Saturday, December 09, 2006

Good Weekend!

It's been a good week! My dog is driving me crazy, however! She bugs the heck out of me. I have never seen a more bossy dog. She makes demands. I'm complaining only because I am trying to write here and she is pestering me for a treat when she should be eating the dog food in her dish - and she does it. But, we go through this every evening. Especially when she sees me sitting here at the table typing. Right now she is doing her little dance. Soon she will be making throating sounds and may even bark. I am trying to ignore her! She knows that she should eat the food in her dish; but, like a five year old child she tries every treat in the book to avoid eating what she is supposed to be eating. Now comes the dance with the added throatly sounds. I am just about ready to bust out laughing. Now, she positions herself on the other side of the table and about throws her head off of her neck, trying to get my attention. She wants another treat. Either a Purina bone, or a Purina bacon strip...anything, but the food in the dish she knows she should be eating. I'm not giving in because I have given her two treats already. Soon she'll give up. Yeah, she is thinking about it already. Her name is Emma, she is my 95 pound, fifteen year old rottweiler. Okay! She is heading back into the kitchen; she just about to give up but still hanging on a little dance. Okay! Her head is in the dish; but she comes up and looks at me, to make sure that I still won't give her a treat. She needs to eat her food because it has Glucosmaine Chontroitoin in it which is good for her connective tissues and bones. She still hasn't given up. She's not a dog; but rather a demanding roommate who won't take "No!" for an answer. I'm not giving in. I ask do you have to go outside! And she jumps all over... okay, here we go!

Now we are back in again. I'm going to bed to get away from her.

Damn spoiled dog!

Well, maybe I'll write about my "good weekend" absence the dog, some other time.

See Rottweilers are "too" smart. They are more like five year olds. And drive you crazy...and they are stubborn.

Next time, I'll get a cat!

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