who have been cheated and lied too are suppose to bail their asses out - I don't think so!
What a mess!
Well, the stock market didn't reflect this wonderful 700 billion bail out this marning! I thought the market would be up but what I see is Citigroup group buying some of Wachovia. I hear GE is just able to pay dividends. Some GE capital is lessening. GE wons some commercial state property and is not getting their payments.
Sign of the times: Now we are seeing hints on line about living "cheaper" and "saving" here and there. We can't spend if the government takes all of our money and gives it to the already rich in bail outs. What about our bail outs - jerks in Washington. What trickle down, Mr. Reagan - that never worked! Yet beginning with Reagan and beyond they deregulated banks and corporations to allow them to do whatever they wanted - which pretty much ended up them filling their pockets and ripping off consumers.
I hear that the FBI is investigating some of these banking failures and bail outs even though the government didn't recommend it. Enron got investigated and some heads fell but Ken Lay conveniently died right before his trial was to begin and he was likely to drag in his buddies in the White House. Yeah, right! He died - or he is sitting on a paradise island spending some of that money. I don't trust the media because that article was sure short stating that Lay died of a heart attack. Makes one wonder - doesn't it?
We need money flow in this country. We need jobs. Bill Clinton said all money went into housing in 2001 when that extra money should have been invested in solar power, wind power, water power and "green" jobs.
The Paulson plan is a Wall Street bail out not anything for the rest of the nation's mainstreet. Spending is weak. Small businesses are not given any credit to expand their businesses. This government is so intense in helping the rich guys but not bothering with the small businessman or helping out people make their house payments. So what's with that? It's it is OUR money in the first place! But, hopefully, this 700 billion is also a main street bail out too! Hey, people, if we can't pay taxes just who is going to pay for that 700 billion hand out for the greedy crooks who got themselves into this mess! We definitely need a change in Washington! There was a time when a months' wages would make our house payment, now it's half a month's wages! Our economy needs desparate help and we definitely need change. Giving lobbyist free rein and deregulation was a huge mistake. And I wonder now if the 700 billion will indeed be over sighted or was that just lip service?
Vote for Obama! We need some brains to run this country not some corporate lobbyist knuckhead puppets. And just who is Sarah Palin? Scary! Just think if McCain is elected and he likely will be because "they" will see to it, say McCain dies guess what we'll have running the country then: A gun totting, speaks in tongue, airhead, strictly pro-life in charge! Not good! She is pro-life no matter if pregnancy is in the case of brutal rape or incest. What a cold animal she is!
Sign of the times: Now we are seeing hints on line about living "cheaper" and "saving" here and there. We can't spend if the government takes all of our money and gives it to the already rich in bail outs. What about our bail outs - jerks in Washington. What trickle down, Mr. Reagan - that never worked! Yet beginning with Reagan and beyond they deregulated banks and corporations to allow them to do whatever they wanted - which pretty much ended up them filling their pockets and ripping off consumers.
I hear that the FBI is investigating some of these banking failures and bail outs even though the government didn't recommend it. Enron got investigated and some heads fell but Ken Lay conveniently died right before his trial was to begin and he was likely to drag in his buddies in the White House. Yeah, right! He died - or he is sitting on a paradise island spending some of that money. I don't trust the media because that article was sure short stating that Lay died of a heart attack. Makes one wonder - doesn't it?
We need money flow in this country. We need jobs. Bill Clinton said all money went into housing in 2001 when that extra money should have been invested in solar power, wind power, water power and "green" jobs.
The Paulson plan is a Wall Street bail out not anything for the rest of the nation's mainstreet. Spending is weak. Small businesses are not given any credit to expand their businesses. This government is so intense in helping the rich guys but not bothering with the small businessman or helping out people make their house payments. So what's with that? It's it is OUR money in the first place! But, hopefully, this 700 billion is also a main street bail out too! Hey, people, if we can't pay taxes just who is going to pay for that 700 billion hand out for the greedy crooks who got themselves into this mess! We definitely need a change in Washington! There was a time when a months' wages would make our house payment, now it's half a month's wages! Our economy needs desparate help and we definitely need change. Giving lobbyist free rein and deregulation was a huge mistake. And I wonder now if the 700 billion will indeed be over sighted or was that just lip service?
Vote for Obama! We need some brains to run this country not some corporate lobbyist knuckhead puppets. And just who is Sarah Palin? Scary! Just think if McCain is elected and he likely will be because "they" will see to it, say McCain dies guess what we'll have running the country then: A gun totting, speaks in tongue, airhead, strictly pro-life in charge! Not good! She is pro-life no matter if pregnancy is in the case of brutal rape or incest. What a cold animal she is!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
I hope Obama wins!
You know we need a guy who knows economics and Obama does. He taught economics! McCain only knows wars and veterans and quit frankly scares the hell out of me! Then there is Palin! God, why didn't he pick Mitt Romney! Huge mistake but yet Christians will risk their livihoods to vote for a claimed pro-life Christian. Frankly, I'm not buying it McCain nerely wants votes!
Republicans mishandled the budget and the world. The next President will inherit 600 trillion dollars of debt! Deffinitely we need a guy with a financial, economic head on his shoulders and right now that is Barrack Obama!
Oh security? Please. Our Southern borders are a free for all! Frankly, I believe we knew the attack was in the works and we did nothing about it because I believe we wanted desparately to get into a war for oil and for corporate profits. Right off the bat, 100,000 companies were over there in the Middle East making tons of money and frankly, wasting tax payer's money on silly stuff! We all know it! Watch the DVD "Iraq race for sale: war for profit". Netflix has the DVD. It's worth viewing and watch "Sicko" while you are at it. And watch "Who Killled the Electric Car?" while you are at it! You will be enlightened. Are you brave enought - do you dare vote wisely and in order to do that you must do the research!
Republicans mishandled the budget and the world. The next President will inherit 600 trillion dollars of debt! Deffinitely we need a guy with a financial, economic head on his shoulders and right now that is Barrack Obama!
Oh security? Please. Our Southern borders are a free for all! Frankly, I believe we knew the attack was in the works and we did nothing about it because I believe we wanted desparately to get into a war for oil and for corporate profits. Right off the bat, 100,000 companies were over there in the Middle East making tons of money and frankly, wasting tax payer's money on silly stuff! We all know it! Watch the DVD "Iraq race for sale: war for profit". Netflix has the DVD. It's worth viewing and watch "Sicko" while you are at it. And watch "Who Killled the Electric Car?" while you are at it! You will be enlightened. Are you brave enought - do you dare vote wisely and in order to do that you must do the research!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Elisabeth please grow up!
McCain is not your father!
Neal Bush as involved in the 80's Savings and Loan scandals. Please! Deregulation of banks etc., ran freely in the 80's beginning with Reagan!
These Republicans are a piece of work trying to slip in Capitol gains tax cuts during these bail out debates that are going on! It's Me, Me, Me! Big babies! While the "parents" are the tax payers. Well, this parent is getting sick of it!
Oh, and Republicans already knocked out any provisions for going "green" during these bail out debates! See how they are?
And 700 billion is just some arbitary figure they came up with. Well, it seems to me that for the lobbyist, the Republicans are trying to get all they can before the next election! They are trying to get all they can before the election for their bosses - the lobbyist! Lobbyist of course making up of financial and banking big shost, already rich, CEO's! It's all unpatriotic and un-American in my opinion! I'm so sick of Republicans. And the "average" working fool tax paying Repubican - where do they get off thinking they are so righteous? Oh pro-life that's it! And Christian, like Bush is some saint or something. The man's a crook! And pro-life? That's joke. So we attack a country that didn't attack us over oil, only for large corporations' profits, killing innocent women and "children" and that's okay with you righteous bible thumpers? You're one issue fools! Bush doesn't give a shit about his own "average or poor Katrina" Americans and would he care if Iraq become a Democracy. It's common sense people! So rather than follow your hopeful heart in your thinking.. follow the money! And realize that you are being taken to the cleaners and you are too silly to even know it! The average tax payer in this country will be "drained" until the whole shit fails! Wages cannot keep up with the rapidly rise in the cost of living! Since Bush has been in office oil alone has risen from a mere $20.00 per barrel to $130.00 per barrel! Gee, guess whos manipulating the whole smear? Bush and his corporate buddies!
They knew the housing bubble was going to happen (just like it did in Europe and China) so they figured out ways to take full advantage (for the lobbyist, of course, not you - you are nothing but a tax paying peansant - that's your job!).
I'm watching the View too! Frederic Brandt, M.D. Cosmetic "filler" doctor uses needles to gie a filler face lift. Galigen, and readio frequency device. They use filler too in cheeks so your cheeks look full and then it's a taper down affect. Personally, I think he's looks ready for Halloween. I don't normally criticize do I. But he does look like he has had a few treatments too many! And I'm not commenting on his sexual orientation. We'll let that go since I'm a lesbian...but I'm not butch!! Neither is my girlfrien.. god what she does to me!!!!! The feeling is really very nice - magical! I think everyone should be gay.
Guess I better take my vitamines.. haven't done that yet today! And Calicum!
Elisabeth on the View is as immature and naive as the day she was born. She loves old men I think! McCain must be a father figure is the only thing I can figure! He's god! She's very naive! Like most people she sees and hears just exactly what she wants. She's 31! Now Joy's has her shit together!
I like Joy. She was on Larry King the other night and says she is voting for Obama. Obama wants to tax people who make 250,000 and more. Well, Joy says that hits me but I'm willing to do it because she believes in it. Now that's a woman! She's not greedy! It makes sense to her that people making less should get a tax break for a change and it's okay with her!
Neal Bush as involved in the 80's Savings and Loan scandals. Please! Deregulation of banks etc., ran freely in the 80's beginning with Reagan!
These Republicans are a piece of work trying to slip in Capitol gains tax cuts during these bail out debates that are going on! It's Me, Me, Me! Big babies! While the "parents" are the tax payers. Well, this parent is getting sick of it!
Oh, and Republicans already knocked out any provisions for going "green" during these bail out debates! See how they are?
And 700 billion is just some arbitary figure they came up with. Well, it seems to me that for the lobbyist, the Republicans are trying to get all they can before the next election! They are trying to get all they can before the election for their bosses - the lobbyist! Lobbyist of course making up of financial and banking big shost, already rich, CEO's! It's all unpatriotic and un-American in my opinion! I'm so sick of Republicans. And the "average" working fool tax paying Repubican - where do they get off thinking they are so righteous? Oh pro-life that's it! And Christian, like Bush is some saint or something. The man's a crook! And pro-life? That's joke. So we attack a country that didn't attack us over oil, only for large corporations' profits, killing innocent women and "children" and that's okay with you righteous bible thumpers? You're one issue fools! Bush doesn't give a shit about his own "average or poor Katrina" Americans and would he care if Iraq become a Democracy. It's common sense people! So rather than follow your hopeful heart in your thinking.. follow the money! And realize that you are being taken to the cleaners and you are too silly to even know it! The average tax payer in this country will be "drained" until the whole shit fails! Wages cannot keep up with the rapidly rise in the cost of living! Since Bush has been in office oil alone has risen from a mere $20.00 per barrel to $130.00 per barrel! Gee, guess whos manipulating the whole smear? Bush and his corporate buddies!
They knew the housing bubble was going to happen (just like it did in Europe and China) so they figured out ways to take full advantage (for the lobbyist, of course, not you - you are nothing but a tax paying peansant - that's your job!).
I'm watching the View too! Frederic Brandt, M.D. Cosmetic "filler" doctor uses needles to gie a filler face lift. Galigen, and readio frequency device. They use filler too in cheeks so your cheeks look full and then it's a taper down affect. Personally, I think he's looks ready for Halloween. I don't normally criticize do I. But he does look like he has had a few treatments too many! And I'm not commenting on his sexual orientation. We'll let that go since I'm a lesbian...but I'm not butch!! Neither is my girlfrien.. god what she does to me!!!!! The feeling is really very nice - magical! I think everyone should be gay.
Guess I better take my vitamines.. haven't done that yet today! And Calicum!
Elisabeth on the View is as immature and naive as the day she was born. She loves old men I think! McCain must be a father figure is the only thing I can figure! He's god! She's very naive! Like most people she sees and hears just exactly what she wants. She's 31! Now Joy's has her shit together!
I like Joy. She was on Larry King the other night and says she is voting for Obama. Obama wants to tax people who make 250,000 and more. Well, Joy says that hits me but I'm willing to do it because she believes in it. Now that's a woman! She's not greedy! It makes sense to her that people making less should get a tax break for a change and it's okay with her!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Bush is nuts'. He just wants that 700 billion in the pockets of greedy, crooked capitalist on Wall Street! He is using usual attempts at scare tactics directed at Americans to get the money! He's working for the lobbyist and himself. They are trying to get as much money as they can before the possiblity that Republicans leave the White House! They are all assholes in my opinion!
WWII got us out of the last depression but that won't work this time, we already found out with crooked war for oil profit in Iraq! I don't know why the average American doesn't care. Of course "in bed with lobbyist Republicans" want Americans to be stupid so they can pull some more stunts like sub-prime home loans. If salaries would have kept up with inflation we wouldn't have this problem. If McCain and Bush would vote for increasing minimum wage to keep up with the cost of living we wouldn't have this problem. If Lobbyist weren't running the government we wouldn't have this problem because that is why beginning when with "let's deregulate" Reagan, we average Americans were lost to Republicans and capitalist lobbyist were the winners. And people, average hard working tax paying Americans, are too stupid and blind to see this! Regulations in industry and banking are there to protect the consumer and the Public but greedy lobbyist and old rich guys want even more money. CEO's that make that much money need to have that salary capped and the money should be giving to the employees. If we had a government for the people by the people we all would be treated fairly. I'm embarrassed by this financial crisis - it's all bullshit and greed to these assholes can take every last cent they can before they leave office! IF McCain gets elected I will know for sure that these elections are set up with certain outcomes just as 9/11 was contracted.
Republicans promoted and backed bank deregulations got us into this financial crisis! In my opinion Hank Paulson former (or still) with Goldman Sachs stands to gain lots of money. Lip service says FBI is imvestigatimg! Yeah right? They are all crooks! Banks and big CEO's want to take this 700 billion and use it without, again regulation (that is what got them in trouble in the first place people!) and probably stick most of it in their pockets while - again - the average tax payers gets cut social programs and education and jobs!!
I believe I can speak for most Americans when I say that the American tax payer is sick of this phony bullshit in Washington! Just how stupid do they really think we are! Greedy CEO's get billions in salaries and golden parachutes while peasant tax payer's are made fools of! And all those Christian pro-life Republicans out there that are brain dead from religious bullshit brainwashing drives me crazy! What will it take - you losing YOUR job before you wake up and see you are being ripped off at every turn. How's your hospital coverage? How's your job? You getting equal pay? Can you make ends meet without working several jobs or being knee deep into credit card debt? Just because you are pro-life! So you are going to vote for another crook with a stupid VP that can't do interviews because she is even more stupid than Dan Quail!
It happens every time corporation backed Republican politicians get into office crookedly and then after eight years Democrats are left to clean up their shit! I am very tired of it!
I think we should move towards a socialist governent so tax payer's get government for the people by the people! I want free health care and free education. I want ALL people, all tax payer's, to be treated equal for a chancg! This government is an embarrasment! We need to get the 33,000 or more lobbyist out of Washington and out of politics. Do you see Denmark, Sweden, Britian, Germany, France and many more in this embarrassing situation. I would rather pay more taxes and demand and get free good health care and free education and free pension for life. What the hell is wrong with that. But, since the Reagan commercials of the fifties we have been brainwashed into thinking socialism is bad. We have been brain washed because big money corporations want to rip us off and make the big bucks.
In my opinion capitalism has failed in this country because anymore service and producs are shit, health care is shit, education is sick, and all is too expensive while whiny CEO's crooks give themselves big bonuses and try everything under the sun to rip us off so they can and what is so far worse is that our government is in cahoots with them and just as crooked and unethical as they are - especially the Repubicans. I think a revolt against paying taxes to bail out greedy corporate crooks (with the president knowing that they are crooks) is in order! And Bush and the lot of them should be arrested for fraudulent practices and lying to the American people. Believe me what Clinton did was nothing! Thse Republicans are real assholes! Republicans say they are Christain in thinking (oh yeah sure pro-life and let's blow up a foreign land over oil and greed and that is okay!) but in fact they are the biggest bunch of crooks! Why do we let them get away with it! They make fools of us!
Now watch if Obama gets into office and makes the lobbyist mad the crooks will prbably bump him off. Just like JFK. And Bobbie Kennedy! If you don't play ball the capitalist crooks way you are out of there... Bobbie Kennedy wanted social reform and equal rights - Johnson finally got some in place.
And biggest crook yet Nixon takes credit for ended Vietnam "conflict" - again a war for the capitalist. Just as Eisenhower warned: "Beware the Industrial Military War Machine". Oh there's big money for Blackwater, Halliburton in this Iraq war.
And what's with double dipping conflict of interest Henry Paulson being Secretary of the Treasury? He worked for Goldman Sachs and probably still does.. probably has lots invested there and now has 700 billion to play with - handing out free unregulated, without over sight money to the crooks running banks and mortage companies so and they are free to repeat exactly what they just did. Are we just plain nuts?
