Thursday, September 04, 2008

A beautiful raining day great for blogging

I think I'll work on my book today. Well, I started a lesbian mystery about a year ago and you know how that goes... but today is perfect writing weather for me. You see, it's too icky to do anything out doors like run or bike. It's perfect!

This weather makes me think of Fall and soup and chili and golden leaves and fireplaces and sweaters. I love the four seasons.

And I find I don't even mind winters much now that I run through them. Well, I'm been running for many years and winters just seem to fly by when I run through them. Besides, it doesn't get that snowy, icy, or cold here in the Midwest. And if we are lucky we'll have a mild winter. Why, in years past I've seem roses on bushes well into December and even people moving lawn after Thanksgiving. And I've seen those cute with Crocus') flowers that pop up in sunning places in February already. You got to love it! Well, love a mild winter.

I love running in the winter! All I need is a mild 30 something temperature day and the sun shinning and I'm happy. Running puts me in a good mood mentally and spirituality. So does yoga.

I went to yoga class last night. My instructor is wonderful precise and to the point and smooth. Her workouts flow with grace. And I can tell a noticeable improvement in my flexibilities. It's great to do before running. I try to do some yoga poses every day.

I must make a note on this beautiful rainy day. I love blogging. When I write I don't really have the idea in mind that someone might actually read this stuff. And chopped up stuff is all that it rambling thoughts spewing forth in well, frustration at times. At other times I merely get a kick out of observing the protest of life around me..I mean the politics and social unconsciousness. The irrepressible urges!

But other times I marvel at people. I love to people watch. Basically we are all the same. Is it because I've been here for so long or am I actually beginning to get EPS and an enhanced face, mannerism reading abilities. I mean one glance and I can just about figure out most people's intentions.

Most people are a slight tad pushing - driving that hard bargain to get what they want. Want they think they desperately need in that particular moment. Me? I've been trying to cut back but that is just about important. I was in Wholefoods the other day and wow the money that was being spent all around me was unbelievable. Certainly I was not a part of them. I huff and puffed at the $43.00 I was spending until I heard the cashier say to the woman in front of me $271.00 please. Ouch! And about the same time I looked at the register tallying up another woman's order being me at over $280.00. Oh my god! And they could all the paper bags in one little cart. Little cart! Scary isn't it!

But I can't say I really see people downsizing like the work places are downsizing. I still see many people out to eat on any given evening. Me? I go out less! I'm not a bar person (hate the smoke). I'm cheap and I do have a girlfriend. She is frugal too! I love her for that! I love her in all ways especially for being as feminine and giggly and happy and loving and affectionate as she is. I dreamed her that way.

You know I do believe in the Secret! Have to heard or read or watched any of that? Well it's true. We do think (dream, sometimes unconsciously) our realities. Let's say you want someone in your life - well, get a pencil and paper out and write down exactly what you want and then put that paper away somewhere and totally forget about it. No kidding! And then soon there he or she will be.

And I do believe our past, present and future is happening at one time. I know that is far fetched but sometimes I can look back and connect the dots of events. Can you? Think about it. And don't you see that things had to happen in that sequence, that certain sequence, so it could turn out the way it is now. And isn't it funny how we tend to reflect at a good point in our lives. We never reflect at a bad point. At least I didn't. But, somehow at bad times, I knew in my heart, that it was merely a transitional period. In other words one event had to happen before another event could so I could "appreciate" the final (goal) most important event. In retrospect - I get it!

Now, someone named James left me a very positive comment on my last entry. But, when I reread the last entry, I wondered how he made any sense of any of it. Sometimes I ramble on spewing, like I said. Sometimes I preach! But my grammar, composition, and spelling errors are totally inexcusable to me. And I can only say I hope to improve. Writing is an art! And all art is self-expression - I love it! Personally I think everyone should write their thoughts and memories and how things effect them and how they saw things. We all have our own unique perspective taken from life experiences of our lives.

I'm off now to run an errand then back home to read, write, play my sax, sing and play guitar (I need to practice - it's going along on a float trip soon for me to sing and play around the campfire).

About my singing! Well, people compliment me and want me to sing. Recently I sang in front of a new small crowd. They complimented my voice and my playing. I'm self taught in both areas. I had only accordions lessons as a kid. And recently with that little knowledge and some note and fingering translation skills I have learned to play the saxophone. Well, I'm still trying but I love it.

And last year I taught myself how to swim. What I have learned is that someone can tell or show us the basics but we have to "practice" and practice makes perfect - I hope!

Anyway maybe one day I'll get my nerve up and ask a neighborhood little coffee cafe to play there. Hell, I'll play for free for the experience of it - that way the pressure will be off. I just love to sing and play.

But, I found yesterday that after I played the saxophones and my singing was a little off. The whole idea, besides loving it, of playing the sax was to better my breathing skills for running - or just anything. See, I figured it couldn't hurt. Hey, I can hold that note!

God, I love this weather. I love a steady rain all day, kind of day! Okay, I need to run that errand for my friend and then I'm back here to write and work on my book. Hey, I need to so I can say I'm a writer (although unpublished) but you never know unless you try. Oh, and the other day I thought - I just need to write one song so I can also add to my "what I do" list: songwriter! I know I can do it. Remember the commercial where a guy sits at a piano and he just can't figure out a melody then looks up out his window and see birds sitting on five rows of utility wire - well, there you are! I can do that!

Thanks again James for the next comment and making me realize that people actually do come across my entries - so I better hop to the challenge of trying to improve my skills.

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