Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wanda Sykes - says it best!

Can you believe we the tax payers have to bail out the crooks and that will cost us at least 7,000 a piece! Personally, I think the crooks on Wall Street and Capitol Hill had it all planned from the get-go. What a scam! And they GET 700 billion without oversight! Which means the government will not over see how they spend the money! After-all Reagan on down - wanted Lobbyist/CEO's corporate heads allowed to be de-regulated so Phil Gramm got the job and they were all de-regulated. Oh yeah, Bush and McCain both say "less government" Well republican voting Christian fools have no idea what that means! That mean "deregulation" for big corporation and financial institutions. They get the green light to do whatever they want - in other words rip us off how ever way they want! Do you understand? Do you care? You should. You are being had! The average American is bailing out the crooks once again. We peasants are bailing out the already super rich CEO's. I cannot believe
narrow minded Rush L. Ditto Heads actually are too stupid to figure this out!

But all Bush and McCain have to say is "no new taxes". Honey you will be getting your taxes raised! One way or the other you will have to pay for these crooks dirty dealings. They get off Scott free - no penalties! NO criminal action! Well, because they were deregulated..no crimes were committed. Lobbyist are in bed with Republicans.

People we need Obama desperately! Please think about this! HE wants to tax people making over 250,000. Joy Behar on Larry King says she is one of them, but doesn't care..she is welling to do her part! She wants Obama elected too!

Maybe I'll write a political song! What ever happened to the Baby Boomers who used to protest everything? Don't tell me those old bucks became Republicans (and of course their wives listen to them and have no opinion of their own).

Why am I the only one who listened to NPR everyday! I have a radio to my ear every second. We need to know what is going on in this world. Right away, and people are so stupid and stuck in the past, people think that Democratic means welfare. Oh and I'm not poor. You poor sap! Think about it! More and more people are are slipping out of the middle class into poverty! You could be next! Just wait until these already rich CEO corporate heads find a way to stick most of that money in their pockets.. just like they are used to doing.

Obama wants to put a ceiling on CEO benefits and golden parachutes! I mean come on! They screw up and get a departure package! They brown nose each other - they screw each other - the old boys (crooked) club! But they're Christians and believe in pro - life so stupid brain-washed, conservative Republicans vote for McCain! Oh please, McCain could care less - he wants your vote - so he tells you what you want to hear. Against stem-cell research! What if you get sick and stem-cell research could have saved your life - or your kids life! But killing during war of oil is okay!

I can't believe the guys I know who are Republican. And it's mainly guys! McCain is brilliant! Oh please! War hero. He flew his plane hot-dogging it - over enemy lines. What did he expect! He knows nothing about nothing and readily admits it. So how can HE over see anything! I guess that's the point - lobbyist want a stupid puppet president!

And what this with Sarah Palin! Hell, I could be vice president - but she is NRA minded and owns and shoots guns! You people are war like, barbaric and primitive if you want to hunt and shoot animals.

Let's face it men like power, money and war and hanging with other men! Oh women don't deserve equal pay! Oh women don't deserve to have insurance cover contraceptives - but insurance companies will pay for men's Viagra and similar medications. Please! A double standard strongly remains in this country and Obama is well aware it! He wants equal pay for equal work for women and men. What is wrong with that? Greed! Pure greed and egotistical attitudes!

So, let's see how these morons screw this money up! Trust me! Remember Public housing and how everyone had their hand in it. How it failed miserably for poor people and African Americans. Too many crooks, too many temptations for men mostly if so maybe we do need more good women in high places.

As of today it's two to one for Obama. People are sick of the crap that the Republican pull. Oh they knew what corporate leaders were doing - and these fools in Washington are probably getting a kick-back too from giving lobbyist that 700 billion dollar bail out! Of course Cheney wants the bail out - he's probably getting a slap on the back. Nice going Cheney thanks for the money!

Why aren't the real crooks prosecuted? Peloski says impeachment is off the table! Chicken! Of course impeachments would wipe out most of the men in Washington!

McCain has voted 19 times no against rising minimum wage. Oh he voted one time for it when it was packaged in with more money for the Iraq war! This government sucks! Everything is for the rich! The hell with the average joe! Oh we are good enough to give them our tax money - but then they spend it all on the rich and fill their pockets. We get nothing out of the deal!

Well, again I don't trust the Republicans .. I told my one republican friend.. on your McCain will get elected! They'll see to it one way or another! Stupid ass didn't even get it! I question the 2000 and 2004 elections. I think Republican knew about (they were warned) 9/11 and let it happen or were behind it! Oh but they're pro-life!

And women don't get paid as much 77 cents to a man's dollar because McCain says she needs more education. Oh please! Your stupid. You don't want your own wife making more money! What an idiotic ego! You weak! Bounty bruisers all bulk and big babies. The bigger they are the harder they fall.

I better be seeing a land slide majority in popular and electoral votes and if I don't - well, I think most Americans this time around will march on Washington and protest!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Few people know what to do Adriana Lima in her youth. Quite by accident I found a curious video.
Such an abomination, I was not expected. I thought it was a decent girl and never will be removed in this kind of video, we all can be drunk but that does not mean that all this must capture on video
I think this should see everyone!