McCain is not your father!
Neal Bush as involved in the 80's Savings and Loan scandals. Please! Deregulation of banks etc., ran freely in the 80's beginning with Reagan!
These Republicans are a piece of work trying to slip in Capitol gains tax cuts during these bail out debates that are going on! It's Me, Me, Me! Big babies! While the "parents" are the tax payers. Well, this parent is getting sick of it!
Oh, and Republicans already knocked out any provisions for going "green" during these bail out debates! See how they are?
And 700 billion is just some arbitary figure they came up with. Well, it seems to me that for the lobbyist, the Republicans are trying to get all they can before the next election! They are trying to get all they can before the election for their bosses - the lobbyist! Lobbyist of course making up of financial and banking big shost, already rich, CEO's! It's all unpatriotic and un-American in my opinion! I'm so sick of Republicans. And the "average" working fool tax paying Repubican - where do they get off thinking they are so righteous? Oh pro-life that's it! And Christian, like Bush is some saint or something. The man's a crook! And pro-life? That's joke. So we attack a country that didn't attack us over oil, only for large corporations' profits, killing innocent women and "children" and that's okay with you righteous bible thumpers? You're one issue fools! Bush doesn't give a shit about his own "average or poor Katrina" Americans and would he care if Iraq become a Democracy. It's common sense people! So rather than follow your hopeful heart in your thinking.. follow the money! And realize that you are being taken to the cleaners and you are too silly to even know it! The average tax payer in this country will be "drained" until the whole shit fails! Wages cannot keep up with the rapidly rise in the cost of living! Since Bush has been in office oil alone has risen from a mere $20.00 per barrel to $130.00 per barrel! Gee, guess whos manipulating the whole smear? Bush and his corporate buddies!
They knew the housing bubble was going to happen (just like it did in Europe and China) so they figured out ways to take full advantage (for the lobbyist, of course, not you - you are nothing but a tax paying peansant - that's your job!).
I'm watching the View too! Frederic Brandt, M.D. Cosmetic "filler" doctor uses needles to gie a filler face lift. Galigen, and readio frequency device. They use filler too in cheeks so your cheeks look full and then it's a taper down affect. Personally, I think he's looks ready for Halloween. I don't normally criticize do I. But he does look like he has had a few treatments too many! And I'm not commenting on his sexual orientation. We'll let that go since I'm a lesbian...but I'm not butch!! Neither is my girlfrien.. god what she does to me!!!!! The feeling is really very nice - magical! I think everyone should be gay.
Guess I better take my vitamines.. haven't done that yet today! And Calicum!
Elisabeth on the View is as immature and naive as the day she was born. She loves old men I think! McCain must be a father figure is the only thing I can figure! He's god! She's very naive! Like most people she sees and hears just exactly what she wants. She's 31! Now Joy's has her shit together!
I like Joy. She was on Larry King the other night and says she is voting for Obama. Obama wants to tax people who make 250,000 and more. Well, Joy says that hits me but I'm willing to do it because she believes in it. Now that's a woman! She's not greedy! It makes sense to her that people making less should get a tax break for a change and it's okay with her!
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