I'm so sick of this shit. And GM failing and closing plants. Oh please - I guess they'll want a bail out next just like Chrysler a few years back and they'll get it! All this same shit happened in 1991 right before crooked Republicans life office that time! GM could stay afloat if they already had the electric dependable car out RIGHT NOW! And make the damn thing reliable! Oh hell! If they can get to the camn moon they can certainly build an appropriate, decent battery. I'm sick of this line of bullshit they give us on a daily basis!!! They had a damn electric car in the late 90's see "Who Killed the Electric Car?" I'll give you the quick answer: Bush! The DVD is available if you can get your head out of that stupid Christain vice they have it in and read and listen to NPR. Sickos! Oh watach that DVD too. It's called "Sicko".
Republicans work for lobbist and some are oil lobbyist.. trust me people you will never see an electric car majority while greedy Bush man oil men can still drill for oil and now stupid Peloski is in there right with them - fifty miles off shore - yeah right! Just maybe all of Washington are in the same boat! Hell Democrats certainly do not stand up to them! So why would I believe anything else?
Visit following site... I'm not the only one!
WWII got us out of the last depression but that won't work this time, we already found out with crooked war for oil profit in Iraq! I don't know why the average American doesn't care. Of course "in bed with lobbyist Republicans" want Americans to be stupid so they can pull some more stunts like sub-prime home loans. If salaries would have kept up with inflation we wouldn't have this problem. If McCain and Bush would vote for increasing minimum wage to keep up with the cost of living we wouldn't have this problem. If Lobbyist weren't running the government we wouldn't have this problem because that is why beginning when with "let's deregulate" Reagan, we average Americans were lost to Republicans and capitalist lobbyist were the winners. And people, average hard working tax paying Americans, are too stupid and blind to see this! Regulations in industry and banking are there to protect the consumer and the Public but greedy lobbyist and old rich guys want even more money. CEO's that make that much money need to have that salary capped and the money should be giving to the employees. If we had a government for the people by the people we all would be treated fairly. I'm embarrassed by this financial crisis - it's all bullshit and greed to these assholes can take every last cent they can before they leave office! IF McCain gets elected I will know for sure that these elections are set up with certain outcomes just as 9/11 was contracted.
Republicans promoted and backed bank deregulations got us into this financial crisis! In my opinion Hank Paulson former (or still) with Goldman Sachs stands to gain lots of money. Lip service says FBI is imvestigatimg! Yeah right? They are all crooks! Banks and big CEO's want to take this 700 billion and use it without, again regulation (that is what got them in trouble in the first place people!) and probably stick most of it in their pockets while - again - the average tax payers gets cut social programs and education and jobs!!
I believe I can speak for most Americans when I say that the American tax payer is sick of this phony bullshit in Washington! Just how stupid do they really think we are! Greedy CEO's get billions in salaries and golden parachutes while peasant tax payer's are made fools of! And all those Christian pro-life Republicans out there that are brain dead from religious bullshit brainwashing drives me crazy! What will it take - you losing YOUR job before you wake up and see you are being ripped off at every turn. How's your hospital coverage? How's your job? You getting equal pay? Can you make ends meet without working several jobs or being knee deep into credit card debt? Just because you are pro-life! So you are going to vote for another crook with a stupid VP that can't do interviews because she is even more stupid than Dan Quail!
It happens every time corporation backed Republican politicians get into office crookedly and then after eight years Democrats are left to clean up their shit! I am very tired of it!
I think we should move towards a socialist governent so tax payer's get government for the people by the people! I want free health care and free education. I want ALL people, all tax payer's, to be treated equal for a chancg! This government is an embarrasment! We need to get the 33,000 or more lobbyist out of Washington and out of politics. Do you see Denmark, Sweden, Britian, Germany, France and many more in this embarrassing situation. I would rather pay more taxes and demand and get free good health care and free education and free pension for life. What the hell is wrong with that. But, since the Reagan commercials of the fifties we have been brainwashed into thinking socialism is bad. We have been brain washed because big money corporations want to rip us off and make the big bucks.
In my opinion capitalism has failed in this country because anymore service and producs are shit, health care is shit, education is sick, and all is too expensive while whiny CEO's crooks give themselves big bonuses and try everything under the sun to rip us off so they can and what is so far worse is that our government is in cahoots with them and just as crooked and unethical as they are - especially the Repubicans. I think a revolt against paying taxes to bail out greedy corporate crooks (with the president knowing that they are crooks) is in order! And Bush and the lot of them should be arrested for fraudulent practices and lying to the American people. Believe me what Clinton did was nothing! Thse Republicans are real assholes! Republicans say they are Christain in thinking (oh yeah sure pro-life and let's blow up a foreign land over oil and greed and that is okay!) but in fact they are the biggest bunch of crooks! Why do we let them get away with it! They make fools of us!
Now watch if Obama gets into office and makes the lobbyist mad the crooks will prbably bump him off. Just like JFK. And Bobbie Kennedy! If you don't play ball the capitalist crooks way you are out of there... Bobbie Kennedy wanted social reform and equal rights - Johnson finally got some in place.
And biggest crook yet Nixon takes credit for ended Vietnam "conflict" - again a war for the capitalist. Just as Eisenhower warned: "Beware the Industrial Military War Machine". Oh there's big money for Blackwater, Halliburton in this Iraq war.
And what's with double dipping conflict of interest Henry Paulson being Secretary of the Treasury? He worked for Goldman Sachs and probably still does.. probably has lots invested there and now has 700 billion to play with - handing out free unregulated, without over sight money to the crooks running banks and mortage companies so and they are free to repeat exactly what they just did. Are we just plain nuts?
I'm so sick of this shit. And GM failing and closing plants. Oh please - I guess they'll want a bail out next just like Chrysler a few years back and they'll get it! All this same shit happened in 1991 right before crooked Republicans life office that time! GM could stay afloat if they already had the electric dependable car out RIGHT NOW! And make the damn thing reliable! Oh hell! If they can get to the camn moon they can certainly build an appropriate, decent battery. I'm sick of this line of bullshit they give us on a daily basis!!! They had a damn electric car in the late 90's see "Who Killed the Electric Car?" I'll give you the quick answer: Bush! The DVD is available if you can get your head out of that stupid Christain vice they have it in and read and listen to NPR. Sickos! Oh watach that DVD too. It's called "Sicko".
Republicans work for lobbist and some are oil lobbyist.. trust me people you will never see an electric car majority while greedy Bush man oil men can still drill for oil and now stupid Peloski is in there right with them - fifty miles off shore - yeah right! Just maybe all of Washington are in the same boat! Hell Democrats certainly do not stand up to them! So why would I believe anything else?
Visit following site... I'm not the only one!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I think I have it all figured out! This is a capitalist society right and I believe foe the most part Democrats and Republicans probably work together to fool us and rip off our tax dollars for themselves in Washington and corporations. Let 's face it Republicans used their years in the White house well! January 20, 2001 gas was $20.00 dollars a barrel now at the end of 2008 and the end of eight years as it steadily rose in price gas is now about $130.00 per barrel. Great profits for Bush oil men!
And Washington lobbyist and political leaders just got themselves 700 billion dollars extra of tax payer's money! Pretty damn smart scheme or should I say scam ( at tax payer's expense)! In fact it is brilliant! We have been had again! First the phony elections, the phony war for profit and now this trumped up economical situation! Brilliant!
And Washington lobbyist and political leaders just got themselves 700 billion dollars extra of tax payer's money! Pretty damn smart scheme or should I say scam ( at tax payer's expense)! In fact it is brilliant! We have been had again! First the phony elections, the phony war for profit and now this trumped up economical situation! Brilliant!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Wanda Sykes - says it best!
Can you believe we the tax payers have to bail out the crooks and that will cost us at least 7,000 a piece! Personally, I think the crooks on Wall Street and Capitol Hill had it all planned from the get-go. What a scam! And they GET 700 billion without oversight! Which means the government will not over see how they spend the money! After-all Reagan on down - wanted Lobbyist/CEO's corporate heads allowed to be de-regulated so Phil Gramm got the job and they were all de-regulated. Oh yeah, Bush and McCain both say "less government" Well republican voting Christian fools have no idea what that means! That mean "deregulation" for big corporation and financial institutions. They get the green light to do whatever they want - in other words rip us off how ever way they want! Do you understand? Do you care? You should. You are being had! The average American is bailing out the crooks once again. We peasants are bailing out the already super rich CEO's. I cannot believe
narrow minded Rush L. Ditto Heads actually are too stupid to figure this out!
But all Bush and McCain have to say is "no new taxes". Honey you will be getting your taxes raised! One way or the other you will have to pay for these crooks dirty dealings. They get off Scott free - no penalties! NO criminal action! Well, because they were deregulated..no crimes were committed. Lobbyist are in bed with Republicans.
People we need Obama desperately! Please think about this! HE wants to tax people making over 250,000. Joy Behar on Larry King says she is one of them, but doesn't care..she is welling to do her part! She wants Obama elected too!
Maybe I'll write a political song! What ever happened to the Baby Boomers who used to protest everything? Don't tell me those old bucks became Republicans (and of course their wives listen to them and have no opinion of their own).
Why am I the only one who listened to NPR everyday! I have a radio to my ear every second. We need to know what is going on in this world. Right away, and people are so stupid and stuck in the past, people think that Democratic means welfare. Oh and I'm not poor. You poor sap! Think about it! More and more people are are slipping out of the middle class into poverty! You could be next! Just wait until these already rich CEO corporate heads find a way to stick most of that money in their pockets.. just like they are used to doing.
Obama wants to put a ceiling on CEO benefits and golden parachutes! I mean come on! They screw up and get a departure package! They brown nose each other - they screw each other - the old boys (crooked) club! But they're Christians and believe in pro - life so stupid brain-washed, conservative Republicans vote for McCain! Oh please, McCain could care less - he wants your vote - so he tells you what you want to hear. Against stem-cell research! What if you get sick and stem-cell research could have saved your life - or your kids life! But killing during war of oil is okay!
I can't believe the guys I know who are Republican. And it's mainly guys! McCain is brilliant! Oh please! War hero. He flew his plane hot-dogging it - over enemy lines. What did he expect! He knows nothing about nothing and readily admits it. So how can HE over see anything! I guess that's the point - lobbyist want a stupid puppet president!
And what this with Sarah Palin! Hell, I could be vice president - but she is NRA minded and owns and shoots guns! You people are war like, barbaric and primitive if you want to hunt and shoot animals.
Let's face it men like power, money and war and hanging with other men! Oh women don't deserve equal pay! Oh women don't deserve to have insurance cover contraceptives - but insurance companies will pay for men's Viagra and similar medications. Please! A double standard strongly remains in this country and Obama is well aware it! He wants equal pay for equal work for women and men. What is wrong with that? Greed! Pure greed and egotistical attitudes!
So, let's see how these morons screw this money up! Trust me! Remember Public housing and how everyone had their hand in it. How it failed miserably for poor people and African Americans. Too many crooks, too many temptations for men mostly if so maybe we do need more good women in high places.
As of today it's two to one for Obama. People are sick of the crap that the Republican pull. Oh they knew what corporate leaders were doing - and these fools in Washington are probably getting a kick-back too from giving lobbyist that 700 billion dollar bail out! Of course Cheney wants the bail out - he's probably getting a slap on the back. Nice going Cheney thanks for the money!
Why aren't the real crooks prosecuted? Peloski says impeachment is off the table! Chicken! Of course impeachments would wipe out most of the men in Washington!
McCain has voted 19 times no against rising minimum wage. Oh he voted one time for it when it was packaged in with more money for the Iraq war! This government sucks! Everything is for the rich! The hell with the average joe! Oh we are good enough to give them our tax money - but then they spend it all on the rich and fill their pockets. We get nothing out of the deal!
Well, again I don't trust the Republicans .. I told my one republican friend.. on your McCain will get elected! They'll see to it one way or another! Stupid ass didn't even get it! I question the 2000 and 2004 elections. I think Republican knew about (they were warned) 9/11 and let it happen or were behind it! Oh but they're pro-life!
And women don't get paid as much 77 cents to a man's dollar because McCain says she needs more education. Oh please! Your stupid. You don't want your own wife making more money! What an idiotic ego! You weak! Bounty bruisers all bulk and big babies. The bigger they are the harder they fall.
I better be seeing a land slide majority in popular and electoral votes and if I don't - well, I think most Americans this time around will march on Washington and protest!
narrow minded Rush L. Ditto Heads actually are too stupid to figure this out!
But all Bush and McCain have to say is "no new taxes". Honey you will be getting your taxes raised! One way or the other you will have to pay for these crooks dirty dealings. They get off Scott free - no penalties! NO criminal action! Well, because they were deregulated..no crimes were committed. Lobbyist are in bed with Republicans.
People we need Obama desperately! Please think about this! HE wants to tax people making over 250,000. Joy Behar on Larry King says she is one of them, but doesn't care..she is welling to do her part! She wants Obama elected too!
Maybe I'll write a political song! What ever happened to the Baby Boomers who used to protest everything? Don't tell me those old bucks became Republicans (and of course their wives listen to them and have no opinion of their own).
Why am I the only one who listened to NPR everyday! I have a radio to my ear every second. We need to know what is going on in this world. Right away, and people are so stupid and stuck in the past, people think that Democratic means welfare. Oh and I'm not poor. You poor sap! Think about it! More and more people are are slipping out of the middle class into poverty! You could be next! Just wait until these already rich CEO corporate heads find a way to stick most of that money in their pockets.. just like they are used to doing.
Obama wants to put a ceiling on CEO benefits and golden parachutes! I mean come on! They screw up and get a departure package! They brown nose each other - they screw each other - the old boys (crooked) club! But they're Christians and believe in pro - life so stupid brain-washed, conservative Republicans vote for McCain! Oh please, McCain could care less - he wants your vote - so he tells you what you want to hear. Against stem-cell research! What if you get sick and stem-cell research could have saved your life - or your kids life! But killing during war of oil is okay!
I can't believe the guys I know who are Republican. And it's mainly guys! McCain is brilliant! Oh please! War hero. He flew his plane hot-dogging it - over enemy lines. What did he expect! He knows nothing about nothing and readily admits it. So how can HE over see anything! I guess that's the point - lobbyist want a stupid puppet president!
And what this with Sarah Palin! Hell, I could be vice president - but she is NRA minded and owns and shoots guns! You people are war like, barbaric and primitive if you want to hunt and shoot animals.
Let's face it men like power, money and war and hanging with other men! Oh women don't deserve equal pay! Oh women don't deserve to have insurance cover contraceptives - but insurance companies will pay for men's Viagra and similar medications. Please! A double standard strongly remains in this country and Obama is well aware it! He wants equal pay for equal work for women and men. What is wrong with that? Greed! Pure greed and egotistical attitudes!
So, let's see how these morons screw this money up! Trust me! Remember Public housing and how everyone had their hand in it. How it failed miserably for poor people and African Americans. Too many crooks, too many temptations for men mostly if so maybe we do need more good women in high places.
As of today it's two to one for Obama. People are sick of the crap that the Republican pull. Oh they knew what corporate leaders were doing - and these fools in Washington are probably getting a kick-back too from giving lobbyist that 700 billion dollar bail out! Of course Cheney wants the bail out - he's probably getting a slap on the back. Nice going Cheney thanks for the money!
Why aren't the real crooks prosecuted? Peloski says impeachment is off the table! Chicken! Of course impeachments would wipe out most of the men in Washington!
McCain has voted 19 times no against rising minimum wage. Oh he voted one time for it when it was packaged in with more money for the Iraq war! This government sucks! Everything is for the rich! The hell with the average joe! Oh we are good enough to give them our tax money - but then they spend it all on the rich and fill their pockets. We get nothing out of the deal!
Well, again I don't trust the Republicans .. I told my one republican friend.. on your McCain will get elected! They'll see to it one way or another! Stupid ass didn't even get it! I question the 2000 and 2004 elections. I think Republican knew about (they were warned) 9/11 and let it happen or were behind it! Oh but they're pro-life!
And women don't get paid as much 77 cents to a man's dollar because McCain says she needs more education. Oh please! Your stupid. You don't want your own wife making more money! What an idiotic ego! You weak! Bounty bruisers all bulk and big babies. The bigger they are the harder they fall.
I better be seeing a land slide majority in popular and electoral votes and if I don't - well, I think most Americans this time around will march on Washington and protest!
IN most of Europe
if you lose your job you are likely to find another one rather quickly. And if you lose your job you won't lose your health care, you won't lose your pension and you are always guaranteed free education. So what so wrong with Socialism again compared to the greedy capitalist mess we are in. We are capitalist in this country because of greed! Of course greedy drug companies and insurance companies don't want you to have free health care and their lobbyist run Washington and take advantage of you and do you wrong.. but you'll vote Repubican again because you have been successfully dumned down by Washington who uses fear tactics to control you! Yet, you are too wimpy and sheepist to see! You believe everything they preach to you.. well they say.. if people keep hearing the same thing they finally believe it.. so reflect textbook to say what you want.. that the terrorist came from Iraq. What Bush really wants to too get a military foothold in very country so he can rule the world one day. Like the Christians Crucaders - they'll kill you if you don't see things their way. Yeah, real god like alright! Oh yeah we are really worried about terrorist that is why there is a free for all across our Southern borders (cheap labor for capitalist - once again).
Tell that to some brainwashed Christian Republican who planned to vote for McCain and continue this idiotic insanity greedy economy.
Now the ones who went belly up and were bought out and bailed out want their hands on that 700 billion to help distribute the money. Of course Goldman Sachs an Henry Paulson will probably kiss their butts instead putting them in jail for fault and give them a chance to rip off more people again.
What a scandal! Personally, I think American should get on a bus and march in front of the capitol and demand that lobbyist get out of Washington and for sure not become adds and members of government. That's double dipping! That's un-consititutional.
