Tuesday, September 23, 2008

IN most of Europe

if you lose your job you are likely to find another one rather quickly. And if you lose your job you won't lose your health care, you won't lose your pension and you are always guaranteed free education. So what so wrong with Socialism again compared to the greedy capitalist mess we are in. We are capitalist in this country because of greed! Of course greedy drug companies and insurance companies don't want you to have free health care and their lobbyist run Washington and take advantage of you and do you wrong.. but you'll vote Repubican again because you have been successfully dumned down by Washington who uses fear tactics to control you! Yet, you are too wimpy and sheepist to see! You believe everything they preach to you.. well they say.. if people keep hearing the same thing they finally believe it.. so reflect textbook to say what you want.. that the terrorist came from Iraq. What Bush really wants to too get a military foothold in very country so he can rule the world one day. Like the Christians Crucaders - they'll kill you if you don't see things their way. Yeah, real god like alright! Oh yeah we are really worried about terrorist that is why there is a free for all across our Southern borders (cheap labor for capitalist - once again).

Tell that to some brainwashed Christian Republican who planned to vote for McCain and continue this idiotic insanity greedy economy.

Now the ones who went belly up and were bought out and bailed out want their hands on that 700 billion to help distribute the money. Of course Goldman Sachs an Henry Paulson will probably kiss their butts instead putting them in jail for fault and give them a chance to rip off more people again.

What a scandal! Personally, I think American should get on a bus and march in front of the capitol and demand that lobbyist get out of Washington and for sure not become adds and members of government. That's double dipping! That's un-consititutional.

If it's not the church nosing their way in, it's the lobbyist. This country is ran too mucy already by lobbist who have ruined our economy and yes, once again as in the deregulation days of 1991 and in the 80's when everything went down the tubes - dereguation was the culprit. But, it's all greed and politicans are getting kick backs otherwise when would politicans premit it.

People we don't want less goverment and I'm sick of the way Republicans tell us what we want - brain wash us - or try too! Personally I people in government work for special interest and get campaign funding and kick backs. But I'm tired of it.

Why is it that the average Americans are looked up as tax paying peasants to fuel the bank acouunts of the rich. We pay taxes for social servies that we are not getting. In fact, Republicans hate social services! Naive Christian Repubicans are one issue people - pro-life. How narrow minded is that? Please! Get a life - if you don't want an abortion then don't have one. If Roe vs Wade gets reversed then your daughters will liking seek out back alley abortions and suffer the dangerous consequenes. Why are Christians so backwards in their thinking. You would rather have your daughter bleed to death by a back alley butcher! And don't tell me the possiblity does not exist. It makes me ill to think that parents think they are so perfect and their brainwashed (so they think) kids are so perfect! I was raised Catholic and it was horrible.

And this wanting to teach "abstinence" sexual education is crazy! That's like the priest walking up and down my first grade class room aisle shaking his finger and demanding kids don't put their hands between their legs - are these idiots nuts? It's the same way with teaching abstinence. Kids are sexual! It's a natural fact. So teach them the careful way.

Some woman was on NPR this morning preaching teaching abstinence in middle and high school - what a joke! What is she a feelingless nun? Kids are very sexual! And curious! And exploring their sexuality. And this woman denied homosexuality. Please! Homosexuality is as common as heterosexuality only Christians hide that fact - and therefore Republicans. People are insane. And homosexuality is as natural as heterosexuality. Again, if you are not gay then don't have sex with another member of the same sex - it's as easy as that! And mind your own business!

Abortion and sexual orientation are very personal issues and no one else's business! Certainly not the government!

Hell the government won't allow insurance companies to pay for women's birth control methods but it will certainly pay for men's Viagra! They promote sex. And personally, I think the more young people who get pregnant the more they like it. Like a Cult! Don't you think we have enough breeders on this planet? It's to the point of being in overload. Let's see how many kids we can have - how insane is that? It's not the quanity it's the quality! Being a gay person it all appears rather odd to me. Men and women together appears odd to me - too opposite! Strange! So much divorce? See, I think you look weird too but you don't see me carrying on about the over populating of the earth! And home schooling, racist, brain washing conservative Republican self-righeous, holier than thou Christians seems to think they are better and know the right way! And want to save us all! Well, I'm not a sinner. I think self-righteious Christians are sinners who perpetuate hate and separatism.

Lobbyist wanted deregulation and Repubicans gave it to them and McCain was for it as far back as 1991. So guess who ruined this economy and who ruin the our credability as to how other countries see us. Yet, those people won't be punished but get a free hand out - and thank you the tax payer will pay for it.. don't let them tell you any different. It's simple math!

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