Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Oh not Sarah Palin - go away!

She is talking to the people like a regular next door citizen. She knows nothing of policy and economics. I agree with the woman on NPR who says. "Oh Sarah Palin is nice and friendly and can talk about her husband and kids and pro-life.

Sarah Palin will not allow obortions in the case of rape and incest! That's barbareic thinking. Just how naive and cruel and spoke with forked tongue is that? And what is with this Massive Ministry", speaking in tongues and wanting to split Alaska away from the Union. Just how much futher can they move away?

I don't think she believe in global warming although the shores of Alaska are slipping into the waters feet by feet every year. Denial! Stupid?

In my opinion this is not presidental material - and yes she will be a heart beat away from the presidency if McCain is elected. I am afraid!

We need Obama and Bidden to win! Think about it!

1 comment:

lisa g. said...

i wish palin would go back to through the time warp she crawled in from...i fear that if she gets into power that the scaly arm of warped views might infiltrate my country of canada...what boggles my mind is how many women follow her train of thinking?...