If it's not the church nosing their way in, it's the lobbyist. This country is ran too mucy already by lobbist who have ruined our economy and yes, once again as in the deregulation days of 1991 and in the 80's when everything went down the tubes - dereguation was the culprit. But, it's all greed and politicans are getting kick backs otherwise when would politicans premit it.
People we don't want less goverment and I'm sick of the way Republicans tell us what we want - brain wash us - or try too! Personally I people in government work for special interest and get campaign funding and kick backs. But I'm tired of it.
Why is it that the average Americans are looked up as tax paying peasants to fuel the bank acouunts of the rich. We pay taxes for social servies that we are not getting. In fact, Republicans hate social services! Naive Christian Repubicans are one issue people - pro-life. How narrow minded is that? Please! Get a life - if you don't want an abortion then don't have one. If Roe vs Wade gets reversed then your daughters will liking seek out back alley abortions and suffer the dangerous consequenes. Why are Christians so backwards in their thinking. You would rather have your daughter bleed to death by a back alley butcher! And don't tell me the possiblity does not exist. It makes me ill to think that parents think they are so perfect and their brainwashed (so they think) kids are so perfect! I was raised Catholic and it was horrible.
And this wanting to teach "abstinence" sexual education is crazy! That's like the priest walking up and down my first grade class room aisle shaking his finger and demanding kids don't put their hands between their legs - are these idiots nuts? It's the same way with teaching abstinence. Kids are sexual! It's a natural fact. So teach them the careful way.
Some woman was on NPR this morning preaching teaching abstinence in middle and high school - what a joke! What is she a feelingless nun? Kids are very sexual! And curious! And exploring their sexuality. And this woman denied homosexuality. Please! Homosexuality is as common as heterosexuality only Christians hide that fact - and therefore Republicans. People are insane. And homosexuality is as natural as heterosexuality. Again, if you are not gay then don't have sex with another member of the same sex - it's as easy as that! And mind your own business!
Abortion and sexual orientation are very personal issues and no one else's business! Certainly not the government!
Hell the government won't allow insurance companies to pay for women's birth control methods but it will certainly pay for men's Viagra! They promote sex. And personally, I think the more young people who get pregnant the more they like it. Like a Cult! Don't you think we have enough breeders on this planet? It's to the point of being in overload. Let's see how many kids we can have - how insane is that? It's not the quanity it's the quality! Being a gay person it all appears rather odd to me. Men and women together appears odd to me - too opposite! Strange! So much divorce? See, I think you look weird too but you don't see me carrying on about the over populating of the earth! And home schooling, racist, brain washing conservative Republican self-righeous, holier than thou Christians seems to think they are better and know the right way! And want to save us all! Well, I'm not a sinner. I think self-righteious Christians are sinners who perpetuate hate and separatism.
Lobbyist wanted deregulation and Repubicans gave it to them and McCain was for it as far back as 1991. So guess who ruined this economy and who ruin the our credability as to how other countries see us. Yet, those people won't be punished but get a free hand out - and thank you the tax payer will pay for it.. don't let them tell you any different. It's simple math!
Tell that to some brainwashed Christian Republican who planned to vote for McCain and continue this idiotic insanity greedy economy.
Now the ones who went belly up and were bought out and bailed out want their hands on that 700 billion to help distribute the money. Of course Goldman Sachs an Henry Paulson will probably kiss their butts instead putting them in jail for fault and give them a chance to rip off more people again.
What a scandal! Personally, I think American should get on a bus and march in front of the capitol and demand that lobbyist get out of Washington and for sure not become adds and members of government. That's double dipping! That's un-consititutional.
If it's not the church nosing their way in, it's the lobbyist. This country is ran too mucy already by lobbist who have ruined our economy and yes, once again as in the deregulation days of 1991 and in the 80's when everything went down the tubes - dereguation was the culprit. But, it's all greed and politicans are getting kick backs otherwise when would politicans premit it.
People we don't want less goverment and I'm sick of the way Republicans tell us what we want - brain wash us - or try too! Personally I people in government work for special interest and get campaign funding and kick backs. But I'm tired of it.
Why is it that the average Americans are looked up as tax paying peasants to fuel the bank acouunts of the rich. We pay taxes for social servies that we are not getting. In fact, Republicans hate social services! Naive Christian Repubicans are one issue people - pro-life. How narrow minded is that? Please! Get a life - if you don't want an abortion then don't have one. If Roe vs Wade gets reversed then your daughters will liking seek out back alley abortions and suffer the dangerous consequenes. Why are Christians so backwards in their thinking. You would rather have your daughter bleed to death by a back alley butcher! And don't tell me the possiblity does not exist. It makes me ill to think that parents think they are so perfect and their brainwashed (so they think) kids are so perfect! I was raised Catholic and it was horrible.
And this wanting to teach "abstinence" sexual education is crazy! That's like the priest walking up and down my first grade class room aisle shaking his finger and demanding kids don't put their hands between their legs - are these idiots nuts? It's the same way with teaching abstinence. Kids are sexual! It's a natural fact. So teach them the careful way.
Some woman was on NPR this morning preaching teaching abstinence in middle and high school - what a joke! What is she a feelingless nun? Kids are very sexual! And curious! And exploring their sexuality. And this woman denied homosexuality. Please! Homosexuality is as common as heterosexuality only Christians hide that fact - and therefore Republicans. People are insane. And homosexuality is as natural as heterosexuality. Again, if you are not gay then don't have sex with another member of the same sex - it's as easy as that! And mind your own business!
Abortion and sexual orientation are very personal issues and no one else's business! Certainly not the government!
Hell the government won't allow insurance companies to pay for women's birth control methods but it will certainly pay for men's Viagra! They promote sex. And personally, I think the more young people who get pregnant the more they like it. Like a Cult! Don't you think we have enough breeders on this planet? It's to the point of being in overload. Let's see how many kids we can have - how insane is that? It's not the quanity it's the quality! Being a gay person it all appears rather odd to me. Men and women together appears odd to me - too opposite! Strange! So much divorce? See, I think you look weird too but you don't see me carrying on about the over populating of the earth! And home schooling, racist, brain washing conservative Republican self-righeous, holier than thou Christians seems to think they are better and know the right way! And want to save us all! Well, I'm not a sinner. I think self-righteious Christians are sinners who perpetuate hate and separatism.
Lobbyist wanted deregulation and Repubicans gave it to them and McCain was for it as far back as 1991. So guess who ruined this economy and who ruin the our credability as to how other countries see us. Yet, those people won't be punished but get a free hand out - and thank you the tax payer will pay for it.. don't let them tell you any different. It's simple math!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Lieberman makes McCain look young
Do you think that is why Democrat Joe Lieberman hangs around John McCain. You would think Lieberman is Secretary of State! Well, Democratic, oh I mean Joe Lieberman the independent.
In 1999 Senate John McCain was all for de-regulation. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac corruption had to stop. There was no over sight on these organizations and of course they ran amok. Kids have to be baby sitted and their hands kept out of the greedy til. In 1981 Ronald Reagan proclaimed that government is too big and should get out of businesses way - in other words deregulate. And we are talking about ending the Anti-Trust laws and other laws that Roosevelt put into place during the depression to protect people's money.
Well people you see where all that deregulation got you! You can't believe anything that Republicans tell you - they are NOT for the people; they are ony for big ass businesses and the rich - cause they want to be rich with kickbacks and campaign funds. Why do they need all that campaign money for - is that to cover up the fixing of the voting machines - making it look like a legal election. I don't put anything past any of them. Of we need less government alright - we need our tax dollars to come right back to us in the form of tax payer bail-out. Where are our social benefits for all the tax dollars we pay. Where is our social medicine and free education. We are fools and are being used! Instead of social benefits are tax dollars go to the war machine and now to bailing out "de-regulated" (crooked in other words) failing business. Didn't we learn with Enron? If not overseen and regulated...business tend to be very tempted to rob, cheat and lie about it. Loans were giving out to people who never should have had loans but financial institutions sort of fibbed on the applications so the loans would go through. They were all going through because these institutions wanted the people's money. They wanted to rank up the sales.
I am willing to bet that Obama gets smeared on election day.. I don't trust the Republicans do you? Look at the mess they (lobbyist) got us into. Lobbyist are the ones really running this government and economy.. and Republicans are puppets.
I'm telling you Rachel Maddow on MSNBC is just adorable..catch her one hour show every evening at 8:00 PM CT. Just adorable!
In 1999 Senate John McCain was all for de-regulation. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac corruption had to stop. There was no over sight on these organizations and of course they ran amok. Kids have to be baby sitted and their hands kept out of the greedy til. In 1981 Ronald Reagan proclaimed that government is too big and should get out of businesses way - in other words deregulate. And we are talking about ending the Anti-Trust laws and other laws that Roosevelt put into place during the depression to protect people's money.
Well people you see where all that deregulation got you! You can't believe anything that Republicans tell you - they are NOT for the people; they are ony for big ass businesses and the rich - cause they want to be rich with kickbacks and campaign funds. Why do they need all that campaign money for - is that to cover up the fixing of the voting machines - making it look like a legal election. I don't put anything past any of them. Of we need less government alright - we need our tax dollars to come right back to us in the form of tax payer bail-out. Where are our social benefits for all the tax dollars we pay. Where is our social medicine and free education. We are fools and are being used! Instead of social benefits are tax dollars go to the war machine and now to bailing out "de-regulated" (crooked in other words) failing business. Didn't we learn with Enron? If not overseen and regulated...business tend to be very tempted to rob, cheat and lie about it. Loans were giving out to people who never should have had loans but financial institutions sort of fibbed on the applications so the loans would go through. They were all going through because these institutions wanted the people's money. They wanted to rank up the sales.
I am willing to bet that Obama gets smeared on election day.. I don't trust the Republicans do you? Look at the mess they (lobbyist) got us into. Lobbyist are the ones really running this government and economy.. and Republicans are puppets.
I'm telling you Rachel Maddow on MSNBC is just adorable..catch her one hour show every evening at 8:00 PM CT. Just adorable!
Craziness for Secretary of Treasury
It must be a real zoo for the Secretary of the Treasury, Hank Paulson. Did you know that Hank Paulson is directly from Wall Street, Goldman Sacks? Well you know Bush appointed him! Thanks Mr. Bush. Yet these brainwashed republican Christians will vote for another Bush in Novemeber. Honesty, if McCain gets elected I will surely be convinced that the election is another swung elections like 2000 and 2004.
I guess the bank lobbyist are going crazy begging for bailouts from their co-heart Paulson. Barley's and UBS who are foreign based banks are interested in bail outs too. The government is going to become a very large financial intermediate buying up and then hopefully selling off when things get better. Things will never be better until this economy goes down. And you were worried about a terrorist attack. And Ms. Hasselbeck on the View is so worried about defense. Well, Lizzie, your government is taking you down. You in your ivory tower who never had to struggle except for a month on an island.
And yes John McCain has been behind all this banking deregulations that have failed our economy and got us into all this trouble. Bail outs are only temporary so this is not near from over. You can't have a free for all for that many corporations and not get bitten. That is why we have "leaders" people - but not in this country. A "real" president would not allow a frew for all for corporations and would make sure that there are rules and regulations to be followed. We have had the all American kiss the butts of the kids mentality in this country, with parents allowing the kids to do whatever they want and then naive mommy and daddy bail them out until they are broke! Hey, but that's the American way! We tax payers are fools to tolerate this and not march on Washington. But we all know that in a capitalist society only money speaks. See in a socialist society money does not speak and everyone gets medicine and education provided.. so what is so wrong with that?
We only have capitalist medicine here because of greedy CEO's in insurance, banking, and drug companies and health care. It's all about the money here! The hell with the consumer, the tax payer.
Where is our bail outs..I know what you can solve the housing loan crisis instead of giving billions of dollars to mortage firms and banks just decare across the board that all mortages are paid off. And what is so wrong with that? Well, banks and mortage companies won't be getting any money. Well, must people got tricked into your loans anyway by fauldulent financiers. The Bush administration deregulated them and then turned a blind eye to their crooked ways. Oh yes, the patriot act - let's rip'em off and see really how much we can.
We are mere peasants living in a greedy world of political and financial greed and fraudulence. It's unconsititional! Yet Peloski took "impeachment" off the table. Democrats have no courage, dignity, honesty or integrity just as republicans don't.
The Federal government bailed out Bear Sterns and farmed it out to Blackrock (or whatever) to run.
Many companies in many countries no longer trust our judgement (or about of greed).
Oh and did you know we will be selling nuclear information to India so they can build nuclear power plants. What about weapons?
I think this government talks out of both sides of it's mouth! Homeland security - yeah right! Bush wanted to out source USA harbour patrols to a company in Dubai (Middle East).
The top executives of this big corporations need to have their assets freed up and let them find out way out of this. Right now it seems - they mess up - they get bailed out by the Feds. What's with that? Big shot CEO's already have skimmed the fat heavily off the top and they don't have to give up any of their assets. So what's with that. While the average joe American tax payer gets dragged over the coals again.
And what is wrong with socialize medicine when it seems socialized banking is okay!!
We set aside 700 billion for banks, and 10 billion a month for a needless war in Iraq yet this evil capitalist society won't even consider socialize medicine because of all the evil lobbyist in Washington. Everyone wants a piece of the pie and the average tax payer suffers because of it. What ever happened to "government by the people for the people" I want socialized medicine and socialized education. It feels to me that we are on the brink of a peaceful, but monetary, revolutionary in this country. What about the people? Right now we have an economy for the rich, big shot CEO's getting fat from our tax payer dollars and the tax payer is getting very tired of it!!!!
We need change alright! Hopefully the election is at least honest and Obama does get elected..this country needs to lean more toward socialize medicine and education. Greedy CEO's are ruining this economy.
Right now people can't get loans and the lobbyist are begging government for bail outs...like stupid spoiled Amercan teen agers.. and mommy and daddy bail them out like idiots. We did it to ourselves - Bush allowed Phil Gramm to de-regulate financial institutions. But no body is mentioning that! This government did it to themselves.
It's called a bail out and that gets the tax payer involved. It's not right! Washington allowed deregulation to kiss off campaign supporting favors. Other countries or no longer willing to support us. . Why? Just how much can we borrow from China. And our dollar is so weak why would anyone trust it.
This bail out is actually creating a future crisis. And yes, the American people are very aggravating about this because of the deregulation. The tax payer is getting killed every which way.
There is something yes deeply unfair about this bail out. I'm listening to NPR - you should too!!!! and not egotistical republican paid by Russ. On NPR you get the real deal even though Republicans with their Christian blinders on don't want to hear the truth! Oh well, doesn't matter even though everyone will vote democratic another crooked republican will be elected.
I guess the bank lobbyist are going crazy begging for bailouts from their co-heart Paulson. Barley's and UBS who are foreign based banks are interested in bail outs too. The government is going to become a very large financial intermediate buying up and then hopefully selling off when things get better. Things will never be better until this economy goes down. And you were worried about a terrorist attack. And Ms. Hasselbeck on the View is so worried about defense. Well, Lizzie, your government is taking you down. You in your ivory tower who never had to struggle except for a month on an island.
And yes John McCain has been behind all this banking deregulations that have failed our economy and got us into all this trouble. Bail outs are only temporary so this is not near from over. You can't have a free for all for that many corporations and not get bitten. That is why we have "leaders" people - but not in this country. A "real" president would not allow a frew for all for corporations and would make sure that there are rules and regulations to be followed. We have had the all American kiss the butts of the kids mentality in this country, with parents allowing the kids to do whatever they want and then naive mommy and daddy bail them out until they are broke! Hey, but that's the American way! We tax payers are fools to tolerate this and not march on Washington. But we all know that in a capitalist society only money speaks. See in a socialist society money does not speak and everyone gets medicine and education provided.. so what is so wrong with that?
We only have capitalist medicine here because of greedy CEO's in insurance, banking, and drug companies and health care. It's all about the money here! The hell with the consumer, the tax payer.
Where is our bail outs..I know what you can solve the housing loan crisis instead of giving billions of dollars to mortage firms and banks just decare across the board that all mortages are paid off. And what is so wrong with that? Well, banks and mortage companies won't be getting any money. Well, must people got tricked into your loans anyway by fauldulent financiers. The Bush administration deregulated them and then turned a blind eye to their crooked ways. Oh yes, the patriot act - let's rip'em off and see really how much we can.
We are mere peasants living in a greedy world of political and financial greed and fraudulence. It's unconsititional! Yet Peloski took "impeachment" off the table. Democrats have no courage, dignity, honesty or integrity just as republicans don't.
The Federal government bailed out Bear Sterns and farmed it out to Blackrock (or whatever) to run.
Many companies in many countries no longer trust our judgement (or about of greed).
Oh and did you know we will be selling nuclear information to India so they can build nuclear power plants. What about weapons?
I think this government talks out of both sides of it's mouth! Homeland security - yeah right! Bush wanted to out source USA harbour patrols to a company in Dubai (Middle East).
The top executives of this big corporations need to have their assets freed up and let them find out way out of this. Right now it seems - they mess up - they get bailed out by the Feds. What's with that? Big shot CEO's already have skimmed the fat heavily off the top and they don't have to give up any of their assets. So what's with that. While the average joe American tax payer gets dragged over the coals again.
And what is wrong with socialize medicine when it seems socialized banking is okay!!
We set aside 700 billion for banks, and 10 billion a month for a needless war in Iraq yet this evil capitalist society won't even consider socialize medicine because of all the evil lobbyist in Washington. Everyone wants a piece of the pie and the average tax payer suffers because of it. What ever happened to "government by the people for the people" I want socialized medicine and socialized education. It feels to me that we are on the brink of a peaceful, but monetary, revolutionary in this country. What about the people? Right now we have an economy for the rich, big shot CEO's getting fat from our tax payer dollars and the tax payer is getting very tired of it!!!!
