Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bush is nuts'. He just wants that 700 billion in the pockets of greedy, crooked capitalist on Wall Street! He is using usual attempts at scare tactics directed at Americans to get the money! He's working for the lobbyist and himself. They are trying to get as much money as they can before the possiblity that Republicans leave the White House! They are all assholes in my opinion!

WWII got us out of the last depression but that won't work this time, we already found out with crooked war for oil profit in Iraq! I don't know why the average American doesn't care. Of course "in bed with lobbyist Republicans" want Americans to be stupid so they can pull some more stunts like sub-prime home loans. If salaries would have kept up with inflation we wouldn't have this problem. If McCain and Bush would vote for increasing minimum wage to keep up with the cost of living we wouldn't have this problem. If Lobbyist weren't running the government we wouldn't have this problem because that is why beginning when with "let's deregulate" Reagan, we average Americans were lost to Republicans and capitalist lobbyist were the winners. And people, average hard working tax paying Americans, are too stupid and blind to see this! Regulations in industry and banking are there to protect the consumer and the Public but greedy lobbyist and old rich guys want even more money. CEO's that make that much money need to have that salary capped and the money should be giving to the employees. If we had a government for the people by the people we all would be treated fairly. I'm embarrassed by this financial crisis - it's all bullshit and greed to these assholes can take every last cent they can before they leave office! IF McCain gets elected I will know for sure that these elections are set up with certain outcomes just as 9/11 was contracted.

Republicans promoted and backed bank deregulations got us into this financial crisis! In my opinion Hank Paulson former (or still) with Goldman Sachs stands to gain lots of money. Lip service says FBI is imvestigatimg! Yeah right? They are all crooks! Banks and big CEO's want to take this 700 billion and use it without, again regulation (that is what got them in trouble in the first place people!) and probably stick most of it in their pockets while - again - the average tax payers gets cut social programs and education and jobs!!

I believe I can speak for most Americans when I say that the American tax payer is sick of this phony bullshit in Washington! Just how stupid do they really think we are! Greedy CEO's get billions in salaries and golden parachutes while peasant tax payer's are made fools of! And all those Christian pro-life Republicans out there that are brain dead from religious bullshit brainwashing drives me crazy! What will it take - you losing YOUR job before you wake up and see you are being ripped off at every turn. How's your hospital coverage? How's your job? You getting equal pay? Can you make ends meet without working several jobs or being knee deep into credit card debt? Just because you are pro-life! So you are going to vote for another crook with a stupid VP that can't do interviews because she is even more stupid than Dan Quail!

It happens every time corporation backed Republican politicians get into office crookedly and then after eight years Democrats are left to clean up their shit! I am very tired of it!

I think we should move towards a socialist governent so tax payer's get government for the people by the people! I want free health care and free education. I want ALL people, all tax payer's, to be treated equal for a chancg! This government is an embarrasment! We need to get the 33,000 or more lobbyist out of Washington and out of politics. Do you see Denmark, Sweden, Britian, Germany, France and many more in this embarrassing situation. I would rather pay more taxes and demand and get free good health care and free education and free pension for life. What the hell is wrong with that. But, since the Reagan commercials of the fifties we have been brainwashed into thinking socialism is bad. We have been brain washed because big money corporations want to rip us off and make the big bucks.

In my opinion capitalism has failed in this country because anymore service and producs are shit, health care is shit, education is sick, and all is too expensive while whiny CEO's crooks give themselves big bonuses and try everything under the sun to rip us off so they can and what is so far worse is that our government is in cahoots with them and just as crooked and unethical as they are - especially the Repubicans. I think a revolt against paying taxes to bail out greedy corporate crooks (with the president knowing that they are crooks) is in order! And Bush and the lot of them should be arrested for fraudulent practices and lying to the American people. Believe me what Clinton did was nothing! Thse Republicans are real assholes! Republicans say they are Christain in thinking (oh yeah sure pro-life and let's blow up a foreign land over oil and greed and that is okay!) but in fact they are the biggest bunch of crooks! Why do we let them get away with it! They make fools of us!

Now watch if Obama gets into office and makes the lobbyist mad the crooks will prbably bump him off. Just like JFK. And Bobbie Kennedy! If you don't play ball the capitalist crooks way you are out of there... Bobbie Kennedy wanted social reform and equal rights - Johnson finally got some in place.

And biggest crook yet Nixon takes credit for ended Vietnam "conflict" - again a war for the capitalist. Just as Eisenhower warned: "Beware the Industrial Military War Machine". Oh there's big money for Blackwater, Halliburton in this Iraq war.

And what's with double dipping conflict of interest Henry Paulson being Secretary of the Treasury? He worked for Goldman Sachs and probably still does.. probably has lots invested there and now has 700 billion to play with - handing out free unregulated, without over sight money to the crooks running banks and mortage companies so and they are free to repeat exactly what they just did. Are we just plain nuts?

I'm so sick of this shit. And GM failing and closing plants. Oh please - I guess they'll want a bail out next just like Chrysler a few years back and they'll get it! All this same shit happened in 1991 right before crooked Republicans life office that time! GM could stay afloat if they already had the electric dependable car out RIGHT NOW! And make the damn thing reliable! Oh hell! If they can get to the camn moon they can certainly build an appropriate, decent battery. I'm sick of this line of bullshit they give us on a daily basis!!! They had a damn electric car in the late 90's see "Who Killed the Electric Car?" I'll give you the quick answer: Bush! The DVD is available if you can get your head out of that stupid Christain vice they have it in and read and listen to NPR. Sickos! Oh watach that DVD too. It's called "Sicko".

Republicans work for lobbist and some are oil lobbyist.. trust me people you will never see an electric car majority while greedy Bush man oil men can still drill for oil and now stupid Peloski is in there right with them - fifty miles off shore - yeah right! Just maybe all of Washington are in the same boat! Hell Democrats certainly do not stand up to them! So why would I believe anything else?

Visit following site... I'm not the only one!'s_Elephant_In_The_Room.html

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