Friday, September 19, 2008

Rachel Maddow is a hit on MSNBC

and I believe Keith Oberman hated to admit that although he did say her ratings are sky high!

She is easy to listen to. She is clear and to the point. Speaks well and has good guests who explain everything well.

With this mess on Wall Street just be glad that Social Security is not privatized but if you vote for McCain and he wins .. one day it will be! So be careful. I just can't understand why so called Christians, so righteious, so holy, only vote on signle issue policy? Why? You don't care if your jobs go away? It doesn't matter that McCain is another know-nothing, unenlightened Bush and will follow the same loser policies? Bush had Phil Gramm deregulate corporations to please lobbyist and CEO got greedy and just about ruined the "world" economy. It's because of that, that now this government, the Fed, owns about 70% of all the home loans that exist. We are socialist now. I hope everyone who thinks Republicans are right on - are happy.

No one believes me. They should watch MSNBC, listen to NPR like I do. Not Russ Limbaught - who do you think pays his salary? Get a grip! Follow theh money?

Or are you just too lazy to do the research and figure things out for yourself. We need to elect Obama as president so we can clean up eight (crookedly elected - and I'm sticking to it!) years of crooked Bush and Cheney mess!

I personally do not believe the Gallup poll. How can this meet so neck and neck - no way! It's fixed - Republicans are good at that. I mean just look at the last two elections 2000, and 2004. Recounts galore..faulty voting machines (built by lobbyist, programmed by lobbyist) I'll bet you!

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