are bailing out AIG too. They have too! Thanks Mr. Phil Gramm for deregulating the system. You see banks lend to other banks.
Kit Bond is against another stimulous package but suggest that Congress balance their budget! Oh Please! Typical Republican wanting to only help big business and the hell with the average tax payer! So how do these guys get elected in the first place is what I want to know. This shit must be crooked. If you heard that your governor or representative did not have you, the voter, in mind why would you even vote for you. So is it all crooked?
Am I right? Do the "corporations" who create the voting machine and the software that run them pre-program them so Republican win no matter what? And make the voting results close enough so it doesn't look just too suspicious!
Remember voters in case you didn't realize it by now, Republicans work only for big corporations NOT you the average tax payer. The hell with you! You lost your home - too bad! You lost your job? Too bad! Republicans work for corporations only and then they deregulate and give cororations the green light in "rip you off" so fatten their bottom line. Don't you get it yet?
Vote for McCain and you vote for big business, corporations. McCain is feeding you a line. He plans on making the corporate tax cuts permanent.
When he says less governorment in business he means...less regulations for them.. which gives them the green light.. to rip you off!
Christians please Republicans say they are pro-life to get your's a front. Shaking your hand with one and stabbing you in the back with the other.
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