Monday, September 08, 2008

Just How Stupid are Republicans - or shall I

say just how brainwashed are they? Evidently they are hypnotized and cannot think for themselves otherwise they would realize that Republican leaders are ruining them and crushing the middle class. Simple: If you have over $2,000.0O debt on your credit card and it is mounting and you can't manage to pay it off that means that you are slowly slipping into the lower class then maybe into poverty. Do you want that? Your wages cannot keep you up with the cost of living - you are slipping out of the middle class! You don't get that? Yet you still think the Republicans are the way to go because they are pro-life and anti-gay! Big Deal! That thinking will not put dinner on your table or pay your mortgage! Get a life!

Read Tom Friedman's "Hot, Flat and Crowded". We need to get green people! You "Jesus Camp" people need to listen to NPR and need to do research on the Internet. No, you won't, because your church, your religion, you are so brainwashed with and devoted to, will not allow you to do reading and research on your own. Otherwise you would know that lobbyist are paying off Republicans for certain ways to vote on certain fuel funding bills.

Bulletin: This country will never go GREEN if Republicans are in the White House and/or the majority in the House and Senate. And both are very likely to happen come the second Tuesday of November. Do you care?

Tom Friedman is brilliant. Please read his book. He said with global warming the weather is going to get "weird" and more extreme! And he says if we would stop using oil and turn in solar and wing and water power our economy and climate would change drastically to the positive.

First of all if we cut oil prices by half as they are a barrel it would crush Iran just as $10. a barrel crushed the Soviet Union because their revenue is in oil, just as Iran's is. So cutting oil prices would stop terrorism! But what were the Republicans idiot, brainwashed, puppets chanting at the Republican Convention: "Drill Baby Drill!" What a bunch of brainless puppets! Like drilling off shore here will actually cut the price her gallon of gas. Yes right! You people are stupid to believe that! It's merely a way to put more oil money into oil crazed men (mainly big shot Republicans' pockets). Yet you stupid Republican Christians actually believe McCain and oil companies (and associated gas guzzler US auto industry)are looking out for you. You are just dumb enough to believe those silly commericals! Note: Beware the drug companies too for they are out to get you hooked on medication beginning at a very young age. Do you not think that processed food and drug company people do not work hand in hand? Hello! Wake up! No one is actually looking out for YOU! If you think they are you are kidding yourself.

Now it takes time and energy to get educated. First of all you need to open your mind up to other ideas, read, listen and then compare and see what makes sense to you. Of course it's easy to just follow the other guy and obey like the evil Christian churches want you to do..they my friends are in cahoots with Republican evil doers. And look how the Catholic church merely moved perverted priests from one parish to another while they should had been arrested and slammed into jail. Yet ignorant parents still took the side of the church. What idiot fools.

Of course I'm bitter! I'm bitter at the laziness of minds in this country. You are being had! You are being made a fool of and yet you continue to sit by and let it happen! You can change things you know.

Insist that government give tax incentives to companies building green and coming up with wind, solar and water power. Do you know that according to Tom Friedman's book: "Hot, flat and crowded" in 1973 Carter had the gas crisis and gave incentives for better gas mileage (from 13 MPG to 27.5 MPG) and made US cars comply. Carter also gave tax incentives for solar panels and had them put on the White House. Well, when Gas guzzler oil man asshole Reagan got into the White House he took them down..and Reagan really didn't end the cold war or tear down the wall or ruin Russia, the low oil prices did (that Carter got rolling). The low fuel prices brought down Russia and the Middle East.

I firmly believe that we want (well the oil men like Bush and Company) high oil prices so the oil men can make money.. but what we are doing then is enabling terrorist to strive and up rise. And we are enabling Russia to become strong. We borrow trillions of dollars from China to buy Middle East and Russian oil..just how stupid are we? As Tom Friedman says in his book "What are they thinking?"

And you know he writes in plain language so his book is easy to understand. I have read his previous books and the man speaks clearly so everyone can understand who bothers to care.

People, the Republicans want you to be stupid! They want to fool you and pull one over on you. Look at the veterans in the Republican National Convention audience sitting their as if they are looking at god, McCain. Please! McCain was a hot dog and got himself captured by stupidly flying over enemy territory. He was an idiot hot dog who picked fights. He has no economic savvy and you want him to be your president? Oh because he is pro-life? Please, if you don't believe in abortion then don't have's as simple as that. You don't need laws into to place and play god like these idiots are doing. Take care of your own conscious and allow others to do the same!

Bush as allowed the banking industry to run amok. Oh yeah Bush grand father Walker was a banker so are many people of the Skull and Bones. Bush allowed them to rip off people (like he has allowed every corporations (lobbyist) to do - hello - insurance companies) and yet people are too stupid to see this.

These lobbyist need to get out of Washington, D.C. all 33,000 plus of them who represent corporations and give kickbacks and campaign funding to Republicans. It's the corporations without regulations and boundaries that are ruing this country's economy and Bush is allowing them to do so because he and his buddies get kick back. Oh yeah, so now the tax payer is bailing out Freddie and Fannie and you are paying for it! Because you are stupid! You are paying for this needless war too over oil because you are under read and too lazy to do the research and care. You are just worried about keeping up with the Jones.

Oh yeah, and the ousting CEO's of Freddie and Fannie will get over one million in severance pay. And the tax payer will bail them out with 100 billions dollars to cover the loans..some of which are defaulted and got buried into other funds that people around the world have invested in. Now you know why our economy and the stock market is in the toilet..the hell with terms like bull and bear it is in the toilet. Period!

Another thing, ladies, now I am talking to you. Do you like getting paid 78 cents to a man's dollar? The Ledbetter Bill was voting on by Obama but McCain voted against it. You see this bill represents all women who work along side men and do the exact same job yet get paid 78 cents to a man's dollar. The case in point is about Laura Ledbetter who worked for Good Year (you know the faulty, cost cutting, blow-out tire place that went unsafe and unregulated by Bush and company - to again, rip people off.. only in this case some were killed [but what do you care - since you are a Republican]). Republicans actually think that the money will trickle down - what a Reagan laugh! The economy presently sucks do to the Bush administration yet these idiots will vote for another Republican because he says he believe in pro-life. Oh Please, McCain doesn't give a rat's ass about life..hello, he and Republicans are war actually don't believe that they were aware of threats preceding 9 11? Oh just your debt ridden head buried in sand!

I guess people think that they don't know won't hurt them and people the Bush Administration will tell you anything. They tell you over and over and finally you begin to believe it. I don't know which are worst - men or women? I guess both. Especially people with kids.. those racist suburbanites who think they are holier then thou and patronize us homosexuals. We are a little tired of you right now actually thinking you are so perfect because you are married with kids and drive a big ass guzzling SUV. How fooled you are - but you look good; like you are doing economically well. Frankly, Bush and oil men don't really care about you.. they care about the money that goes into their pockets.. and they want you for war and your tax cough it up and hand over your sons and daughters for war.. war if oil.. war for "their" products. Never mind - it ain't gonna trickle down.. never did...never well. Now go on and work at that job while you still have one before it gets shipped off to India.

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