Thursday, September 04, 2008

My View of The View

Well, I was going to watch The View this morning to see if the sparks would fly like they almost did yesterday. But Miss Republican Elisabeth was not on the show..she is at the convention today. Evidently she and Bushie Boy are pals. Remember when she was invited to a White House dinner when Queen Elizabeth was in town a few years ago? Hm! Wonder what they are grooming her for? She is a very strict, staunch Republican. And of course Elisabeth has had a perfect picture life ever since she was a Survivor winner. Remember the show. She befriended a sweet older man and won. So the view wasn't what I expected this morning.

What do I think of Sarah Palin? She has spunk! I'll give her that! She seems intelligent enough. As Joy of the View pointed out I believe she has a teacher, librarian sexual look that if her hair comes down and glasses off.. look out! I think that is her sex appeal where men are concerned.

Don't know why, well of course I do, I'm a lesbian, but I would much rather listen to a woman speak and of course I would much rather draw a woman rather than a man..and I most straight women may feel the same way. Well, on the drawing point I know because I hear their comments every week when I meet up with men and women to draw nude models at the guild. Women are just so much more inspiring to me. I want to do them justice. I want to honor their natural body and womanhood.

Men on the contrary get into slave like poses and always use props and are just not appealing to me. So much not that when I see a lovely lady and man together I wonder what is in it for her! I don't mean to be sexist but young manly men are few and far between. When I was living a secret life and pretending to be straight I dated a wonderfully handsome, manly man. I had never had a woman - yet. I was in my 30's and trying to "fit in" like, you know, we are all supposed to, date someone and get married. Ugh! So not for me! Men had too many privileges. Men were favored in society. Women were supposed to take the back seat, be the passenger, clean up, cheer him on, adore him, and totally support the boss's ideas. Hm! Ugh!

I was so out of place in my 30's no wonder I never had orgasms - much. I pretended a lot! Orgasms are physical to men - a release, if you will. But I think, now that I am 60, and have had several partners that orgasms in woman come only with complete comfort, trust and love..mostly trust.

The woman I am dating now is wonderfully feminine, fun, loving, affectionate and I trust her enough to let-go! And I do. And I love her very much. I can't wait to see her again..and I just saw her last night - through the night.

So, I guess if men really cared about a woman's orgasm they would not only provide the tool, but the trust and affection. I believe in a man's world foreplay is affection. But, I must tell you in all honesty I had had some very loving men during sex..but they never hung around. I couldn't depend on them. I didn't trust them. Mostly they didn't want relationships..but actually nor did I because in my heart I was a lesbian. I only lived the straight life in my 30's because I thought it was just me, I was the only lesbian. In fact I couldn't say the L word for years. I grew up in a small Midwestern town. I thought that I was the only one like see I wasn't butch or the flannel shirt type. I thought if I told any of my friends that the word would spread like wild fire. I would be ostracized and lose all of my friends because I was weird. I assumed all of my girlfriends were straight. After all, they dated men didn't they. Laughs on me - I dated men too!

Is that why the church makes homosexuality so tattoo because just maybe it is very common - in our society, in our hearts? I simply cannot connect with a man. We are too different. I can receive - but I can't give - sexually. It's different with a woman. I love being next to her body and feel her skin against mine. It's wonderful! I simply never felt that way with men. And there are some very nice men - but not for me. And just what is wrong with being gay or lesbian? If you are not one then don't have sex with a member of the same sex. And in my opinion if you don't believe in abortion then don't have one and leave eveyone else to use their own consciousness..and not stop "your" beliefs. That's your business!

So, I guess through the years because I had to deny my sexuality I became a bitter sexist subconsciously if not opening. Well, it's just not fair! For one thing, men got all the honor and glory and better pay. Women were taught to take the back seat and do for others and put yourself last. I never did like the sound of that!

So that's my view. You know I wonder if Obama should have picked Hillary as his running mate. I certainly would have felt better about it. Did Bill hurt Hillary? I think Obama should have picked a woman. I think another older gentlemen in Joe Biden, too much like McCain may hurt him.

I think one way or another the Republicans will come out ahead come November. Yes! I do. Well, I'm sure if they don't win the presidency he will win the house and Senate and then Obama won't get anything passed anyway. The only way Obama is going to help the American people get affordable, honest, decent health care provided to them is if the Democrats house majority positions in both House and Senate.

I certainly to not think that the Republicans care one bit if American had decent health care. Hey, the Republicans removed all corporate regulations and have giving them the green light to do anything they want - no matter how it hurts or hinders the American people. Personally, I believe and firmly believe that one way or another Republicans will remain in rule for corporations. We do not have a government by the people for the people. I wonder did we ever. "All men are created equal" well that was a lie and still is as far as the Republicans are concerned. I believe that there was only one bad man in the audience last night at the Republican convention. So you see what I mean. Republicans are all about money for a few elite people and do not care about the average citizen. And there you have it! I truly don't believe that I am that far off. You know? Follow the money!
And just how stupid are we to be so dependent on "foreign" anything? Hello! We are setting ourselves up for failure and demise. We borrow billions of dollars from China to buy oil. We "import" everything we use from China. Does that make since. We are NOT an independent country. If China should decide to cut us off from money and the stuff that gets made there and sold to us, we would be in great trouble. Has a government we have always reacted..never proacted. I guess there just isn't enough money in "preparing". It's all about the money! And every government agency can and probably is "bought" by lobbyist. How about the FDA. People, you are the test mice and you don't even have a clue that you are.

And what about the FDA. It's a total joke! The federal government is not looking out for our welfare at all. Drug companies try to get young kids hooked on prescription drugs for one read or another at a very young age. How they create diseases so drugs can be going to the bathroom too many times in a day.

And are health measuring levels really accurate or so so drugs can be sold sooner. But people are just as negligent; they don't eat healthy, they don't exercise. In stead they all want to let themselves go and look and feel awful then expect the doctor to give them a quick fix. It seems to me that no one wants to do the work.

In my opinion my body is a sacred temple to be worshiped and cared for. I am grateful for my good looks, youthfulness, straight back and good health. I thank the universe on a daily basis for keeping me safe and sound and wonderful - at any age I will be youthful, attractive, tall and straight and proud, flexible and active and healthy. Why? Because I want to be. Because I care to be. Because I will it!

We are what we think we are, so be careful of your thoughts and while you are at it enjoy the View and most importantly dream your future and aim high and don't trust government, priests are anyone in authority.

When I was a kid I was taught to respect adults, authority, elders and everyone else but myself. Kids should be seen and not heard. I had no self-esteem, especially being a second class citizen - girl. Then I realized the government doesn't care about us - they just want our money (taxes).

So does any one really care about us? Don't think so! Religion is out to make money too. They want you to give, give, give, and there is just no end. So, change your view - read between the lines and do your homework. See from both sides, consider more than one angle..not like the ditto heads who are thoughtless and brainless and can't think for themselves so say and do whatever Flush Russ tells them. That's disgusting!

As citizens we can demand clean air, fuel efficiency, not like what we already had in the 80's. We should have electric cars me people, it's the oil men who don't want electric anything.. see the DVD "Who Killed the Electric Car"!
Get another perspective.. take another view.. a green view.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Typical lesbian misandry.