Thursday, September 11, 2008

Are people who drive king sized SUV's

Republican? Most are suburbanites, usually women..well, that I see anyway. And they are blond of course. So what's the attraction? Lots of gas to burn.

I heard one say it gives her the sense of power sitting up high looking down on everyone. She felt she could run people over if she wanted to. Made her feel boss!

I'm so glad! Because to me they look totally stupid! Like they don't listen to the news or watch MSNBC or CNN and pay for their own gas!

I saw one woman reach out her driver side window to flip her side mirror back so she could squeeze into the parking space between two other giants.

Can you imagine the money they spend on tires? Those big ass wide things. Why?

Now when I see someone pull up in a Mini Cooper I know that person has done her (usaully a woman) homework. She is green and lean. She's usually college educated and eats healthy and works out too! I'm not kidding - ask them youself.

I feel the same when I see someone drive a Toyota Prius. I know they did their homework too and are smart, intelligent people.

Big gas guzzler driving people look as if they are lose in the past when Bush came into office and oil was $20. per barrel. Then Cheney came along and at one point this summer it was up to $143 a barrel. You think they (oil men) wanted to suck you dry before they got out of office?

But then I came across one young woman in her 30's, divorced with two young daughters who bought a Ford Escape. I actually felt sorry for her. She was proud and said she did her homework that the Ford Escape is a hybrid. Well, yes it is..but she would have been so much better off spending more up front, about $8,000 and getting a Prious Hybrid that gets close to 49 or fifty miles per gallon. If the oil men ever let them use the plub in kit they would squeeze out 100 miles per gallon but you know the oil men won't go for that. Anyway, the young woman with the belt driven always using gas Ford escape hybrid only gets 24 miles per gallon. Is that sick or what? And Ford has the nerve to call it fuel efficient and a hybrid.

Do you think these oil men and American auto (let's rip them off daily) makers think people are stupid. Well, they are right! People believe any crap these money grabbing grub worns feed them. I bought American and got a good deal. Well, you bought crap. My friend has one has makes weird sounds and runs when it wants to run, it's a 2002 model.

I know another friends who doesn't drive her Jeep on long drives because four times now they never made it without breaking down - so her friend with the Toyota always drives now. This is the truth, I kid you not!

Hey, they can make a decent product like anybody else instead of cheating people for yeats now and once more they bucked out the electric car too. Hey, they are oil men they want to make money how can they if sinking electric cars or on the road. See the DVD "Who Kiled the Electric Car?" and while you are at it read Kevin Phillips "American Dynasty"

I just got Thomas L. Friedman's "Warm, Flat and Crowded"

Read and watch, a great way to spend a cool, rainy, Fall weekend and become enlightened! Oh don't believe the stuff in Elementry or High School Text Books they have been massaged and manipulated by Republican crooks who cheat their way into office. Funny how we all voted for one guy and the other guy got elected. Do you smell a rat too?

What what happened to the protesting hippy baby boomers who protested everything? Man, they are like a bunch of mushy jello getting softer now. Where's the old spunk?

You know people in France pay high taxes but they have good products and service because they protest and demand everything in front of their leaders who are yes, afraid of them. Not like here, where are adminstration uses fault scare tactics to try to control us and it seems to work too.

Well, have a nice day, I think I'll walk or ride my bike to run errands now. You knonw save some gas and where and tear on my little car that is so dependable; as dependable as the day I bought that's Japanese!

Did you now that that Iraq war will cost us over $10 Trillion dollars and we don't even need to be there? Hey, their leaders have billions of dollar in oil revenue... what the hell are we doing there? Is Bush just pure nuts? Oh, in so many words accoridng to Bob Woodward "The World Within" Bush thinks we are not winning in Iraq because we are not killing enough people there. The man is nuts!

These oil men are nuts! We are addicted to oil! No, Bush you and your daddy and oil buddies are addicted to oil..we want green! But you are making too much money to even try to give tax incentives to green projects. And once more Bush, you don't even care about this planet and merely use Pro-life and anti-gay and Christian principles to get their votes for McCain. And it sounds to me that Palin is the terroist speaking in tongues and thinking she is in touch with god. Oh please! Never once do they say they will give us affordable dependable health care insurance or get jobs back in this counry. We could be creating green jobs..but there is no money in it for large corporations because they are so invested in this stupid war for profit that they keep dragging out. Trust me it will never end because these oil people want a foot hold in that region.. just like in Saudia Arabia and now we are borrowing money from China..trillions of dollars to buy foreign oil. It doens't make sense to me.

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