Sunday, December 03, 2006

Homeless man with a 100,000.

This was an experiment where a homeless man agreed to allow a man to film him from day to day. The homeless drank beer and smoked cigarettes and collected trash and bottles to sell to re-cycling.

The film people placed $100,000. in the dumpster for him to find. It had a note $100,000. for a homeless person.

I think that the experiment was ignorant actually, because did the producers think about why he was homeless in the first place? Like perhaps he didn't know how to manage money or hold a job. He said he had trouble with people of authority.

Did the producers of this project actually expect this man to all of a sudden gather great knowledge and really know what to do with all the money. Like first of all find someone to help him invest it.

But what the man did was blow it on people and give some away to gain friends. He even got married. The man was lonely. But in the end, when the money ran out so did the wife, friends and family.

The man had very low expectation of himself and very low self-esteem. I think the experiment was fruitless and cruel. Evidently, the man didn't know how to manage money in the first place so you can't expect the money to come with immediate financial knowsledge. The experiment was stupid and a waste of time.

People are homeless because they didn't save for a rainy day while they did have a job. Or the spent unwisely in the past and that is why they are homeless. So, what makes these producers think anything is going to change when you suddenly dump $100,000. in someone's lap. The man both another guy a car and then he bought himself a $34,000. truck. So that right there took care of about half of the money. I guess the guy couldn't add or subtract which he never admitted. He said he just thought that the money would never run out.

What planet did this man come from? Doesn't he know anything about the cost of living. This man must have been shocked when the auto sales man told him to write the check for $34,000.

In the end the man not only ended up homeless again but in debt to boot. Also, the man had been homeless I think for a very long times ever since he got out of prison. He couldn't work because he couldn't take orders. He still blamed the system even after he was given a second chance by receiving all the money. Oprah reminded him that he made his own choices.

Just how naive' are people? Another woman won a 15 million lottery and blew it. She had no plan but spend without even budgeting or thinking about how much she was spending. She bought big cars, big houses, and lots of trips and gave friends and family a lot of money. She said she put some back for her kids education.

These people were given a second chance but blow it because the money did not come with a financial advisor who could have worked it out so the money would have made more money and therefore lasted them a life time.

But since the money did not come with any directions; they blew it. I guess it went to their heads. They just thought they were rich I guess and that rich means..for a lifetime. Who knows.

But, it scares me how financially ignorant so many people really are. They are just plain ignorant and live for the moment or to please others and win over the love of others. They think giving away money will gain them life time friends. Not true!

Yet, they blame the system and society in general and cannot see their own ignorant ways. These people need commond sense couseling. And it's amazing how they don't even think of doing that themselves.

Most people say. "I don't know anything about that!" When I bring up financial advice and then they dismiss me and whatever I offer in ways of advice after that. In other words, they don't want to know. I can't believe they are not even willing to learn.

Never in my life have I ever uttered the words "I know nothing about that" and then not even listen or try to learn.

It just amazes me how people deliberately hurt themselves in this way. How they deliberating tune people out and shut them out. In other words, they don't want to learn. They want to stay trapped in their own ignorance. I think they feel that they are unable to learn; that whever, the subject is, is out of reach for them.

I have people envy me for being able to run, do yoga, workout and take supplements to maintain my health. Their muscles, connective tissues and bones ache, yet they won't listen to me when I tell them to take calcium and glucosamine Chondroitin. I am proof that it works! I am a living example that a lot of exercise, yoga and working out really works.

I guess no one wants to do the work. They expect everything to be easy. Everyone wants immiediate gratification. They want everything now or yesterday.

It's the same with getting cosmetic surgery. You know a few sit-ups and work wonders on your chin and your gut. Sitting and standing up straight and tilting your chin and smiling takes off an immediate ten years! A few push-up with firm those upper arms too. Thinking youthful thoughts and wanting to be youthful will make you more youthful. We are indeed in charge of our own realities.

And yes, this positive thinking really works. I have proof by receiving compliments all the time. Okay, I could be preceived as being conceited and bragging; but, the way I see it I worked for these bragging rights and I look damn hot!

I feel that I am very blessed and I am filled with graditude because I have learned the secrets of a happy youthful life. I got into "me". I love myself. We must love ourself first before anyone will love us in return. It's not being conceited like the church would have us believe. The church is evil and wrecked people because they wanted to control people about as bad as Hilter did. The church merely falls short of exterminating us; but in ways the church does by depressing our sense of self and making us think we are all sinners. Personally, I will never set foot into a church again and never support this bunch of evil hypocrites every again.

Well, I did get slightly drifted away from the homeless man; but it all works hand in hand. We must learn to take control and be in charge of our destinies and not depend on others. We need to stop being ignorant puppets and take control of our living situations. First of all, get an education. Ask questions. Get a job with good benefits. Read about savings and checking accounts. Learn to figure out your monelty expenses compared to what you make. Your living situation (rent or house payment) should be any more than what you make in a week. LIve close to work, bicycle, walk or take public transportation. Vehicle ownership is very important. Gas and insurance expenses are expensive.

When I was first starting out I lived very cheap. I drove a used car, lived in a cheap apartment and watched what I spent. Most importantly I managed to save, even if it was a small amount of money out of each paycheck. Importantly, think positive thoughts and pray for prosperity. Use your head. Besides I had fun living cheaply and being fugile. I was prove and happy with myself. I loved where I live even though it was modest it was mine.

Walking, reading books from the library or free. Limited yourself to a special event or treats makes you appreciate them more when you get them. I found that if I put off gradification that after a while I either changed my mind about wanting it or when I finally work to stayed the money in advance that waiting and working for something made it so much more enjoyable.

It's the simple things in life that are the most important and being happy and proud of yourself is a major item on that list of things.

Get into you! You are the most important person in your life.

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