Friday, September 05, 2008

Unemployment is the highest in years at 6.1%. Gee, I didn't hear hotdog McCain mention one thing about the economy owes! He is unaware. All McCain knows, like any 80 year old veteran is the past and about himself. What was Cindy thinking. She married her father.

Now tell me true have you ever carried on a conversation with an senior gentleman? You know there is no bidirectal dialogue. He preaches about the war and you listen politely!

McCain did not mention bring honest, dependable, affordable health care or jobs to the American tax payer. Average slipping into poverty middle class citizens are crying out for help. I am crying put for help and I need your help - please vote for Obama!

McCain admitted last night during his speach that he hotdoged his way into being captured. As a soldier he picked fights and visited ladies of the night. He was a handsome, conceited, egotistical young man and there is nothing wrong with that. Nut he admitted be pushed the limits and flew over empty lines and so got shot down. And being so proud and egotistical didn't leave when they wanted to release him so then they really beat the shot out of him. They could have done worse! His dad was an admiral so you know Johnny had to get some free passed and moved to the head of the line opportunities.

McCain's history is what it is old man self talk. McCain's history services the desired purpose of distracting the American people away from the real terrifying issuations we tax payer's are facing! The McCain's as rich. Cindy has done more for humanity then her husband. John only talks about going after our enemies! What enemies? I believe we sabbotaged ourselves. Did we arrange those attaches. Were we behind them? I know that is hard to stomach but I believe conspiracy is not beyond we achieving our goals of getting a foothold into countries all over the world. this about it! Just as the Christian Crusaders attached contintents and enslaved their beliefs onto others.

Now, ok the contrary I firmly believe Obama has our best interest at heart: Jobs, decent honorable health care and green jobs! So what is best for you? War for oil or a green healthy economy and your tax dollars spent on "you" for a change rather then stuck on big corporate pockets. Remember after we are drained the CEO a who ruined our economy will merely move off shore themselves why would they need to stick around?

Think about your future! So you have the money to retire? Or are you living day to day deeper in debt! John McCain doesn't show me that he cares about us!

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