We need change alright! Hopefully the election is at least honest and Obama does get elected..this country needs to lean more toward socialize medicine and education. Greedy CEO's are ruining this economy.
Right now people can't get loans and the lobbyist are begging government for bail outs...like stupid spoiled Amercan teen agers.. and mommy and daddy bail them out like idiots. We did it to ourselves - Bush allowed Phil Gramm to de-regulate financial institutions. But no body is mentioning that! This government did it to themselves.
It's called a bail out and that gets the tax payer involved. It's not right! Washington allowed deregulation to kiss off campaign supporting favors. Other countries or no longer willing to support us. . Why? Just how much can we borrow from China. And our dollar is so weak why would anyone trust it.
This bail out is actually creating a future crisis. And yes, the American people are very aggravating about this because of the deregulation. The tax payer is getting killed every which way.
There is something yes deeply unfair about this bail out. I'm listening to NPR - you should too!!!! and not egotistical republican paid by Russ. On NPR you get the real deal even though Republicans with their Christian blinders on don't want to hear the truth! Oh well, doesn't matter even though everyone will vote democratic another crooked republican will be elected.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
What a car!
What a price! Just saw a commercial for Mercedes-Benz and was very impressed. What a design! When the car senses that an accident is about to accur it rolls up the windows and upon impact the air bags inflat and the whole car either crumbles collison energy or disipates it through-out the body of the car. I was very impressed. But, then again, it's a Mercedes; it's what the pay for big bucks for!
I guess only the very rich can still afford a Merces-Benz! The middle class is slipping away I'm afraid. I only hope this recession is reverse very soon hopefully with the good RTC news of tomorrow from Nancy Peloski, Hank Paulson, and Chris Cox.
We'll se what happens. The government has bailed out AIG an institution in 135 countries with at least 135, 000 employees. So since the USA bailed them out we own 80% of all the home loans. Sounds slightly like socalizism?
Let's see Bear Sterns was the first, Lehman Brothers hit bankruptcy! Then there was Freddie Max and Fannie Mae - we bailed them out. The Central banks had to come together or else see global markets possibly fail. In England, short sellers are banned.
Well, I was cgued to NPR, MSNBC, and CNN last week I guess I will be this week too! Hey I'll get my run in somehow..for sure.
I guess only the very rich can still afford a Merces-Benz! The middle class is slipping away I'm afraid. I only hope this recession is reverse very soon hopefully with the good RTC news of tomorrow from Nancy Peloski, Hank Paulson, and Chris Cox.
We'll se what happens. The government has bailed out AIG an institution in 135 countries with at least 135, 000 employees. So since the USA bailed them out we own 80% of all the home loans. Sounds slightly like socalizism?
Let's see Bear Sterns was the first, Lehman Brothers hit bankruptcy! Then there was Freddie Max and Fannie Mae - we bailed them out. The Central banks had to come together or else see global markets possibly fail. In England, short sellers are banned.
Well, I was cgued to NPR, MSNBC, and CNN last week I guess I will be this week too! Hey I'll get my run in somehow..for sure.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Rachel Maddow is a hit on MSNBC
and I believe Keith Oberman hated to admit that although he did say her ratings are sky high!
She is easy to listen to. She is clear and to the point. Speaks well and has good guests who explain everything well.
With this mess on Wall Street just be glad that Social Security is not privatized but if you vote for McCain and he wins .. one day it will be! So be careful. I just can't understand why so called Christians, so righteious, so holy, only vote on signle issue policy? Why? You don't care if your jobs go away? It doesn't matter that McCain is another know-nothing, unenlightened Bush and will follow the same loser policies? Bush had Phil Gramm deregulate corporations to please lobbyist and CEO got greedy and just about ruined the "world" economy. It's because of that, that now this government, the Fed, owns about 70% of all the home loans that exist. We are socialist now. I hope everyone who thinks Republicans are right on - are happy.
No one believes me. They should watch MSNBC, listen to NPR like I do. Not Russ Limbaught - who do you think pays his salary? Get a grip! Follow theh money?
Or are you just too lazy to do the research and figure things out for yourself. We need to elect Obama as president so we can clean up eight (crookedly elected - and I'm sticking to it!) years of crooked Bush and Cheney mess!
I personally do not believe the Gallup poll. How can this meet so neck and neck - no way! It's fixed - Republicans are good at that. I mean just look at the last two elections 2000, and 2004. Recounts galore..faulty voting machines (built by lobbyist, programmed by lobbyist) I'll bet you!
She is easy to listen to. She is clear and to the point. Speaks well and has good guests who explain everything well.
With this mess on Wall Street just be glad that Social Security is not privatized but if you vote for McCain and he wins .. one day it will be! So be careful. I just can't understand why so called Christians, so righteious, so holy, only vote on signle issue policy? Why? You don't care if your jobs go away? It doesn't matter that McCain is another know-nothing, unenlightened Bush and will follow the same loser policies? Bush had Phil Gramm deregulate corporations to please lobbyist and CEO got greedy and just about ruined the "world" economy. It's because of that, that now this government, the Fed, owns about 70% of all the home loans that exist. We are socialist now. I hope everyone who thinks Republicans are right on - are happy.
No one believes me. They should watch MSNBC, listen to NPR like I do. Not Russ Limbaught - who do you think pays his salary? Get a grip! Follow theh money?
Or are you just too lazy to do the research and figure things out for yourself. We need to elect Obama as president so we can clean up eight (crookedly elected - and I'm sticking to it!) years of crooked Bush and Cheney mess!
I personally do not believe the Gallup poll. How can this meet so neck and neck - no way! It's fixed - Republicans are good at that. I mean just look at the last two elections 2000, and 2004. Recounts galore..faulty voting machines (built by lobbyist, programmed by lobbyist) I'll bet you!
We are Socalist NOW
Because this government, Hank Pulson, bailed out all AIG and now owns 70% of all the home loans out there. Maybe yours, maybe mine!
We hope the other corporations go under. Rachel Maddow is worried about the whole country and world global economy. Paul Krugman, New York Times Columnist is worried too. Bernekne and Paulson says unless we get a grip on this now it's 1931 all over again!
And Why? Because Bush and Cheney allowed Phil Gramm to deregulate all financial corporations. If this economy goes belly up people won't be able to get loans, more jobs will go away..therefore more house payments and car payments won't be made. But you can bet the government won't bail out the average Joe.
Across aisle agrees we need a rescue plane. Buy out by the Feds may or may not work. Listen to Chuck Schumer.
We are not socialist....so might as well provide free health care and free education for us just like those people of Canada, England, France and more European countries have.
Maybe there is a bright side to the stupidity in Washington.
We hope the other corporations go under. Rachel Maddow is worried about the whole country and world global economy. Paul Krugman, New York Times Columnist is worried too. Bernekne and Paulson says unless we get a grip on this now it's 1931 all over again!
And Why? Because Bush and Cheney allowed Phil Gramm to deregulate all financial corporations. If this economy goes belly up people won't be able to get loans, more jobs will go away..therefore more house payments and car payments won't be made. But you can bet the government won't bail out the average Joe.
Across aisle agrees we need a rescue plane. Buy out by the Feds may or may not work. Listen to Chuck Schumer.
We are not socialist....so might as well provide free health care and free education for us just like those people of Canada, England, France and more European countries have.
Maybe there is a bright side to the stupidity in Washington.
What is McCain talking about? Blaming Obama?
McCain says it is Barack Obama's fault? What? Rick Davis, Phil Gram and Charlie Black (lobbyist in Washington). All the above were involved in deregularing Washington's over seeing rules controlling corporations and fiance corporations.
Phil Gramm headed the deregulating of banks, finance companies and etc., McCain is flat out lying! McCain's champaign manager Rick Davis was a lobbyist in Washington. Please! McCain is lying.
Good thing social security is not privatized like McCain wanted to do! Social Security should never be privatized because since all this deregulation who can trust what privatization will do for social security - I don't trust them!
Phil Gramm headed the deregulating of banks, finance companies and etc., McCain is flat out lying! McCain's champaign manager Rick Davis was a lobbyist in Washington. Please! McCain is lying.
Good thing social security is not privatized like McCain wanted to do! Social Security should never be privatized because since all this deregulation who can trust what privatization will do for social security - I don't trust them!
I'm still sticking with Obama
in this time of economic crisis. He has the business degree. He taught business. John McCain knows war and attack and prisoner. He contradicted himself in his speeches from time to time..I guess it depends how he is prompted. McCain is not in touch with realities of the common tax payer.
None of us can pretend that we are part of the Repbublican rich even as much as we would like to. I think some people think if I vote for Republicans the wealth will trickle down to me, as Reagan wrongfully suggested. The wealth will stay at the top sorry to say you are a peon, a peasant in the eyes of Republicans. The rich only get richer with and will with McCain's tax cuts and you'll still get nothing.
Why don't average Americans see this? Why do Christians vote Republican because of single religious issues? Being pro-life isn't going to save your job or your home or protect you from deregulated health insurance companies run amok!
Think! How are you going to feed all those pro-life kids you are popping out to fluid Christianity. Christians want to rule the world by sheer numbers of members. It's silly. I do not particularily want someone thinking morally for me. Hey, I was born with a conscious. I can derive wrong from right morally.
Another thing that bothers me sirverely is that Christians do not believe we are all created equal and that the power, the real power lies within each and everyone of us. None of us really need to affiliate with any religious cult like we are brainwashed and "conditioned" to do. We are individuals spirits visiting earth in human form to learn.
Sometime I argue that "here to learn" theory? Learn from whom? Most human being, let's face it, are shallow and self-serving and greedy. Well, our political officeals are in high positions to feed their egos and align their pockets with gold.
We here on earth are "material beings" when we really should be spiritual beings - spreading good well and love for one another. But, what we have is a dog eat dog world filled with a "one up" mentality. Keeping up with the appearances of the Jones, who are probably financially struggling with difficulties as you are.
I'm sticking with Obama. I firmly believe he will get us out of this mess by regulating financial institutions, banks, credit card companies, health insurance companies, even the American auto industry. For a change I want to be able to buy a decent reliable American made vehicle. I'm so tired of being cheated and lied to by every industry known to consumers.
I believe that Obama will be a president for the people (for a change) and not a president for industries and large corporations who Republicans allow to do what they want to make more money for their CEO's and not even so much for stock holders, but the CEO's and then when the CEO's know they are bringing the corporation down (like Enron did) they bail and once more the Bush Administration did nothing to presecute the real crooks. Personally, I don't believe Ken Lay is deceased. Yes, he conveniently died right before going to trial is what makes me suspect. I believe he sliped out of the country and is living high on the pensions and 401k savings of all those poor employees. They never got their money! Republicans never bailed out those poor people..instead Republicans in administration allowed it to happen by allowing industries to run amok without regulation.
You can't tell me this Republican (McCain too) adminstration didn't know what crooked CEO men were up to. Of course they knew, that is why through recent years all regulations to protect the average tax payer from these hungry greedy CEO's were lifted. Republicans do not care about the average person, you and me. Republicans like to be paid off and you can't do that only the wealthy large corporations can. So follow the money...read enlighten yourself and pray Obama is your next president.
Personally I believe the election will be swung and that hte voting machines are rigged and that the race will be very close but McCain will win. Just like the elections of 2000 and 2004. Want to bet? I don't think I'm wrong! Corporations want Republicans running the works. Large corporations want deregulation they won't want Obama tightening the reins and demanding regulations to protect the people. Makes sense doesn't it. The ones who have the most money are the ones who rule! It's why it's called a Capitalist society and not a socialist society.
And yet the Republicans have brainwashed us to think that Socialism is wrong. Well, let me tell you, since the Federal Government has bailed out AIG and others they own 70% of all home loans. Socialist? Yes! Frankly, I'm all for it. Cut out the corporate crooks and allow one huge institution to regulate, run and oversee what goes on. Why not? If we don't like it we'll do like the people of France, march on the capitol and allow our demands be known. We'll pay a flat high tax for "FREE" education (like most of Europe has) and free health care. I would love to go back to school and learn everything possible for FREE. At any age! A free education!
As in England our doctors would be pay bonuses for encouraging people from smoking, helping them quit and promoting a healthy life style to cut down on health expenses. Why not! It works for Canada, England, France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark.
After WWII England promised the people that they would be taken care of. Not us! The hell with you - the tax payer. This government system only wants your money and to allow corporations to rip you off at every turn. Hell, we can't even buy eye glasses without being tricked into paying for add ons they try to sneak into your final bill. We all know how the auto industry concentrates on trying to treat you into buying more..and again there that faulty product line.. and built in maintenance to get more of your money. They build leaking oil vehicles so you spend more by adding a quart between changes and you buy the extended warranty. It's all planned to milk you dry.
Same with keeping us on oil. There is no reason we have to be on oil now. We could have been going green since the Oil Embargo of 1973, Brazil did and they are completely petro free now. They use mainly renewable resources such as waste from sugarcane crop - they're main sort of revenue.
None of us can pretend that we are part of the Repbublican rich even as much as we would like to. I think some people think if I vote for Republicans the wealth will trickle down to me, as Reagan wrongfully suggested. The wealth will stay at the top sorry to say you are a peon, a peasant in the eyes of Republicans. The rich only get richer with and will with McCain's tax cuts and you'll still get nothing.
Why don't average Americans see this? Why do Christians vote Republican because of single religious issues? Being pro-life isn't going to save your job or your home or protect you from deregulated health insurance companies run amok!
Think! How are you going to feed all those pro-life kids you are popping out to fluid Christianity. Christians want to rule the world by sheer numbers of members. It's silly. I do not particularily want someone thinking morally for me. Hey, I was born with a conscious. I can derive wrong from right morally.
Another thing that bothers me sirverely is that Christians do not believe we are all created equal and that the power, the real power lies within each and everyone of us. None of us really need to affiliate with any religious cult like we are brainwashed and "conditioned" to do. We are individuals spirits visiting earth in human form to learn.
Sometime I argue that "here to learn" theory? Learn from whom? Most human being, let's face it, are shallow and self-serving and greedy. Well, our political officeals are in high positions to feed their egos and align their pockets with gold.
We here on earth are "material beings" when we really should be spiritual beings - spreading good well and love for one another. But, what we have is a dog eat dog world filled with a "one up" mentality. Keeping up with the appearances of the Jones, who are probably financially struggling with difficulties as you are.
I'm sticking with Obama. I firmly believe he will get us out of this mess by regulating financial institutions, banks, credit card companies, health insurance companies, even the American auto industry. For a change I want to be able to buy a decent reliable American made vehicle. I'm so tired of being cheated and lied to by every industry known to consumers.
I believe that Obama will be a president for the people (for a change) and not a president for industries and large corporations who Republicans allow to do what they want to make more money for their CEO's and not even so much for stock holders, but the CEO's and then when the CEO's know they are bringing the corporation down (like Enron did) they bail and once more the Bush Administration did nothing to presecute the real crooks. Personally, I don't believe Ken Lay is deceased. Yes, he conveniently died right before going to trial is what makes me suspect. I believe he sliped out of the country and is living high on the pensions and 401k savings of all those poor employees. They never got their money! Republicans never bailed out those poor people..instead Republicans in administration allowed it to happen by allowing industries to run amok without regulation.
You can't tell me this Republican (McCain too) adminstration didn't know what crooked CEO men were up to. Of course they knew, that is why through recent years all regulations to protect the average tax payer from these hungry greedy CEO's were lifted. Republicans do not care about the average person, you and me. Republicans like to be paid off and you can't do that only the wealthy large corporations can. So follow the money...read enlighten yourself and pray Obama is your next president.
Personally I believe the election will be swung and that hte voting machines are rigged and that the race will be very close but McCain will win. Just like the elections of 2000 and 2004. Want to bet? I don't think I'm wrong! Corporations want Republicans running the works. Large corporations want deregulation they won't want Obama tightening the reins and demanding regulations to protect the people. Makes sense doesn't it. The ones who have the most money are the ones who rule! It's why it's called a Capitalist society and not a socialist society.
And yet the Republicans have brainwashed us to think that Socialism is wrong. Well, let me tell you, since the Federal Government has bailed out AIG and others they own 70% of all home loans. Socialist? Yes! Frankly, I'm all for it. Cut out the corporate crooks and allow one huge institution to regulate, run and oversee what goes on. Why not? If we don't like it we'll do like the people of France, march on the capitol and allow our demands be known. We'll pay a flat high tax for "FREE" education (like most of Europe has) and free health care. I would love to go back to school and learn everything possible for FREE. At any age! A free education!
As in England our doctors would be pay bonuses for encouraging people from smoking, helping them quit and promoting a healthy life style to cut down on health expenses. Why not! It works for Canada, England, France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark.
After WWII England promised the people that they would be taken care of. Not us! The hell with you - the tax payer. This government system only wants your money and to allow corporations to rip you off at every turn. Hell, we can't even buy eye glasses without being tricked into paying for add ons they try to sneak into your final bill. We all know how the auto industry concentrates on trying to treat you into buying more..and again there that faulty product line.. and built in maintenance to get more of your money. They build leaking oil vehicles so you spend more by adding a quart between changes and you buy the extended warranty. It's all planned to milk you dry.
Same with keeping us on oil. There is no reason we have to be on oil now. We could have been going green since the Oil Embargo of 1973, Brazil did and they are completely petro free now. They use mainly renewable resources such as waste from sugarcane crop - they're main sort of revenue.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
News Junkie
I was listening to NPR this morning and a woman called in who just as well could have been me. She said. "I have Netflix DVD to watch and I don't because I'm glued to NPR." Well, me too! I could have been her calling in. All morning long as long as they were talking about the economy and the causes of its owes.
