Monday, September 29, 2008

Yay for Nancy Peloski!

She so right and the Republican voted 128 no and only 61 yes for the 700 billion bail out for the spoiled brats in banking! Bush did it to himself - by deregulating banks and mortage companies and allowing a free for all - so they ripped off the American people. Of course we are not going to bail them out!

According to MSNBC Republicans were over loaded with objections from their home town constitutents! Good for them! Tax payers have been drained until we cannot hardly make ends meet and yet we are supposed to bail out greedy crooks! I don't think so!

Nancy Peloski told it like it was that the Republicans brought it on themselves. She said Republicans were the ones who let it all happen. And 25 to 1 oppositions from tax payers said "NO" to the bail out that really wasn't guaranteed to work.

And just how many times do these idiots in Washington think we can bail out rich people. We don't receive any breaks from Washington - we are only used. All our social beneifts are at risk from conservative greedy Republicans. Only pro-life Christians are too stupid to even know.

Oh yeah the Republicans are blaming Peloski - who told it like it was - good for it!
They say Nancy Peloski hurt the feelings of Republicans so they voted against it. Twelve people got their feelings hurt and voted against the people!

Personally I am very glad it didn't pass! The Republicans were only trying to drain more from us right before they leave the White House! Bush and Cheney are crooks and want nothing more than to drain every last drop of oil and put profits in their pockets and every last cent from tax payers to go into their lobbyist loving pockets! They knew if they deregulated and didn't watch over greedy Wall Street that bankers etc., would rip us off - only they didn't care or are getting kick backs!

Follow the money and learn the truth behind it all! Bush does not care about you Christians - he only wants your votes .. to get your money .. to give it to the rich. You are nothing more than a peasant! This administration cares nothing for you!

Frankly right about now - socilism doesn't seem all that bad... wow! Free medical, dental, education. Lots of time off after babies are born while your jobs waits for you and you get paid. Decent wages! Doctors are "rewarded" by government for keeping and getting people well. Not like in this country where drug companies reward and give kick backs to doctors for pushing their poision pills.

Read the book "Poision Pills"!

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