Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Privatizing "social benefits" - wrong!

hey veterans your favorite president is planning on privatizing the GI bill before he leaves office. From now on IT companies(a computer) will replace civil service government workers. Computers will replace government workers - there goes more jobs. In the past when the VA tried to computerized veteran health care and it was contracted out, it was a mess and veterans complained but the government said we can't so anything about it becaused it is out if our hands now. See how they are - just another way to rip you off! And the private company was not held responsible for any negligence! This is why we do not want social security to become privatized because companies are not held responsible then by the government! It's just another way for the government to unload responsibility and subsequently unload benefits and get away from paying them. The first health care private company I just spoke of went on to be a big rich man's money maker defense company in Iraq.

People listen up - your government is finding all kinds of ways to cater to private business which ends up ripping you off. And too even before they privatied everything they loaded you up with lots and lots of paper work to confuse and discourage you from applying for social services such as college with the GI bill. Even now most people who want and need to get disability monthly payments must wait a whole year to receive benefits after they apply for the benefits. Now Obama would not do this to you! I firmly believe Obama would not do this to you...put it would help if the house and senate remain in majority. People you can help out here by voting all democratic!

I repeat! Obama would not try to discourage you from applying for social benefits! I am very afraid because I fear that once Bush/McCain privatizes any social services former presidents have put in place because they were looking out for our best interest that service will be lost forever. Please keep that in mind!

It is very sad that we do not have a government by the people for the people but instead our government merely uses us like peasants to take from us in the form of taxes and decreased benefits to serve the rich so they can get richer! People the republicans are insulting you and using you by telling you they are Christians! Words come cheap! They tell you what YOU want to hear that they are pro-life and anti-gay. They keep you distracted with these religious principles while stabing you in the back at the same time and decreasing more and more of your rights and benefits. When they say less government - they do mean less government - less rights and benefits for you. Why would you want that? Go jobs and what few social benefits we have are going away.. you are going to end up in the lower class..maybe worse.

It is truly amazing to me that people want to believe so much that they are part of the rich class like Elisabeth Hassibeck is. Boy is she living in a forest. It's easy for her to be so republican because she has a a glorious life dumped in her lap and because republicans in the white house think she can do them good and bring aboard more young cute suburbanite moms. While I see through the false high hopes fed to the rest of us who are slipping into poverty while good jobs go away and our government does NOT protect us from the ways of greedy CEO's who take the money and cheat their employees from making a decent wage. Republicans (McCain) voted against rising minimum wage. The last time people who were making minimum wage and were able to pay their rent with that minimum wage and one job was in 1984!

I can't believe people are so blind. I know people who got laid off from their jobs due to outsourcing and are still going to vote Republican. Why? Our economy is in the tiolet and these people are will going to vote in another republican! Am I wrong? Tell me that the Gallop poll is wrong! Personnally I believe it's fix just as the last two elections were fixed and just as this one will be fixed so McCain gets elected!

Follow the money people, large corporations make the voting machines (lobbyist) so who is to say Republians are not getting kick backs and fixed elections so they can cotinue the trend of making the rich richer and ripping off the average (you and me)tax payer! The Republicans do not look out for the average Joe, the middle class, you and me!

Hey if these rich Republican bucks in Washington didn't have us peasant tax payer's they would be poor too! We DO have more control I'd only we had nerve enough to place demands on our government but we are afraid of our government well they are not in France and play huge demands on their government by publicly demanding what they want! We are wimps! Blind wimps! We are too ignorant to even know when we are being fooled! How sad!

And another thing Christians tell their flocks how to vote (republican of course) and these government in cahoots don't have to pay taxes. Just bull! And if you are not a Christian you will not go to hell. All that religious rickeric is bull anyway. It's made up and written by "men" - humans! We are all gods, we are all spiritual, we all have the power within our selves. But, of course, these old white greedy, perverted men want to own you and manipulate your brain and they are being very successful. Yes, you can be a good person without religion and especially this awful "guilt" trip the Catholic church puts on you to control you and manipulate you.
People watch "Jesus Camp" the DVD and get your eyes opened to brainwashing. IT's pathetic and should be out lawed like those multiple wives cult camps that certain states turn a blind eye to perverted men who run them. Just how sick is that..having babies with fourteen year olds. It's sick! The Catholic church old gay boys club is not much different. And these people run the country!

Like I said.. we are all spiritual beings we know what is right and wrong we don't need to be under any (man's) thumb! We can think for ourselves. We did all know what is right and what is wrong. Think about it! Vote Democratic and get out of this religious - OIL WAR trap that the Republicans are really all about! And of course the war and the oil is so a few old white rich men and get even more rich.. they get rich - you get nothing. So why do CEO's make 400 times more than you and here you are struggling to keep economically afloat while they waste money on material things. McCain owns seven houses! See one just tries to out do the other, it's the only reasoning I can see behind all this wasteful spending that could help countries and "us" get out of poverty.

We could stop borrowing billions of dollars from China (helping their economy while ours goes down the tiolet). Alternative fuels and energy methods could end our dependency on foreign oil.. that we borrow money to buy! And why are we in Iraq? They have billions of dollars in oil revenue to spend on their own intrastructure they don't even need us there...think about it! It's all bullshit ..we are there to get a foot hold and build a military base and ambassey over the oil! Old man Bush has wanted all the oil for himself.. or so it seems to me!

If we had any brains we would be independent of foreign oil. Hey, we have the know how to make renewable fuel..but the real reason we don't and it's not organize is because private companies have no incentive Bush has seen to that. I'm telling you - these old men - do not want to see alternative methods of power and fuel unless their is money in it FOR THEM!

Now saying that - on the other hand Obama is greedy. If Obama was greedy he wouldn't have helped the poor find jobs in Chicago.. just like he would do for YOU if you have the where with all, to elect him. And truly I believe most peoplel are on his bandwagon...I personally think that the gallop polls are crooked as the Republicans and I firmly believe that one way or the other - Republicans will see that Republicans do get elected - all over the place - in the house and senate too. And these brain washed home schooled told what to teach and preach will be thrilled but ever so fooled...

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