Now I'm watching Keith Obermen on MSNBC waiting anxiously for the Rachel Moddow show which is on next. Yes! She's the best! And has great guests on..and she's gay!
We are ready to serve says Sarah Palin..ask the questions will we did.. and Charlie Gibson was kind enough not to insist that she actually answers the questions instead of skirting around them. We need a governor from a heavily populated state. I beg your pardon but it seems to me that Alaska is once removed as if they are living in the 50's. Of course someone writes the speeches and she reads well...so does McCain.
We need someone like Obama who can "manage" people and oversea the agencies they are talking about building that will over see corporations. Did you know that the government now own 70% of all home loans now. Socialist? Is that what this is all about. Now they just need to get into the honest health care business. And if it goes wrong - we'll march on Washington like they do in France (they march on their leaders and demand change all the time and get it!).
Now I'm watching Keith Obermen on MSNBC waiting anxiously for the Rachel Moddow show which is on next. Yes! She's the best! And has great guests on..and she's gay!
We are ready to serve says Sarah Palin..ask the questions will we did.. and Charlie Gibson was kind enough not to insist that she actually answers the questions instead of skirting around them. We need a governor from a heavily populated state. I beg your pardon but it seems to me that Alaska is once removed as if they are living in the 50's. Of course someone writes the speeches and she reads well...so does McCain.
We need someone like Obama who can "manage" people and oversea the agencies they are talking about building that will over see corporations. Did you know that the government now own 70% of all home loans now. Socialist? Is that what this is all about. Now they just need to get into the honest health care business. And if it goes wrong - we'll march on Washington like they do in France (they march on their leaders and demand change all the time and get it!).
Just like the Savings and Loan scandal of
the 19080's when daddy Bush bailed the other sonny boy out. These crooks know how to push the limits and then daddy bails them out.
Just what was W thinking allowing Phil Gramm to deregulate all these financial institutions and all corporations including health care corporations.
Massive loop holes and rifts in this countries financial institutions were engaged and failed, as if they didn't know it wouldn't, so now banks all over the world have to bail us out.
The USA cannot always be trusted to do the right thing when it comes to the economy. (What else is new?)
China is about to do their first space walk. But they have experienced bailing out their banks in the past but are doing pretty good right now after all the olympic hoopla.
And just like the Savings and Loan Scandal in the 80's Paulson wants to create a Crisis Resolution Agency to work with these problems.
Watch out lending societies to short sellers..and they can be pushing the share value lower. Beware the short seller. I believe that all started with Enron didn't it they traded on futures (future value).
Quick private over night loans between banks may not any longer be trusted. The Central Banks should be there for a back drop if necessary. The central banks are moving forward on this problem and they have to work together and do everything necessary. These are gloabl Central Banks working together. But preparing the damage from this crisis will take a lot longer.
Just what was W thinking allowing Phil Gramm to deregulate all these financial institutions and all corporations including health care corporations.
Massive loop holes and rifts in this countries financial institutions were engaged and failed, as if they didn't know it wouldn't, so now banks all over the world have to bail us out.
The USA cannot always be trusted to do the right thing when it comes to the economy. (What else is new?)
China is about to do their first space walk. But they have experienced bailing out their banks in the past but are doing pretty good right now after all the olympic hoopla.
And just like the Savings and Loan Scandal in the 80's Paulson wants to create a Crisis Resolution Agency to work with these problems.
Watch out lending societies to short sellers..and they can be pushing the share value lower. Beware the short seller. I believe that all started with Enron didn't it they traded on futures (future value).
Quick private over night loans between banks may not any longer be trusted. The Central Banks should be there for a back drop if necessary. The central banks are moving forward on this problem and they have to work together and do everything necessary. These are gloabl Central Banks working together. But preparing the damage from this crisis will take a lot longer.
Oh not Sarah Palin - go away!
She is talking to the people like a regular next door citizen. She knows nothing of policy and economics. I agree with the woman on NPR who says. "Oh Sarah Palin is nice and friendly and can talk about her husband and kids and pro-life.
Sarah Palin will not allow obortions in the case of rape and incest! That's barbareic thinking. Just how naive and cruel and spoke with forked tongue is that? And what is with this Massive Ministry", speaking in tongues and wanting to split Alaska away from the Union. Just how much futher can they move away?
I don't think she believe in global warming although the shores of Alaska are slipping into the waters feet by feet every year. Denial! Stupid?
In my opinion this is not presidental material - and yes she will be a heart beat away from the presidency if McCain is elected. I am afraid!
We need Obama and Bidden to win! Think about it!
Sarah Palin will not allow obortions in the case of rape and incest! That's barbareic thinking. Just how naive and cruel and spoke with forked tongue is that? And what is with this Massive Ministry", speaking in tongues and wanting to split Alaska away from the Union. Just how much futher can they move away?
I don't think she believe in global warming although the shores of Alaska are slipping into the waters feet by feet every year. Denial! Stupid?
In my opinion this is not presidental material - and yes she will be a heart beat away from the presidency if McCain is elected. I am afraid!
We need Obama and Bidden to win! Think about it!
Capitalism to Socialism - so what!
It can't get any worse! So many are afraid now that with the US Treasury Department stepping in and bailing out or more or less buying AIG and more now owning 70% of the home loans - that we are becoming Socialist.
I don't care! Bring it own! It can't be anymore more crooked then Capitalist Lobbyist ran corporations that Phil Gramm and Bush deregulated and gave the full green light to cheat and rip off the American people and the world with bad debt.
Financial houses did it to themselves because this naive government actually thought they could trust these people? So why were the regulations there in the first place?
Evidently they had to be.
I say yes to Socialism and governemtn regulated health care - we need it. It works every where else in the industrial modern world.
Socialist certainly would be one way to clear Washington D.C. of all the 34,000 plus lobbyist there.
I say - go with it! It's time to get "green" and we need a government sponsored plan, that is overseen by, let's say, Obama (as president) and turn this country toward the future of "green" clean air, water, food without lethal chemicals.
Maybe a socialist ran government would make sure every one has decent health insurance, and make sure drug companies aren't just marketin drug to make a buck. Drug commericals dominate the air waves. It's all marketing. And we know that they create disease to sell the drugs. "Do you pee more than eight times a day?" I actually saw that poster in a doctor's office! It didn't ask how much water you drank a day! Sell! Sell! Sell!
Maybe with a Socialist government here like in England where doctors are giving bonusses for healing people and getting them to live healthy lives and quit smoking we will have more healthier adults and kids.
In England health is promoted because there is no real profit in pushing drugs. Drugs are very cheap in France, England, Germany, Sweden, Denmark and elsewhere.
It's time for change alright! It's time to prosecute greedy corporate head crooks and that it all away from them and penalize them! We sure don't hear the government say they are going after the real CEO crooks - cause they are all in cahoots. "I funded your campaign! I rigged the voting machines for you Mr. Republican".
I agree with the Google CEO get rid of the oil hang up - get off of oil! Just how stupid and un ordganized are thses knuckle heads in Washington D. C. No one takes a stand. Well, Obama will!
Congressional hearings need to make new laws and agencies to police corporations. 1890 has the Anti-trust Act. A midst the Depression Roosevelt came up with Securities plans to protect the American people. Then in the mid 80's Junior Bush was involved in the Savings and Loan Scandal. Gee, how no one places his name with the scandal.
And why is the average citizen (mostly Dito Head Republicans) so afraid of Socialism! Goernment for the people by the people. So what if the government owns the corporations.
I will be studying Socialism further but it sure seems to work in all those other countries where the wealth is spread out more evenly amongst the people in social benefit and lots of vacations and child care time off for new parents or anytime. If you have surgery you get lots of time off. Sounds wonderful to me. And the medical care is good.. we just preach here in the US that it isn't because the capitalist here don't want it... and Republicans in Washington are in cahoot with lobbyist (corporations).
McCain it's time to take up a hobbie! You have no clue as to what you are talking about when it comes to economics or anything else. I believe all McCain knows is war! War!
And why should the US take it upon themselves to punish Russia for attacking George? Shouldn't the United Nations or Super eight or something take care of that? We interfere like we are running the whole show! Just who do we think we are? God? Well Bush does! He's off the top! I'm embarrassed!
I'll be relieved when this election is over and Obama is our President. We need big changes in Washington and new electric cars, and freedom from foreign oil. We need to move to "green" with wind power turbines and solar panels and move away from oil. This foolish government the Bush Dynasty has been stuck in oil for too long it's time to get into the 21st century and get "green". I'm embarrassed. We knew since 1973 with the first oil embargo that we needed to free our dependency on oil. Brazil did. They started then and are now complete petroleum free.
I only wish certain people would at least listen to both sides of the fense and listen to NPR and actually learn something rather than merely allowing someone else to think for you and brain wash you - hello ditto heads!
I don't care! Bring it own! It can't be anymore more crooked then Capitalist Lobbyist ran corporations that Phil Gramm and Bush deregulated and gave the full green light to cheat and rip off the American people and the world with bad debt.
Financial houses did it to themselves because this naive government actually thought they could trust these people? So why were the regulations there in the first place?
Evidently they had to be.
I say yes to Socialism and governemtn regulated health care - we need it. It works every where else in the industrial modern world.
Socialist certainly would be one way to clear Washington D.C. of all the 34,000 plus lobbyist there.
I say - go with it! It's time to get "green" and we need a government sponsored plan, that is overseen by, let's say, Obama (as president) and turn this country toward the future of "green" clean air, water, food without lethal chemicals.
Maybe a socialist ran government would make sure every one has decent health insurance, and make sure drug companies aren't just marketin drug to make a buck. Drug commericals dominate the air waves. It's all marketing. And we know that they create disease to sell the drugs. "Do you pee more than eight times a day?" I actually saw that poster in a doctor's office! It didn't ask how much water you drank a day! Sell! Sell! Sell!
Maybe with a Socialist government here like in England where doctors are giving bonusses for healing people and getting them to live healthy lives and quit smoking we will have more healthier adults and kids.
In England health is promoted because there is no real profit in pushing drugs. Drugs are very cheap in France, England, Germany, Sweden, Denmark and elsewhere.
It's time for change alright! It's time to prosecute greedy corporate head crooks and that it all away from them and penalize them! We sure don't hear the government say they are going after the real CEO crooks - cause they are all in cahoots. "I funded your campaign! I rigged the voting machines for you Mr. Republican".
I agree with the Google CEO get rid of the oil hang up - get off of oil! Just how stupid and un ordganized are thses knuckle heads in Washington D. C. No one takes a stand. Well, Obama will!
Congressional hearings need to make new laws and agencies to police corporations. 1890 has the Anti-trust Act. A midst the Depression Roosevelt came up with Securities plans to protect the American people. Then in the mid 80's Junior Bush was involved in the Savings and Loan Scandal. Gee, how no one places his name with the scandal.
And why is the average citizen (mostly Dito Head Republicans) so afraid of Socialism! Goernment for the people by the people. So what if the government owns the corporations.
I will be studying Socialism further but it sure seems to work in all those other countries where the wealth is spread out more evenly amongst the people in social benefit and lots of vacations and child care time off for new parents or anytime. If you have surgery you get lots of time off. Sounds wonderful to me. And the medical care is good.. we just preach here in the US that it isn't because the capitalist here don't want it... and Republicans in Washington are in cahoot with lobbyist (corporations).
McCain it's time to take up a hobbie! You have no clue as to what you are talking about when it comes to economics or anything else. I believe all McCain knows is war! War!
And why should the US take it upon themselves to punish Russia for attacking George? Shouldn't the United Nations or Super eight or something take care of that? We interfere like we are running the whole show! Just who do we think we are? God? Well Bush does! He's off the top! I'm embarrassed!
I'll be relieved when this election is over and Obama is our President. We need big changes in Washington and new electric cars, and freedom from foreign oil. We need to move to "green" with wind power turbines and solar panels and move away from oil. This foolish government the Bush Dynasty has been stuck in oil for too long it's time to get into the 21st century and get "green". I'm embarrassed. We knew since 1973 with the first oil embargo that we needed to free our dependency on oil. Brazil did. They started then and are now complete petroleum free.
I only wish certain people would at least listen to both sides of the fense and listen to NPR and actually learn something rather than merely allowing someone else to think for you and brain wash you - hello ditto heads!
Banks now all over the world
are bailing out AIG too. They have too! Thanks Mr. Phil Gramm for deregulating the system. You see banks lend to other banks.
Kit Bond is against another stimulous package but suggest that Congress balance their budget! Oh Please! Typical Republican wanting to only help big business and the hell with the average tax payer! So how do these guys get elected in the first place is what I want to know. This shit must be crooked. If you heard that your governor or representative did not have you, the voter, in mind why would you even vote for you. So is it all crooked?
Am I right? Do the "corporations" who create the voting machine and the software that run them pre-program them so Republican win no matter what? And make the voting results close enough so it doesn't look just too suspicious!
Remember voters in case you didn't realize it by now, Republicans work only for big corporations NOT you the average tax payer. The hell with you! You lost your home - too bad! You lost your job? Too bad! Republicans work for corporations only and then they deregulate and give cororations the green light in "rip you off" so fatten their bottom line. Don't you get it yet?
Vote for McCain and you vote for big business, corporations. McCain is feeding you a line. He plans on making the corporate tax cuts permanent.
When he says less governorment in business he means...less regulations for them.. which gives them the green light.. to rip you off!
Christians please Republicans say they are pro-life to get your vote...it's a front. Shaking your hand with one and stabbing you in the back with the other.
Kit Bond is against another stimulous package but suggest that Congress balance their budget! Oh Please! Typical Republican wanting to only help big business and the hell with the average tax payer! So how do these guys get elected in the first place is what I want to know. This shit must be crooked. If you heard that your governor or representative did not have you, the voter, in mind why would you even vote for you. So is it all crooked?
Am I right? Do the "corporations" who create the voting machine and the software that run them pre-program them so Republican win no matter what? And make the voting results close enough so it doesn't look just too suspicious!
Remember voters in case you didn't realize it by now, Republicans work only for big corporations NOT you the average tax payer. The hell with you! You lost your home - too bad! You lost your job? Too bad! Republicans work for corporations only and then they deregulate and give cororations the green light in "rip you off" so fatten their bottom line. Don't you get it yet?
Vote for McCain and you vote for big business, corporations. McCain is feeding you a line. He plans on making the corporate tax cuts permanent.
When he says less governorment in business he means...less regulations for them.. which gives them the green light.. to rip you off!
Christians please Republicans say they are pro-life to get your vote...it's a front. Shaking your hand with one and stabbing you in the back with the other.
You know that drug Gradasil that was supposed to protect young girls against HPV well it has killed a few girls. You see now days drug companies are so anxious to crank out drug on the market for quick profits that they don't really test them and why should they when they prehaps have a convenient deal with the FDA. Money speaks!
Don't try not to tell me it wasn't much more than a money maker for a drug company. And here the Govenor of Texas was making it manditory for the girls to get the vaccination. You don't think he didn't have a deal with the drug company? Oh come on!
Everything that happens is about money! Wake up!
See that is why Phil Gramm headed the deregulation of all corporations - so they can rip you off even easier and of course Phil Gramm and other politicans got bought off in the process.
Yes the American way. Dew Wee Cheapem and How!
Don't try not to tell me it wasn't much more than a money maker for a drug company. And here the Govenor of Texas was making it manditory for the girls to get the vaccination. You don't think he didn't have a deal with the drug company? Oh come on!
Everything that happens is about money! Wake up!
See that is why Phil Gramm headed the deregulation of all corporations - so they can rip you off even easier and of course Phil Gramm and other politicans got bought off in the process.
Yes the American way. Dew Wee Cheapem and How!
American International Group
otherwise known as AIG had 70 Trillion dollars worth of coverag for funds and banks all over the world. Little did they realize that when one fund goes it effects many others and AIG didn't have the capital to cover it all. Reminded me of a dot com floating on air sitation with nothing to back it up.
Phil Gramm headed up all the deregulation that Washington allowed. So there's your man if you want to go after someone. Yes, and I do believe that McCain had thoughts of bringing him aboard! You do realize that McCain is clueless!
The government almost had to bail out AIG to cover their own mistakes by allowing deregulation to even occur in the first place. It appears to me that lobbyist are the real leaders of this country and that Washington politics are puppets to their needs because lobbyist feed politicans campaign money.
Bush will speak later this morning on the subject! Obama has just gained five points ahead of McCain. People it should be a land slide for Obama. He is a man with at least a business degree and knows his stuff. We desparately need a man with a spine. I say out with these Republicans why not send them to their beloved Middle East. How about oil and feathering them out of town!
Central Banks in Asia, Europe and the US are pumping money into the system. The British bank is in trouble too. Lords TSB has taken over banks. See their banks used AIG too.
All thanks to Phil Gamm who gave the green light to risky business. Wonder how much money HE made up front on that deal?
Just how much money do these greedy SOB really need anyway? And Power?
Phil Gramm headed up all the deregulation that Washington allowed. So there's your man if you want to go after someone. Yes, and I do believe that McCain had thoughts of bringing him aboard! You do realize that McCain is clueless!
The government almost had to bail out AIG to cover their own mistakes by allowing deregulation to even occur in the first place. It appears to me that lobbyist are the real leaders of this country and that Washington politics are puppets to their needs because lobbyist feed politicans campaign money.
