Monday, September 22, 2008

Craziness for Secretary of Treasury

It must be a real zoo for the Secretary of the Treasury, Hank Paulson. Did you know that Hank Paulson is directly from Wall Street, Goldman Sacks? Well you know Bush appointed him! Thanks Mr. Bush. Yet these brainwashed republican Christians will vote for another Bush in Novemeber. Honesty, if McCain gets elected I will surely be convinced that the election is another swung elections like 2000 and 2004.

I guess the bank lobbyist are going crazy begging for bailouts from their co-heart Paulson. Barley's and UBS who are foreign based banks are interested in bail outs too. The government is going to become a very large financial intermediate buying up and then hopefully selling off when things get better. Things will never be better until this economy goes down. And you were worried about a terrorist attack. And Ms. Hasselbeck on the View is so worried about defense. Well, Lizzie, your government is taking you down. You in your ivory tower who never had to struggle except for a month on an island.

And yes John McCain has been behind all this banking deregulations that have failed our economy and got us into all this trouble. Bail outs are only temporary so this is not near from over. You can't have a free for all for that many corporations and not get bitten. That is why we have "leaders" people - but not in this country. A "real" president would not allow a frew for all for corporations and would make sure that there are rules and regulations to be followed. We have had the all American kiss the butts of the kids mentality in this country, with parents allowing the kids to do whatever they want and then naive mommy and daddy bail them out until they are broke! Hey, but that's the American way! We tax payers are fools to tolerate this and not march on Washington. But we all know that in a capitalist society only money speaks. See in a socialist society money does not speak and everyone gets medicine and education provided.. so what is so wrong with that?

We only have capitalist medicine here because of greedy CEO's in insurance, banking, and drug companies and health care. It's all about the money here! The hell with the consumer, the tax payer.

Where is our bail outs..I know what you can solve the housing loan crisis instead of giving billions of dollars to mortage firms and banks just decare across the board that all mortages are paid off. And what is so wrong with that? Well, banks and mortage companies won't be getting any money. Well, must people got tricked into your loans anyway by fauldulent financiers. The Bush administration deregulated them and then turned a blind eye to their crooked ways. Oh yes, the patriot act - let's rip'em off and see really how much we can.

We are mere peasants living in a greedy world of political and financial greed and fraudulence. It's unconsititional! Yet Peloski took "impeachment" off the table. Democrats have no courage, dignity, honesty or integrity just as republicans don't.

The Federal government bailed out Bear Sterns and farmed it out to Blackrock (or whatever) to run.

Many companies in many countries no longer trust our judgement (or about of greed).

Oh and did you know we will be selling nuclear information to India so they can build nuclear power plants. What about weapons?

I think this government talks out of both sides of it's mouth! Homeland security - yeah right! Bush wanted to out source USA harbour patrols to a company in Dubai (Middle East).

The top executives of this big corporations need to have their assets freed up and let them find out way out of this. Right now it seems - they mess up - they get bailed out by the Feds. What's with that? Big shot CEO's already have skimmed the fat heavily off the top and they don't have to give up any of their assets. So what's with that. While the average joe American tax payer gets dragged over the coals again.

And what is wrong with socialize medicine when it seems socialized banking is okay!!
We set aside 700 billion for banks, and 10 billion a month for a needless war in Iraq yet this evil capitalist society won't even consider socialize medicine because of all the evil lobbyist in Washington. Everyone wants a piece of the pie and the average tax payer suffers because of it. What ever happened to "government by the people for the people" I want socialized medicine and socialized education. It feels to me that we are on the brink of a peaceful, but monetary, revolutionary in this country. What about the people? Right now we have an economy for the rich, big shot CEO's getting fat from our tax payer dollars and the tax payer is getting very tired of it!!!!

We need change alright! Hopefully the election is at least honest and Obama does get elected..this country needs to lean more toward socialize medicine and education. Greedy CEO's are ruining this economy.

Right now people can't get loans and the lobbyist are begging government for bail stupid spoiled Amercan teen agers.. and mommy and daddy bail them out like idiots. We did it to ourselves - Bush allowed Phil Gramm to de-regulate financial institutions. But no body is mentioning that! This government did it to themselves.

It's called a bail out and that gets the tax payer involved. It's not right! Washington allowed deregulation to kiss off campaign supporting favors. Other countries or no longer willing to support us. . Why? Just how much can we borrow from China. And our dollar is so weak why would anyone trust it.

This bail out is actually creating a future crisis. And yes, the American people are very aggravating about this because of the deregulation. The tax payer is getting killed every which way.

There is something yes deeply unfair about this bail out. I'm listening to NPR - you should too!!!! and not egotistical republican paid by Russ. On NPR you get the real deal even though Republicans with their Christian blinders on don't want to hear the truth! Oh well, doesn't matter even though everyone will vote democratic another crooked republican will be elected.

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