in this time of economic crisis. He has the business degree. He taught business. John McCain knows war and attack and prisoner. He contradicted himself in his speeches from time to time..I guess it depends how he is prompted. McCain is not in touch with realities of the common tax payer.
None of us can pretend that we are part of the Repbublican rich even as much as we would like to. I think some people think if I vote for Republicans the wealth will trickle down to me, as Reagan wrongfully suggested. The wealth will stay at the top sorry to say you are a peon, a peasant in the eyes of Republicans. The rich only get richer with and will with McCain's tax cuts and you'll still get nothing.
Why don't average Americans see this? Why do Christians vote Republican because of single religious issues? Being pro-life isn't going to save your job or your home or protect you from deregulated health insurance companies run amok!
Think! How are you going to feed all those pro-life kids you are popping out to fluid Christianity. Christians want to rule the world by sheer numbers of members. It's silly. I do not particularily want someone thinking morally for me. Hey, I was born with a conscious. I can derive wrong from right morally.
Another thing that bothers me sirverely is that Christians do not believe we are all created equal and that the power, the real power lies within each and everyone of us. None of us really need to affiliate with any religious cult like we are brainwashed and "conditioned" to do. We are individuals spirits visiting earth in human form to learn.
Sometime I argue that "here to learn" theory? Learn from whom? Most human being, let's face it, are shallow and self-serving and greedy. Well, our political officeals are in high positions to feed their egos and align their pockets with gold.
We here on earth are "material beings" when we really should be spiritual beings - spreading good well and love for one another. But, what we have is a dog eat dog world filled with a "one up" mentality. Keeping up with the appearances of the Jones, who are probably financially struggling with difficulties as you are.
I'm sticking with Obama. I firmly believe he will get us out of this mess by regulating financial institutions, banks, credit card companies, health insurance companies, even the American auto industry. For a change I want to be able to buy a decent reliable American made vehicle. I'm so tired of being cheated and lied to by every industry known to consumers.
I believe that Obama will be a president for the people (for a change) and not a president for industries and large corporations who Republicans allow to do what they want to make more money for their CEO's and not even so much for stock holders, but the CEO's and then when the CEO's know they are bringing the corporation down (like Enron did) they bail and once more the Bush Administration did nothing to presecute the real crooks. Personally, I don't believe Ken Lay is deceased. Yes, he conveniently died right before going to trial is what makes me suspect. I believe he sliped out of the country and is living high on the pensions and 401k savings of all those poor employees. They never got their money! Republicans never bailed out those poor people..instead Republicans in administration allowed it to happen by allowing industries to run amok without regulation.
You can't tell me this Republican (McCain too) adminstration didn't know what crooked CEO men were up to. Of course they knew, that is why through recent years all regulations to protect the average tax payer from these hungry greedy CEO's were lifted. Republicans do not care about the average person, you and me. Republicans like to be paid off and you can't do that only the wealthy large corporations can. So follow the enlighten yourself and pray Obama is your next president.
Personally I believe the election will be swung and that hte voting machines are rigged and that the race will be very close but McCain will win. Just like the elections of 2000 and 2004. Want to bet? I don't think I'm wrong! Corporations want Republicans running the works. Large corporations want deregulation they won't want Obama tightening the reins and demanding regulations to protect the people. Makes sense doesn't it. The ones who have the most money are the ones who rule! It's why it's called a Capitalist society and not a socialist society.
And yet the Republicans have brainwashed us to think that Socialism is wrong. Well, let me tell you, since the Federal Government has bailed out AIG and others they own 70% of all home loans. Socialist? Yes! Frankly, I'm all for it. Cut out the corporate crooks and allow one huge institution to regulate, run and oversee what goes on. Why not? If we don't like it we'll do like the people of France, march on the capitol and allow our demands be known. We'll pay a flat high tax for "FREE" education (like most of Europe has) and free health care. I would love to go back to school and learn everything possible for FREE. At any age! A free education!
As in England our doctors would be pay bonuses for encouraging people from smoking, helping them quit and promoting a healthy life style to cut down on health expenses. Why not! It works for Canada, England, France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark.
After WWII England promised the people that they would be taken care of. Not us! The hell with you - the tax payer. This government system only wants your money and to allow corporations to rip you off at every turn. Hell, we can't even buy eye glasses without being tricked into paying for add ons they try to sneak into your final bill. We all know how the auto industry concentrates on trying to treat you into buying more..and again there that faulty product line.. and built in maintenance to get more of your money. They build leaking oil vehicles so you spend more by adding a quart between changes and you buy the extended warranty. It's all planned to milk you dry.
Same with keeping us on oil. There is no reason we have to be on oil now. We could have been going green since the Oil Embargo of 1973, Brazil did and they are completely petro free now. They use mainly renewable resources such as waste from sugarcane crop - they're main sort of revenue.
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