Bush will speak later this morning on the subject! Obama has just gained five points ahead of McCain. People it should be a land slide for Obama. He is a man with at least a business degree and knows his stuff. We desparately need a man with a spine. I say out with these Republicans why not send them to their beloved Middle East. How about oil and feathering them out of town!
Central Banks in Asia, Europe and the US are pumping money into the system. The British bank is in trouble too. Lords TSB has taken over banks. See their banks used AIG too.
All thanks to Phil Gamm who gave the green light to risky business. Wonder how much money HE made up front on that deal?
Just how much money do these greedy SOB really need anyway? And Power?
McCain the Deregulator....just like Bush
The Bush McCain policies mirror one another. McCain admits that greedy men on Wall Street or playing the market like Vegas gambling and this is the very man who wants to privitize social security? No Way! Social security is one of the best ran programs in this losy government.
Rachel Maddow on MSNBC this evening says McCain admits he is not economically savvy in fact he cringes when asked economic questions. He comes right out and admits he knows nothing.
The veterans are upset for the way they have been treated. This government in 2005 allows Frannie Mae and Freddie Max to begin to deteriote and this goes without saying for everything else. Because this lousy government allowed desregulation. For 26 years McCain was for deregulation now all of a sudden he is for it!
I must say I truly enjoy the Rachel Maddow political show on MSNBC and watch it faithfully every evening. She speaks cleary and to the point. She has women Senators and Representatives I never knew existed on her show and they and she speak casually, comfortably and to the point. Rachel is brilliant!
Of course corporations want deregulation so they can do what they want which has proven to be cheating the American tax payers while Bush and now McCain are too ignorant to even notice much less do something about it! Well, when lobbyist are paying your way to wealth wouldn't you kiss their behinds too! The hell with the average tax payer supporting all these failed companies with bail outs like parents bailing out spoiled kids!
This behavior is inexcusible people would have to be out of the blooming heads to vote Republican. This is a crucial time is our lives and we both House and Senate to have a Democratic majority and we desparately need Obama as president. Again, we need both House and Senate to have a Democartic majority so "green" bills can get pasted and corporate regulation bills can be passed. Bush should have been doing his job and over seeing corporations to make sure the public was treating properly.
Another thing veterans are disturbed about is that this administration will not allow POW lawsuit against Iraq. Five years ago this government allowed POW's some money, but then that was blocked. Of course the Supreme court has a Republican conservative majority and if McCain get in he'll get three more conservative judges in there. Bush is intent to not allow POW's to sue Iraq for damages he even wants to pass a law to prevent it ever to happen. Bush will veto any bills that come across his desk pretending to allowing sue against Iraq. Because it would open up Iraq government to be sued billions of dollar from Suddam Huesein's old regime.
McCain is against any bill providing equal pay to women! He's a failing old man. He can't speak without a prompter. Off camera he comes across as frailing and weak..I'm sorry to say but I sure don't want Sarah Palin a heart beat away from the Presidency.
Rachel Maddow on MSNBC this evening says McCain admits he is not economically savvy in fact he cringes when asked economic questions. He comes right out and admits he knows nothing.
The veterans are upset for the way they have been treated. This government in 2005 allows Frannie Mae and Freddie Max to begin to deteriote and this goes without saying for everything else. Because this lousy government allowed desregulation. For 26 years McCain was for deregulation now all of a sudden he is for it!
I must say I truly enjoy the Rachel Maddow political show on MSNBC and watch it faithfully every evening. She speaks cleary and to the point. She has women Senators and Representatives I never knew existed on her show and they and she speak casually, comfortably and to the point. Rachel is brilliant!
Of course corporations want deregulation so they can do what they want which has proven to be cheating the American tax payers while Bush and now McCain are too ignorant to even notice much less do something about it! Well, when lobbyist are paying your way to wealth wouldn't you kiss their behinds too! The hell with the average tax payer supporting all these failed companies with bail outs like parents bailing out spoiled kids!
This behavior is inexcusible people would have to be out of the blooming heads to vote Republican. This is a crucial time is our lives and we both House and Senate to have a Democratic majority and we desparately need Obama as president. Again, we need both House and Senate to have a Democartic majority so "green" bills can get pasted and corporate regulation bills can be passed. Bush should have been doing his job and over seeing corporations to make sure the public was treating properly.
Another thing veterans are disturbed about is that this administration will not allow POW lawsuit against Iraq. Five years ago this government allowed POW's some money, but then that was blocked. Of course the Supreme court has a Republican conservative majority and if McCain get in he'll get three more conservative judges in there. Bush is intent to not allow POW's to sue Iraq for damages he even wants to pass a law to prevent it ever to happen. Bush will veto any bills that come across his desk pretending to allowing sue against Iraq. Because it would open up Iraq government to be sued billions of dollar from Suddam Huesein's old regime.
McCain is against any bill providing equal pay to women! He's a failing old man. He can't speak without a prompter. Off camera he comes across as frailing and weak..I'm sorry to say but I sure don't want Sarah Palin a heart beat away from the Presidency.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Rep. (D) Slaugher of New York
You know I like her! I do! She was on Rachel Maddow (MSNBC) daily at 8:00 PM CT. I like her because Rep. Slaugher explained the off shore drilling bill that Speaker of the House Peloski presented. Slaugher is impressed with Peloski and says she does a lot of things herself; getting things going.
The off shore drilling moritorium is about to expire 9/30/09. Daddy bush didn't want off shore drilling within three miles of land and he put this bill into action.
Well the new bill that the Democrats are initiating will require drilling 50 to 100 miles off shore and each state will set up regulations. One thing I heard that I didn't like was that the big ass oil companies get get tax breaks so they can come off with equipment for this. Well, hopefully, the will ditch the off shore drilling and go "green" with the tax exemptions that will be saving them tax money.
Even T. J Boone, the ex-oil man worth billions who is going "green" says they won't because it is not feasable enough.
Slaugher says we need to be saving what is left of the oil for other things besides fueling purposes while we still have some oil left.
Slaugher is all for alternative fuel ideas. She says in New York a whole school system administration buildings is powered with fuel cell power. I'm not exacting sure how that works but as long as people are finding alternative methods that are away from fossil fuels I'm happy.
I really like the Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC because between her and her quests I gain knowledge and insight on many issues.
For one: Sarah Palin is not qualified to be a heart beat away from the presidency.
Number two: I think the more I see and hear from McCain the more frightened I become! He's telling us anything and probably will deliver nothing of it. He's clueless and he won't last four years...so guess the one who speaks in tongue at the ministries of masters will be the ONE! The one who can see Russia from her kitchen window. There is just something about her that doesn't seem quite right. Maybe it's because they want to break Alaska away from the union! Her husband is a leader in the group I believe. What if they become a Russian state?
So we'll see. I am looking forward to the candidates for vice president debate on October 2nd between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin. Interesting!
Slaugher says she doesn't want off shore drilling and believes they had to do someting between a free for all was do to come up on 9/30/08 when the moritorium expires that daddy Bush put in place to halt off shore drilling. Sonny Boy Bush, ignorant as hell, is in favor of drilling practically on beaches the way I understand him. The guys a real jerk! And Cheney is just an greedy arrogant asshole.
Why do politicans kiss the butts of lobbyist? Corporations will go on without lobbyist who want de-regulations and tax breaks but don't get them. Why is government dictated by corporations. Oh I know politicans are bought by corporations via electrion funding. But, truly, who is the real boss? Whose afraid of who here?
Our government should be looking out for the people's products and practices saftey that protects us from unethical practices of corporations. After all we are the true bosses..we are the tax payers that never get any breaks like the greedy rich! Why? Who is looking out for us? I believe no one is! In fact Nixon helped health care insurances come up with the crookest HMO possible. He knew it would rip us off. On tape he laughed. He and Schlinger I believe it was, laughed at our loses that for surely forseeable. They were helping corporations rip us off.
And what's this thing I hear that Phil Grayam maybe Secretar of Treasury if McCain is elected! What? Oh, he is some old buck retired Senator. I guess Captiol Hill will look like a senior living center then with young woman such as Cindy, Sarah Palin hanging around waiting on them. Sounds typical!
We are in trouble! I firmly believe that somehow McCain will get elected one way or the other - whatever it takes. Just like we got into Iraq - whatever it takes!
The off shore drilling moritorium is about to expire 9/30/09. Daddy bush didn't want off shore drilling within three miles of land and he put this bill into action.
Well the new bill that the Democrats are initiating will require drilling 50 to 100 miles off shore and each state will set up regulations. One thing I heard that I didn't like was that the big ass oil companies get get tax breaks so they can come off with equipment for this. Well, hopefully, the will ditch the off shore drilling and go "green" with the tax exemptions that will be saving them tax money.
Even T. J Boone, the ex-oil man worth billions who is going "green" says they won't because it is not feasable enough.
Slaugher says we need to be saving what is left of the oil for other things besides fueling purposes while we still have some oil left.
Slaugher is all for alternative fuel ideas. She says in New York a whole school system administration buildings is powered with fuel cell power. I'm not exacting sure how that works but as long as people are finding alternative methods that are away from fossil fuels I'm happy.
I really like the Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC because between her and her quests I gain knowledge and insight on many issues.
For one: Sarah Palin is not qualified to be a heart beat away from the presidency.
Number two: I think the more I see and hear from McCain the more frightened I become! He's telling us anything and probably will deliver nothing of it. He's clueless and he won't last four years...so guess the one who speaks in tongue at the ministries of masters will be the ONE! The one who can see Russia from her kitchen window. There is just something about her that doesn't seem quite right. Maybe it's because they want to break Alaska away from the union! Her husband is a leader in the group I believe. What if they become a Russian state?
So we'll see. I am looking forward to the candidates for vice president debate on October 2nd between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin. Interesting!
Slaugher says she doesn't want off shore drilling and believes they had to do someting between a free for all was do to come up on 9/30/08 when the moritorium expires that daddy Bush put in place to halt off shore drilling. Sonny Boy Bush, ignorant as hell, is in favor of drilling practically on beaches the way I understand him. The guys a real jerk! And Cheney is just an greedy arrogant asshole.
Why do politicans kiss the butts of lobbyist? Corporations will go on without lobbyist who want de-regulations and tax breaks but don't get them. Why is government dictated by corporations. Oh I know politicans are bought by corporations via electrion funding. But, truly, who is the real boss? Whose afraid of who here?
Our government should be looking out for the people's products and practices saftey that protects us from unethical practices of corporations. After all we are the true bosses..we are the tax payers that never get any breaks like the greedy rich! Why? Who is looking out for us? I believe no one is! In fact Nixon helped health care insurances come up with the crookest HMO possible. He knew it would rip us off. On tape he laughed. He and Schlinger I believe it was, laughed at our loses that for surely forseeable. They were helping corporations rip us off.
And what's this thing I hear that Phil Grayam maybe Secretar of Treasury if McCain is elected! What? Oh, he is some old buck retired Senator. I guess Captiol Hill will look like a senior living center then with young woman such as Cindy, Sarah Palin hanging around waiting on them. Sounds typical!
We are in trouble! I firmly believe that somehow McCain will get elected one way or the other - whatever it takes. Just like we got into Iraq - whatever it takes!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I have this saxophone thing down pat. I love to play it! Over! Over! and Over! To learn songs by heart..to play in the park, on the beach in the street. And why not!
One has only to live boldly and lead with a song in my heart!
Tomorrow is another day! Do I assume she is upset or call her and really find out? Maybe I'll call later this evening. Why can't some people just be nice and considerate? Just what the hell am I looking for? Just what do I expect? Why am I cold at times.
Tomorrow in the early morning air and rising sun I'll run my troubles away. Then paint and draw be inspired. I've missed two weeks now at the guild. I want to excel in all I do! But, I need the help of the universe! Enhance my talents, please!
I hope they keep me in mind and in their plans. I want to be good, loved and talented. I need my special someone! May she be thinking of me too!
I'll play my sax again tomorrow - it's loud and the neighbors are home now. It's time to rest and dream and be the best that I can be - in everything!
I'm a little sad lately and not sure why. I cline to the love of the past. She is my family. My soul, my confident. I can depend on her support in all I do. I can depend on her honest answer. I pray I always have her in my life. She's solid - she's there. I need her.
I need her for when I mess up my life. She said she'll catch me when I fall. I'm counting on it!
One has only to live boldly and lead with a song in my heart!
Tomorrow is another day! Do I assume she is upset or call her and really find out? Maybe I'll call later this evening. Why can't some people just be nice and considerate? Just what the hell am I looking for? Just what do I expect? Why am I cold at times.
Tomorrow in the early morning air and rising sun I'll run my troubles away. Then paint and draw be inspired. I've missed two weeks now at the guild. I want to excel in all I do! But, I need the help of the universe! Enhance my talents, please!
I hope they keep me in mind and in their plans. I want to be good, loved and talented. I need my special someone! May she be thinking of me too!
I'll play my sax again tomorrow - it's loud and the neighbors are home now. It's time to rest and dream and be the best that I can be - in everything!
I'm a little sad lately and not sure why. I cline to the love of the past. She is my family. My soul, my confident. I can depend on her support in all I do. I can depend on her honest answer. I pray I always have her in my life. She's solid - she's there. I need her.
I need her for when I mess up my life. She said she'll catch me when I fall. I'm counting on it!
Floating Down the River
Well, it was an adventurous weekend. You know you never know how these kayaking trip will go down. We worried about rain and evidentually got it - lots of it.
The sixty mile, hour drive went uneventful and we got there in record time even traveling at a slow pace..which I critized two days later and will probably regret that statement very shortly. Of course, topping it off with hurting her accused prying feelings will bit me in the rear too. In retrospect I push people away and I'm crude and rude and not very warm in many ways. My spirit was not in it for some reason.
I hurt people in such a way that I expected an end...a definite end. But, for now I'm left with a cold. I, we, were wet when the cabin dwellers left the doors open. Oh well, what's a sneezing fit, crap in throat and stopped up nose.
We were warned that they "bug" spray daily and dead bugs would be found and they were. Camel Crickets are creepy, big and strange looking. But dead! I cleaned them up, when the guy never showed up to do it. We covered the openings to the double sink.
I'm cold, not friendly, distrustful and push people away who I believe really care about me. I don't really know why? Maybe I don't know how to accept love, perhaps?
I'm fast to get my feathers ruffled and strike back. I have no patience. I know my inner feeling are detected. And then I feel guilty and disliked afterwards.
People lose patience with me and I don't blame them. I lose patience with myself and dislike myself after I brag about myself.
Am I feeling this way because I miss her and think I pushed her away? Probably! Oh well, I accuse then think I know everything when I miserably fail and someone else has to take over. I pray people do not really know the real me - my inner self. I'm a real jerk who can't really carry on a conversation. I used to be fun loving and happy and now I'm not. So, I don't know what is going on with me.
I trust my spirit guides to help me be a better more pleasant me. We did help out the rest of the bunch leaving them out through the meandering, crooked, tree fallen, high watered way. Our first attempt ended in turning back which ended up making us heroes in a sense.
I'm hard on myself I know. Why can't I handle someone closely observing my thinking and moves and disgussing my anxious impatience ways. No wonder they lose patients and distance themselves.
My stomach burns and I'm not sure why, but I can't complain - no one likes a complainer, a crab!
The sixty mile, hour drive went uneventful and we got there in record time even traveling at a slow pace..which I critized two days later and will probably regret that statement very shortly. Of course, topping it off with hurting her accused prying feelings will bit me in the rear too. In retrospect I push people away and I'm crude and rude and not very warm in many ways. My spirit was not in it for some reason.
I hurt people in such a way that I expected an end...a definite end. But, for now I'm left with a cold. I, we, were wet when the cabin dwellers left the doors open. Oh well, what's a sneezing fit, crap in throat and stopped up nose.
We were warned that they "bug" spray daily and dead bugs would be found and they were. Camel Crickets are creepy, big and strange looking. But dead! I cleaned them up, when the guy never showed up to do it. We covered the openings to the double sink.
I'm cold, not friendly, distrustful and push people away who I believe really care about me. I don't really know why? Maybe I don't know how to accept love, perhaps?
I'm fast to get my feathers ruffled and strike back. I have no patience. I know my inner feeling are detected. And then I feel guilty and disliked afterwards.
People lose patience with me and I don't blame them. I lose patience with myself and dislike myself after I brag about myself.
Am I feeling this way because I miss her and think I pushed her away? Probably! Oh well, I accuse then think I know everything when I miserably fail and someone else has to take over. I pray people do not really know the real me - my inner self. I'm a real jerk who can't really carry on a conversation. I used to be fun loving and happy and now I'm not. So, I don't know what is going on with me.
I trust my spirit guides to help me be a better more pleasant me. We did help out the rest of the bunch leaving them out through the meandering, crooked, tree fallen, high watered way. Our first attempt ended in turning back which ended up making us heroes in a sense.
I'm hard on myself I know. Why can't I handle someone closely observing my thinking and moves and disgussing my anxious impatience ways. No wonder they lose patients and distance themselves.
My stomach burns and I'm not sure why, but I can't complain - no one likes a complainer, a crab!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Are people who drive king sized SUV's
Republican? Most are suburbanites, usually women..well, that I see anyway. And they are blond of course. So what's the attraction? Lots of gas to burn.
I heard one say it gives her the sense of power sitting up high looking down on everyone. She felt she could run people over if she wanted to. Made her feel boss!
I'm so glad! Because to me they look totally stupid! Like they don't listen to the news or watch MSNBC or CNN and pay for their own gas!
I saw one woman reach out her driver side window to flip her side mirror back so she could squeeze into the parking space between two other giants.
Can you imagine the money they spend on tires? Those big ass wide things. Why?
