Sunday, September 28, 2008

I hope Obama wins!

You know we need a guy who knows economics and Obama does. He taught economics! McCain only knows wars and veterans and quit frankly scares the hell out of me! Then there is Palin! God, why didn't he pick Mitt Romney! Huge mistake but yet Christians will risk their livihoods to vote for a claimed pro-life Christian. Frankly, I'm not buying it McCain nerely wants votes!

Republicans mishandled the budget and the world. The next President will inherit 600 trillion dollars of debt! Deffinitely we need a guy with a financial, economic head on his shoulders and right now that is Barrack Obama!

Oh security? Please. Our Southern borders are a free for all! Frankly, I believe we knew the attack was in the works and we did nothing about it because I believe we wanted desparately to get into a war for oil and for corporate profits. Right off the bat, 100,000 companies were over there in the Middle East making tons of money and frankly, wasting tax payer's money on silly stuff! We all know it! Watch the DVD "Iraq race for sale: war for profit". Netflix has the DVD. It's worth viewing and watch "Sicko" while you are at it. And watch "Who Killled the Electric Car?" while you are at it! You will be enlightened. Are you brave enought - do you dare vote wisely and in order to do that you must do the research!

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