Now when I see someone pull up in a Mini Cooper I know that person has done her (usaully a woman) homework. She is green and lean. She's usually college educated and eats healthy and works out too! I'm not kidding - ask them youself.
I feel the same when I see someone drive a Toyota Prius. I know they did their homework too and are smart, intelligent people.
Big gas guzzler driving people look as if they are lose in the past when Bush came into office and oil was $20. per barrel. Then Cheney came along and at one point this summer it was up to $143 a barrel. You think they (oil men) wanted to suck you dry before they got out of office?
But then I came across one young woman in her 30's, divorced with two young daughters who bought a Ford Escape. I actually felt sorry for her. She was proud and said she did her homework that the Ford Escape is a hybrid. Well, yes it is..but she would have been so much better off spending more up front, about $8,000 and getting a Prious Hybrid that gets close to 49 or fifty miles per gallon. If the oil men ever let them use the plub in kit they would squeeze out 100 miles per gallon but you know the oil men won't go for that. Anyway, the young woman with the belt driven always using gas Ford escape hybrid only gets 24 miles per gallon. Is that sick or what? And Ford has the nerve to call it fuel efficient and a hybrid.
Do you think these oil men and American auto (let's rip them off daily) makers think people are stupid. Well, they are right! People believe any crap these money grabbing grub worns feed them. I bought American and got a good deal. Well, you bought crap. My friend has one has makes weird sounds and runs when it wants to run, it's a 2002 model.
I know another friends who doesn't drive her Jeep on long drives because four times now they never made it without breaking down - so her friend with the Toyota always drives now. This is the truth, I kid you not!
Hey, they can make a decent product like anybody else instead of cheating people for yeats now and once more they bucked out the electric car too. Hey, they are oil men they want to make money how can they if sinking electric cars or on the road. See the DVD "Who Kiled the Electric Car?" and while you are at it read Kevin Phillips "American Dynasty"
I just got Thomas L. Friedman's "Warm, Flat and Crowded"
Read and watch, a great way to spend a cool, rainy, Fall weekend and become enlightened! Oh don't believe the stuff in Elementry or High School Text Books they have been massaged and manipulated by Republican crooks who cheat their way into office. Funny how we all voted for one guy and the other guy got elected. Do you smell a rat too?
What what happened to the protesting hippy baby boomers who protested everything? Man, they are like a bunch of mushy jello getting softer now. Where's the old spunk?
You know people in France pay high taxes but they have good products and service because they protest and demand everything in front of their leaders who are yes, afraid of them. Not like here, where are adminstration uses fault scare tactics to try to control us and it seems to work too.
Well, have a nice day, I think I'll walk or ride my bike to run errands now. You knonw save some gas and where and tear on my little car that is so dependable; as dependable as the day I bought her...now that's Japanese!
Did you now that that Iraq war will cost us over $10 Trillion dollars and we don't even need to be there? Hey, their leaders have billions of dollar in oil revenue... what the hell are we doing there? Is Bush just pure nuts? Oh, in so many words accoridng to Bob Woodward "The World Within" Bush thinks we are not winning in Iraq because we are not killing enough people there. The man is nuts!
These oil men are nuts! We are addicted to oil! No, Bush you and your daddy and oil buddies are addicted to oil..we want green! But you are making too much money to even try to give tax incentives to green projects. And once more Bush, you don't even care about this planet and merely use Pro-life and anti-gay and Christian principles to get their votes for McCain. And it sounds to me that Palin is the terroist speaking in tongues and thinking she is in touch with god. Oh please! Never once do they say they will give us affordable dependable health care insurance or get jobs back in this counry. We could be creating green jobs..but there is no money in it for large corporations because they are so invested in this stupid war for profit that they keep dragging out. Trust me it will never end because these oil people want a foot hold in that region.. just like in Saudia Arabia and now we are borrowing money from China..trillions of dollars to buy foreign oil. It doens't make sense to me.
I heard one say it gives her the sense of power sitting up high looking down on everyone. She felt she could run people over if she wanted to. Made her feel boss!
I'm so glad! Because to me they look totally stupid! Like they don't listen to the news or watch MSNBC or CNN and pay for their own gas!
I saw one woman reach out her driver side window to flip her side mirror back so she could squeeze into the parking space between two other giants.
Can you imagine the money they spend on tires? Those big ass wide things. Why?
Now when I see someone pull up in a Mini Cooper I know that person has done her (usaully a woman) homework. She is green and lean. She's usually college educated and eats healthy and works out too! I'm not kidding - ask them youself.
I feel the same when I see someone drive a Toyota Prius. I know they did their homework too and are smart, intelligent people.
Big gas guzzler driving people look as if they are lose in the past when Bush came into office and oil was $20. per barrel. Then Cheney came along and at one point this summer it was up to $143 a barrel. You think they (oil men) wanted to suck you dry before they got out of office?
But then I came across one young woman in her 30's, divorced with two young daughters who bought a Ford Escape. I actually felt sorry for her. She was proud and said she did her homework that the Ford Escape is a hybrid. Well, yes it is..but she would have been so much better off spending more up front, about $8,000 and getting a Prious Hybrid that gets close to 49 or fifty miles per gallon. If the oil men ever let them use the plub in kit they would squeeze out 100 miles per gallon but you know the oil men won't go for that. Anyway, the young woman with the belt driven always using gas Ford escape hybrid only gets 24 miles per gallon. Is that sick or what? And Ford has the nerve to call it fuel efficient and a hybrid.
Do you think these oil men and American auto (let's rip them off daily) makers think people are stupid. Well, they are right! People believe any crap these money grabbing grub worns feed them. I bought American and got a good deal. Well, you bought crap. My friend has one has makes weird sounds and runs when it wants to run, it's a 2002 model.
I know another friends who doesn't drive her Jeep on long drives because four times now they never made it without breaking down - so her friend with the Toyota always drives now. This is the truth, I kid you not!
Hey, they can make a decent product like anybody else instead of cheating people for yeats now and once more they bucked out the electric car too. Hey, they are oil men they want to make money how can they if sinking electric cars or on the road. See the DVD "Who Kiled the Electric Car?" and while you are at it read Kevin Phillips "American Dynasty"
I just got Thomas L. Friedman's "Warm, Flat and Crowded"
Read and watch, a great way to spend a cool, rainy, Fall weekend and become enlightened! Oh don't believe the stuff in Elementry or High School Text Books they have been massaged and manipulated by Republican crooks who cheat their way into office. Funny how we all voted for one guy and the other guy got elected. Do you smell a rat too?
What what happened to the protesting hippy baby boomers who protested everything? Man, they are like a bunch of mushy jello getting softer now. Where's the old spunk?
You know people in France pay high taxes but they have good products and service because they protest and demand everything in front of their leaders who are yes, afraid of them. Not like here, where are adminstration uses fault scare tactics to try to control us and it seems to work too.
Well, have a nice day, I think I'll walk or ride my bike to run errands now. You knonw save some gas and where and tear on my little car that is so dependable; as dependable as the day I bought her...now that's Japanese!
Did you now that that Iraq war will cost us over $10 Trillion dollars and we don't even need to be there? Hey, their leaders have billions of dollar in oil revenue... what the hell are we doing there? Is Bush just pure nuts? Oh, in so many words accoridng to Bob Woodward "The World Within" Bush thinks we are not winning in Iraq because we are not killing enough people there. The man is nuts!
These oil men are nuts! We are addicted to oil! No, Bush you and your daddy and oil buddies are addicted to oil..we want green! But you are making too much money to even try to give tax incentives to green projects. And once more Bush, you don't even care about this planet and merely use Pro-life and anti-gay and Christian principles to get their votes for McCain. And it sounds to me that Palin is the terroist speaking in tongues and thinking she is in touch with god. Oh please! Never once do they say they will give us affordable dependable health care insurance or get jobs back in this counry. We could be creating green jobs..but there is no money in it for large corporations because they are so invested in this stupid war for profit that they keep dragging out. Trust me it will never end because these oil people want a foot hold in that region.. just like in Saudia Arabia and now we are borrowing money from China..trillions of dollars to buy foreign oil. It doens't make sense to me.
What's with that! Hey I can see where people would have a problem with lesbian gender rolls. I'm lesbian and I have a problem with lesbian gender rolls myself! I personally the Ellen stuck her neck out displaying photos of her recent wedding to Portia on the show. Well if they were both dressed the same and if Ellen wasn't always behind Portia taking on a man's position I would feel better about it. Personnally I think uniting in any way or fashion for lesbians is bad luck. Who stands to lose the most here? And it's so amazing that Ellen's mother never gets any older looking. I am implying anything! This is merely an observation! She's as cute as ever!
I guess the bottom line is - as long as they at happy I am happy for them. I only think younger lesbians can be free to be lesbian and not fannel butch. Weird! If both are butch okay or both lipstick then I'm okay!
You see I dated men and if I would have wanted a man I would have married one of them. Actally I dated very nice men I just happened to know then even that I connected at the heart and everyhing else so much better with women. Well some women - you know! Your not attracted to just everone.
I feel very lucky and blessed to be dating someone now who is so well matched for me. I guess straight or gay write down your wish list then put it away somewhere and in a short time experience your dream. Try it! It. An hurt!
Well I am sorry I feel as I do about the lesbian roll playing I only think acceptance would be easier if we didn't try to copy the straight world. But testosterone levels varying I guess I can see and accept that. I'm trying! Guess I was brought up too strict of Catholic. The rules were strict to the point of demonic and evil. I tried real hard to color within the lines. Personnally I wish I felt Ellen's confidence! You have to hand it to her. She feels the love of her non judgemental audence and of them I am very proud.
I guess the bottom line is - as long as they at happy I am happy for them. I only think younger lesbians can be free to be lesbian and not fannel butch. Weird! If both are butch okay or both lipstick then I'm okay!
You see I dated men and if I would have wanted a man I would have married one of them. Actally I dated very nice men I just happened to know then even that I connected at the heart and everyhing else so much better with women. Well some women - you know! Your not attracted to just everone.
I feel very lucky and blessed to be dating someone now who is so well matched for me. I guess straight or gay write down your wish list then put it away somewhere and in a short time experience your dream. Try it! It. An hurt!
Well I am sorry I feel as I do about the lesbian roll playing I only think acceptance would be easier if we didn't try to copy the straight world. But testosterone levels varying I guess I can see and accept that. I'm trying! Guess I was brought up too strict of Catholic. The rules were strict to the point of demonic and evil. I tried real hard to color within the lines. Personnally I wish I felt Ellen's confidence! You have to hand it to her. She feels the love of her non judgemental audence and of them I am very proud.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Privatizing "social benefits" - wrong!
hey veterans your favorite president is planning on privatizing the GI bill before he leaves office. From now on IT companies(a computer) will replace civil service government workers. Computers will replace government workers - there goes more jobs. In the past when the VA tried to computerized veteran health care and it was contracted out, it was a mess and veterans complained but the government said we can't so anything about it becaused it is out if our hands now. See how they are - just another way to rip you off! And the private company was not held responsible for any negligence! This is why we do not want social security to become privatized because companies are not held responsible then by the government! It's just another way for the government to unload responsibility and subsequently unload benefits and get away from paying them. The first health care private company I just spoke of went on to be a big rich man's money maker defense company in Iraq.
People listen up - your government is finding all kinds of ways to cater to private business which ends up ripping you off. And too even before they privatied everything they loaded you up with lots and lots of paper work to confuse and discourage you from applying for social services such as college with the GI bill. Even now most people who want and need to get disability monthly payments must wait a whole year to receive benefits after they apply for the benefits. Now Obama would not do this to you! I firmly believe Obama would not do this to you...put it would help if the house and senate remain in majority. People you can help out here by voting all democratic!
I repeat! Obama would not try to discourage you from applying for social benefits! I am very afraid because I fear that once Bush/McCain privatizes any social services former presidents have put in place because they were looking out for our best interest that service will be lost forever. Please keep that in mind!
It is very sad that we do not have a government by the people for the people but instead our government merely uses us like peasants to take from us in the form of taxes and decreased benefits to serve the rich so they can get richer! People the republicans are insulting you and using you by telling you they are Christians! Words come cheap! They tell you what YOU want to hear that they are pro-life and anti-gay. They keep you distracted with these religious principles while stabing you in the back at the same time and decreasing more and more of your rights and benefits. When they say less government - they do mean less government - less rights and benefits for you. Why would you want that? Go jobs and what few social benefits we have are going away.. you are going to end up in the lower class..maybe worse.
It is truly amazing to me that people want to believe so much that they are part of the rich class like Elisabeth Hassibeck is. Boy is she living in a forest. It's easy for her to be so republican because she has a a glorious life dumped in her lap and because republicans in the white house think she can do them good and bring aboard more young cute suburbanite moms. While I see through the false high hopes fed to the rest of us who are slipping into poverty while good jobs go away and our government does NOT protect us from the ways of greedy CEO's who take the money and cheat their employees from making a decent wage. Republicans (McCain) voted against rising minimum wage. The last time people who were making minimum wage and were able to pay their rent with that minimum wage and one job was in 1984!
I can't believe people are so blind. I know people who got laid off from their jobs due to outsourcing and are still going to vote Republican. Why? Our economy is in the tiolet and these people are will going to vote in another republican! Am I wrong? Tell me that the Gallop poll is wrong! Personnally I believe it's fix just as the last two elections were fixed and just as this one will be fixed so McCain gets elected!
Follow the money people, large corporations make the voting machines (lobbyist) so who is to say Republians are not getting kick backs and fixed elections so they can cotinue the trend of making the rich richer and ripping off the average (you and me)tax payer! The Republicans do not look out for the average Joe, the middle class, you and me!
Hey if these rich Republican bucks in Washington didn't have us peasant tax payer's they would be poor too! We DO have more control I'd only we had nerve enough to place demands on our government but we are afraid of our government well they are not in France and play huge demands on their government by publicly demanding what they want! We are wimps! Blind wimps! We are too ignorant to even know when we are being fooled! How sad!
And another thing Christians tell their flocks how to vote (republican of course) and these government in cahoots don't have to pay taxes. Just bull! And if you are not a Christian you will not go to hell. All that religious rickeric is bull anyway. It's made up and written by "men" - humans! We are all gods, we are all spiritual, we all have the power within our selves. But, of course, these old white greedy, perverted men want to own you and manipulate your brain and they are being very successful. Yes, you can be a good person without religion and especially this awful "guilt" trip the Catholic church puts on you to control you and manipulate you.
People watch "Jesus Camp" the DVD and get your eyes opened to brainwashing. IT's pathetic and should be out lawed like those multiple wives cult camps that certain states turn a blind eye to perverted men who run them. Just how sick is that..having babies with fourteen year olds. It's sick! The Catholic church old gay boys club is not much different. And these people run the country!
Like I said.. we are all spiritual beings we know what is right and wrong we don't need to be under any (man's) thumb! We can think for ourselves. We did all know what is right and what is wrong. Think about it! Vote Democratic and get out of this religious - OIL WAR trap that the Republicans are really all about! And of course the war and the oil is so a few old white rich men and get even more rich.. they get rich - you get nothing. So why do CEO's make 400 times more than you and here you are struggling to keep economically afloat while they waste money on material things. McCain owns seven houses! See one just tries to out do the other, it's the only reasoning I can see behind all this wasteful spending that could help countries and "us" get out of poverty.
We could stop borrowing billions of dollars from China (helping their economy while ours goes down the tiolet). Alternative fuels and energy methods could end our dependency on foreign oil.. that we borrow money to buy! And why are we in Iraq? They have billions of dollars in oil revenue to spend on their own intrastructure they don't even need us there...think about it! It's all bullshit ..we are there to get a foot hold and build a military base and ambassey over the oil! Old man Bush has wanted all the oil for himself.. or so it seems to me!
If we had any brains we would be independent of foreign oil. Hey, we have the know how to make renewable fuel..but the real reason we don't and it's not organize is because private companies have no incentive Bush has seen to that. I'm telling you - these old men - do not want to see alternative methods of power and fuel unless their is money in it FOR THEM!
Now saying that - on the other hand Obama is greedy. If Obama was greedy he wouldn't have helped the poor find jobs in Chicago.. just like he would do for YOU if you have the where with all, to elect him. And truly I believe most peoplel are on his bandwagon...I personally think that the gallop polls are crooked as the Republicans and I firmly believe that one way or the other - Republicans will see that Republicans do get elected - all over the place - in the house and senate too. And these brain washed home schooled told what to teach and preach will be thrilled but ever so fooled...
People listen up - your government is finding all kinds of ways to cater to private business which ends up ripping you off. And too even before they privatied everything they loaded you up with lots and lots of paper work to confuse and discourage you from applying for social services such as college with the GI bill. Even now most people who want and need to get disability monthly payments must wait a whole year to receive benefits after they apply for the benefits. Now Obama would not do this to you! I firmly believe Obama would not do this to you...put it would help if the house and senate remain in majority. People you can help out here by voting all democratic!
I repeat! Obama would not try to discourage you from applying for social benefits! I am very afraid because I fear that once Bush/McCain privatizes any social services former presidents have put in place because they were looking out for our best interest that service will be lost forever. Please keep that in mind!
It is very sad that we do not have a government by the people for the people but instead our government merely uses us like peasants to take from us in the form of taxes and decreased benefits to serve the rich so they can get richer! People the republicans are insulting you and using you by telling you they are Christians! Words come cheap! They tell you what YOU want to hear that they are pro-life and anti-gay. They keep you distracted with these religious principles while stabing you in the back at the same time and decreasing more and more of your rights and benefits. When they say less government - they do mean less government - less rights and benefits for you. Why would you want that? Go jobs and what few social benefits we have are going away.. you are going to end up in the lower class..maybe worse.
It is truly amazing to me that people want to believe so much that they are part of the rich class like Elisabeth Hassibeck is. Boy is she living in a forest. It's easy for her to be so republican because she has a a glorious life dumped in her lap and because republicans in the white house think she can do them good and bring aboard more young cute suburbanite moms. While I see through the false high hopes fed to the rest of us who are slipping into poverty while good jobs go away and our government does NOT protect us from the ways of greedy CEO's who take the money and cheat their employees from making a decent wage. Republicans (McCain) voted against rising minimum wage. The last time people who were making minimum wage and were able to pay their rent with that minimum wage and one job was in 1984!
I can't believe people are so blind. I know people who got laid off from their jobs due to outsourcing and are still going to vote Republican. Why? Our economy is in the tiolet and these people are will going to vote in another republican! Am I wrong? Tell me that the Gallop poll is wrong! Personnally I believe it's fix just as the last two elections were fixed and just as this one will be fixed so McCain gets elected!
Follow the money people, large corporations make the voting machines (lobbyist) so who is to say Republians are not getting kick backs and fixed elections so they can cotinue the trend of making the rich richer and ripping off the average (you and me)tax payer! The Republicans do not look out for the average Joe, the middle class, you and me!
Hey if these rich Republican bucks in Washington didn't have us peasant tax payer's they would be poor too! We DO have more control I'd only we had nerve enough to place demands on our government but we are afraid of our government well they are not in France and play huge demands on their government by publicly demanding what they want! We are wimps! Blind wimps! We are too ignorant to even know when we are being fooled! How sad!
And another thing Christians tell their flocks how to vote (republican of course) and these government in cahoots don't have to pay taxes. Just bull! And if you are not a Christian you will not go to hell. All that religious rickeric is bull anyway. It's made up and written by "men" - humans! We are all gods, we are all spiritual, we all have the power within our selves. But, of course, these old white greedy, perverted men want to own you and manipulate your brain and they are being very successful. Yes, you can be a good person without religion and especially this awful "guilt" trip the Catholic church puts on you to control you and manipulate you.
People watch "Jesus Camp" the DVD and get your eyes opened to brainwashing. IT's pathetic and should be out lawed like those multiple wives cult camps that certain states turn a blind eye to perverted men who run them. Just how sick is that..having babies with fourteen year olds. It's sick! The Catholic church old gay boys club is not much different. And these people run the country!
Like I said.. we are all spiritual beings we know what is right and wrong we don't need to be under any (man's) thumb! We can think for ourselves. We did all know what is right and what is wrong. Think about it! Vote Democratic and get out of this religious - OIL WAR trap that the Republicans are really all about! And of course the war and the oil is so a few old white rich men and get even more rich.. they get rich - you get nothing. So why do CEO's make 400 times more than you and here you are struggling to keep economically afloat while they waste money on material things. McCain owns seven houses! See one just tries to out do the other, it's the only reasoning I can see behind all this wasteful spending that could help countries and "us" get out of poverty.
We could stop borrowing billions of dollars from China (helping their economy while ours goes down the tiolet). Alternative fuels and energy methods could end our dependency on foreign oil.. that we borrow money to buy! And why are we in Iraq? They have billions of dollars in oil revenue to spend on their own intrastructure they don't even need us there...think about it! It's all bullshit ..we are there to get a foot hold and build a military base and ambassey over the oil! Old man Bush has wanted all the oil for himself.. or so it seems to me!
If we had any brains we would be independent of foreign oil. Hey, we have the know how to make renewable fuel..but the real reason we don't and it's not organize is because private companies have no incentive Bush has seen to that. I'm telling you - these old men - do not want to see alternative methods of power and fuel unless their is money in it FOR THEM!
Now saying that - on the other hand Obama is greedy. If Obama was greedy he wouldn't have helped the poor find jobs in Chicago.. just like he would do for YOU if you have the where with all, to elect him. And truly I believe most peoplel are on his bandwagon...I personally think that the gallop polls are crooked as the Republicans and I firmly believe that one way or the other - Republicans will see that Republicans do get elected - all over the place - in the house and senate too. And these brain washed home schooled told what to teach and preach will be thrilled but ever so fooled...
Monday, September 08, 2008
Just How Stupid are Republicans - or shall I
say just how brainwashed are they? Evidently they are hypnotized and cannot think for themselves otherwise they would realize that Republican leaders are ruining them and crushing the middle class. Simple: If you have over $2,000.0O debt on your credit card and it is mounting and you can't manage to pay it off that means that you are slowly slipping into the lower class then maybe into poverty. Do you want that? Your wages cannot keep you up with the cost of living - you are slipping out of the middle class! You don't get that? Yet you still think the Republicans are the way to go because they are pro-life and anti-gay! Big Deal! That thinking will not put dinner on your table or pay your mortgage! Get a life!
Read Tom Friedman's "Hot, Flat and Crowded". We need to get green people! You "Jesus Camp" people need to listen to NPR and need to do research on the Internet. No, you won't, because your church, your religion, you are so brainwashed with and devoted to, will not allow you to do reading and research on your own. Otherwise you would know that lobbyist are paying off Republicans for certain ways to vote on certain fuel funding bills.
Bulletin: This country will never go GREEN if Republicans are in the White House and/or the majority in the House and Senate. And both are very likely to happen come the second Tuesday of November. Do you care?
Tom Friedman is brilliant. Please read his book. He said with global warming the weather is going to get "weird" and more extreme! And he says if we would stop using oil and turn in solar and wing and water power our economy and climate would change drastically to the positive.
First of all if we cut oil prices by half as they are a barrel it would crush Iran just as $10. a barrel crushed the Soviet Union because their revenue is in oil, just as Iran's is. So cutting oil prices would stop terrorism! But what were the Republicans idiot, brainwashed, puppets chanting at the Republican Convention: "Drill Baby Drill!" What a bunch of brainless puppets! Like drilling off shore here will actually cut the price her gallon of gas. Yes right! You people are stupid to believe that! It's merely a way to put more oil money into oil crazed men (mainly big shot Republicans' pockets). Yet you stupid Republican Christians actually believe McCain and oil companies (and associated gas guzzler US auto industry)are looking out for you. You are just dumb enough to believe those silly commericals! Note: Beware the drug companies too for they are out to get you hooked on medication beginning at a very young age. Do you not think that processed food and drug company people do not work hand in hand? Hello! Wake up! No one is actually looking out for YOU! If you think they are you are kidding yourself.
Now it takes time and energy to get educated. First of all you need to open your mind up to other ideas, read, listen and then compare and see what makes sense to you. Of course it's easy to just follow the other guy and obey like the evil Christian churches want you to do..they my friends are in cahoots with Republican evil doers. And look how the Catholic church merely moved perverted priests from one parish to another while they should had been arrested and slammed into jail. Yet ignorant parents still took the side of the church. What idiot fools.
Of course I'm bitter! I'm bitter at the laziness of minds in this country. You are being had! You are being made a fool of and yet you continue to sit by and let it happen! You can change things you know.
Insist that government give tax incentives to companies building green and coming up with wind, solar and water power. Do you know that according to Tom Friedman's book: "Hot, flat and crowded" in 1973 Carter had the gas crisis and gave incentives for better gas mileage (from 13 MPG to 27.5 MPG) and made US cars comply. Carter also gave tax incentives for solar panels and had them put on the White House. Well, when Gas guzzler oil man asshole Reagan got into the White House he took them down..and Reagan really didn't end the cold war or tear down the wall or ruin Russia, the low oil prices did (that Carter got rolling). The low fuel prices brought down Russia and the Middle East.
I firmly believe that we want (well the oil men like Bush and Company) high oil prices so the oil men can make money.. but what we are doing then is enabling terrorist to strive and up rise. And we are enabling Russia to become strong. We borrow trillions of dollars from China to buy Middle East and Russian oil..just how stupid are we? As Tom Friedman says in his book "What are they thinking?"
And you know he writes in plain language so his book is easy to understand. I have read his previous books and the man speaks clearly so everyone can understand who bothers to care.
People, the Republicans want you to be stupid! They want to fool you and pull one over on you. Look at the veterans in the Republican National Convention audience sitting their as if they are looking at god, McCain. Please! McCain was a hot dog and got himself captured by stupidly flying over enemy territory. He was an idiot hot dog who picked fights. He has no economic savvy and you want him to be your president? Oh because he is pro-life? Please, if you don't believe in abortion then don't have one...it's as simple as that. You don't need laws into to place and play god like these idiots are doing. Take care of your own conscious and allow others to do the same!
Bush as allowed the banking industry to run amok. Oh yeah Bush grand father Walker was a banker so are many people of the Skull and Bones. Bush allowed them to rip off people (like he has allowed every corporations (lobbyist) to do - hello - insurance companies) and yet people are too stupid to see this.
These lobbyist need to get out of Washington, D.C. all 33,000 plus of them who represent corporations and give kickbacks and campaign funding to Republicans. It's the corporations without regulations and boundaries that are ruing this country's economy and Bush is allowing them to do so because he and his buddies get kick back. Oh yeah, so now the tax payer is bailing out Freddie and Fannie and you are paying for it! Because you are stupid! You are paying for this needless war too over oil because you are under read and too lazy to do the research and care. You are just worried about keeping up with the Jones.
Oh yeah, and the ousting CEO's of Freddie and Fannie will get over one million in severance pay. And the tax payer will bail them out with 100 billions dollars to cover the loans..some of which are defaulted and got buried into other funds that people around the world have invested in. Now you know why our economy and the stock market is in the toilet..the hell with terms like bull and bear it is in the toilet. Period!
Another thing, ladies, now I am talking to you. Do you like getting paid 78 cents to a man's dollar? The Ledbetter Bill was voting on by Obama but McCain voted against it. You see this bill represents all women who work along side men and do the exact same job yet get paid 78 cents to a man's dollar. The case in point is about Laura Ledbetter who worked for Good Year (you know the faulty, cost cutting, blow-out tire place that went unsafe and unregulated by Bush and company - to again, rip people off.. only in this case some were killed [but what do you care - since you are a Republican]). Republicans actually think that the money will trickle down - what a Reagan laugh! The economy presently sucks do to the Bush administration yet these idiots will vote for another Republican because he says he believe in pro-life. Oh Please, McCain doesn't give a rat's ass about life..hello, he and Republicans are war mongers...you actually don't believe that they were aware of threats preceding 9 11? Oh just your debt ridden head buried in sand!
I guess people think that they don't know won't hurt them and people the Bush Administration will tell you anything. They tell you over and over and finally you begin to believe it. I don't know which are worst - men or women? I guess both. Especially people with kids.. those racist suburbanites who think they are holier then thou and patronize us homosexuals. We are a little tired of you right now actually thinking you are so perfect because you are married with kids and drive a big ass guzzling SUV. How fooled you are - but you look good; like you are doing economically well. Frankly, Bush and oil men don't really care about you.. they care about the money that goes into their pockets.. and they want you for war and your tax dollars...so cough it up and hand over your sons and daughters for war.. war if oil.. war for "their" products. Never mind - it ain't gonna trickle down.. never did...never well. Now go on and work at that job while you still have one before it gets shipped off to India.
Read Tom Friedman's "Hot, Flat and Crowded". We need to get green people! You "Jesus Camp" people need to listen to NPR and need to do research on the Internet. No, you won't, because your church, your religion, you are so brainwashed with and devoted to, will not allow you to do reading and research on your own. Otherwise you would know that lobbyist are paying off Republicans for certain ways to vote on certain fuel funding bills.
Bulletin: This country will never go GREEN if Republicans are in the White House and/or the majority in the House and Senate. And both are very likely to happen come the second Tuesday of November. Do you care?
Tom Friedman is brilliant. Please read his book. He said with global warming the weather is going to get "weird" and more extreme! And he says if we would stop using oil and turn in solar and wing and water power our economy and climate would change drastically to the positive.
First of all if we cut oil prices by half as they are a barrel it would crush Iran just as $10. a barrel crushed the Soviet Union because their revenue is in oil, just as Iran's is. So cutting oil prices would stop terrorism! But what were the Republicans idiot, brainwashed, puppets chanting at the Republican Convention: "Drill Baby Drill!" What a bunch of brainless puppets! Like drilling off shore here will actually cut the price her gallon of gas. Yes right! You people are stupid to believe that! It's merely a way to put more oil money into oil crazed men (mainly big shot Republicans' pockets). Yet you stupid Republican Christians actually believe McCain and oil companies (and associated gas guzzler US auto industry)are looking out for you. You are just dumb enough to believe those silly commericals! Note: Beware the drug companies too for they are out to get you hooked on medication beginning at a very young age. Do you not think that processed food and drug company people do not work hand in hand? Hello! Wake up! No one is actually looking out for YOU! If you think they are you are kidding yourself.
Now it takes time and energy to get educated. First of all you need to open your mind up to other ideas, read, listen and then compare and see what makes sense to you. Of course it's easy to just follow the other guy and obey like the evil Christian churches want you to do..they my friends are in cahoots with Republican evil doers. And look how the Catholic church merely moved perverted priests from one parish to another while they should had been arrested and slammed into jail. Yet ignorant parents still took the side of the church. What idiot fools.
Of course I'm bitter! I'm bitter at the laziness of minds in this country. You are being had! You are being made a fool of and yet you continue to sit by and let it happen! You can change things you know.
Insist that government give tax incentives to companies building green and coming up with wind, solar and water power. Do you know that according to Tom Friedman's book: "Hot, flat and crowded" in 1973 Carter had the gas crisis and gave incentives for better gas mileage (from 13 MPG to 27.5 MPG) and made US cars comply. Carter also gave tax incentives for solar panels and had them put on the White House. Well, when Gas guzzler oil man asshole Reagan got into the White House he took them down..and Reagan really didn't end the cold war or tear down the wall or ruin Russia, the low oil prices did (that Carter got rolling). The low fuel prices brought down Russia and the Middle East.
I firmly believe that we want (well the oil men like Bush and Company) high oil prices so the oil men can make money.. but what we are doing then is enabling terrorist to strive and up rise. And we are enabling Russia to become strong. We borrow trillions of dollars from China to buy Middle East and Russian oil..just how stupid are we? As Tom Friedman says in his book "What are they thinking?"
And you know he writes in plain language so his book is easy to understand. I have read his previous books and the man speaks clearly so everyone can understand who bothers to care.
People, the Republicans want you to be stupid! They want to fool you and pull one over on you. Look at the veterans in the Republican National Convention audience sitting their as if they are looking at god, McCain. Please! McCain was a hot dog and got himself captured by stupidly flying over enemy territory. He was an idiot hot dog who picked fights. He has no economic savvy and you want him to be your president? Oh because he is pro-life? Please, if you don't believe in abortion then don't have one...it's as simple as that. You don't need laws into to place and play god like these idiots are doing. Take care of your own conscious and allow others to do the same!
Bush as allowed the banking industry to run amok. Oh yeah Bush grand father Walker was a banker so are many people of the Skull and Bones. Bush allowed them to rip off people (like he has allowed every corporations (lobbyist) to do - hello - insurance companies) and yet people are too stupid to see this.
These lobbyist need to get out of Washington, D.C. all 33,000 plus of them who represent corporations and give kickbacks and campaign funding to Republicans. It's the corporations without regulations and boundaries that are ruing this country's economy and Bush is allowing them to do so because he and his buddies get kick back. Oh yeah, so now the tax payer is bailing out Freddie and Fannie and you are paying for it! Because you are stupid! You are paying for this needless war too over oil because you are under read and too lazy to do the research and care. You are just worried about keeping up with the Jones.
Oh yeah, and the ousting CEO's of Freddie and Fannie will get over one million in severance pay. And the tax payer will bail them out with 100 billions dollars to cover the loans..some of which are defaulted and got buried into other funds that people around the world have invested in. Now you know why our economy and the stock market is in the toilet..the hell with terms like bull and bear it is in the toilet. Period!
Another thing, ladies, now I am talking to you. Do you like getting paid 78 cents to a man's dollar? The Ledbetter Bill was voting on by Obama but McCain voted against it. You see this bill represents all women who work along side men and do the exact same job yet get paid 78 cents to a man's dollar. The case in point is about Laura Ledbetter who worked for Good Year (you know the faulty, cost cutting, blow-out tire place that went unsafe and unregulated by Bush and company - to again, rip people off.. only in this case some were killed [but what do you care - since you are a Republican]). Republicans actually think that the money will trickle down - what a Reagan laugh! The economy presently sucks do to the Bush administration yet these idiots will vote for another Republican because he says he believe in pro-life. Oh Please, McCain doesn't give a rat's ass about life..hello, he and Republicans are war mongers...you actually don't believe that they were aware of threats preceding 9 11? Oh just your debt ridden head buried in sand!
I guess people think that they don't know won't hurt them and people the Bush Administration will tell you anything. They tell you over and over and finally you begin to believe it. I don't know which are worst - men or women? I guess both. Especially people with kids.. those racist suburbanites who think they are holier then thou and patronize us homosexuals. We are a little tired of you right now actually thinking you are so perfect because you are married with kids and drive a big ass guzzling SUV. How fooled you are - but you look good; like you are doing economically well. Frankly, Bush and oil men don't really care about you.. they care about the money that goes into their pockets.. and they want you for war and your tax dollars...so cough it up and hand over your sons and daughters for war.. war if oil.. war for "their" products. Never mind - it ain't gonna trickle down.. never did...never well. Now go on and work at that job while you still have one before it gets shipped off to India.
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